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Everything posted by weyes

  1. jroo, i like your current story, but i can't believe you broke up with a girl for farting.
  2. weyes

    Is this bad??

    sigh. you guys make me feel like a sex ed. teacher sometimes, and it's tiresome . whatever happened to safe sex??? i really don't understand some of you .
  3. it depends. you really have to know your partner's feelings on that beforehand. trust is key.
  4. i've never had an orgasm from sex, just oral and other types of "fooling around." it'd be nice to come with my partner that way, someday ... * to be fair though, i haven't had all that much sex. i really shouldn't be so discouraged.
  5. club stank. it's not nearly as bad now that i've moved out of smokey nyc and to smoke-outside-only l.a., but i have to go out on the patio sometimes, too, where the smoke is pretty thick, and that gets me anyway. and smoke machines (fog) leave a weird stink, too. i remember that from musical theater in high school. and my pants sort of drag, so, no matter what, i come home dirty. and people at red seem to love spilling drinks on me (eau de vodka on this arm, eau de "adios, mothefucker!" on my shoulder). but it's the worst when i shower (lather, rinse repeat!) and my hair still reeks of cigarettes .
  6. yeah, spundae brings in good djs sometimes, and i love the vibe there, always . people are always really laid-back - no attitude. but alwaysalwaysalways buy in advance. go to www.groovetickets.com for tix. they also have listings up the wazoo for the bigger events. bassbiznatch's site also has good listings, and some guestlists, too. www.cued-up.com .
  7. o, and nice sig, house4life !
  8. thanks, sassa. the friend i was discussing earlier in this thread was really stoked about tiesto's upcoming spundae visit, but it's already sold out and he's heartbroken. he knew tiesto was coming at least a month and a half ago, i don't know why he stalled on getting the tix... i'll pass along the info about sd .
  9. be realistic when making appointments. if you think you might not be able to get there in time, be fair to both you and the person with whom you're meeting and make it for a later date or time. <--- weyes, this morning ! whoopsie... tune in tomorrow.
  10. gotcha on your first paragraph. sometimes it's nice to just be free from the world and have some peace. but if someone ever said that they needed to find me and couldn't, i'd say that they hadn't really tried. hmmm. are spicy nacho doritos that hard to find? maybe i'm thinking of the salsa ones; i see those around a lot. doritos have so many flavors now ! remember when your only choices were nacho cheese and cool ranch? shit... i even remember when cool ranch first came out .
  11. so you were old enough to know better? how old were you ?
  12. my brother eats loads of eggs and bacon, and i eat neither. he puts butter on stuff, and i don't like it. he drinks whole milk, i drink skim. his cholesterol is normal, mine is high . don't ask me for advice .
  13. tiesto's 11/2 gig out here is already sold out; i'd hurry up and get tix.
  14. weyes


    a person'd have to be really dull to not be more fun than a car !!!
  15. weyes

    Iam Going Crazy!!!!!

    i'm just boy-crazy --- getting all weak and having the wind knocked out of me when i see some - well, a lot of 'em. sucks as much, i never get anywhere, even though our (mine and yours, gabo) goals may be different .
  16. i can be pee-shy at times just in general, so i'd say that that's most likely not in my near future.
  17. that's what i'm sayin'. she must enjoy the attention, then, 'cause i'd much rather take care of myself than have someone grabbing at me harshly (ouch!) all day long. then again, i think mine may be more sensitive than some's... keep the rough stuff fo' the bedroom, otherwise it's no fun .
  18. weyes

    Hi all

    why ? even though you erased the hell outta that thread, i seem to recall that you enjoyed it.
  19. there's always a way to get a message to someone, if it really needs to get there. if something needs to be communicated with someone urgently and he/she isn't answering the phone, try e-mail, im. ask friends where the person might be. drop by likely places where this person may be. the modern world has gotten so advanced that it's pretty much impossible to not find someone for 24 hours. there's no excuse for not being able to deliver an important message. tune in tomorrow. *p.s. happy birthday, aunt andrea !
  20. got another one: when the music's in your head after you've left the club. it's not like having a song in your head from hearing it too much on the radio or something. when we leave the club, sometimes we can swear it's still playing. and i guess it is, in a way .
  21. she's sketchy, but she commands attention somehow .
  22. hmmm; could you find out what song that's from and/or who sings it? <--- country fan
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