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Everything posted by weyes

  1. i take a disposable every time i go out dancing. hopefully i'll get something good for my portfolio of "us," that is, we out in clubland. i'm trying to get employment taking pics of this world of ours, i don't wanna go into my whole spiel of why, blahblahblah, but the stuff i see out there sucks so badly that i really want to get my stuff out. unfortunately, i can't bring my SLR into clubs, just disposables, so i'm at a disadvantage. still, though, these "pros" who have access and can use their real cameras take shit for pictures. i just need to get my foot in the door...
  2. and? it really makes me sad every time. if only it'd just be cut right before they all turn their heads sharply and say, "ribs." if it were a music video for a song, i'd say it'd be a good one - one like music videos used to be, back in the 80s, when they had concepts and were a thing of creativity, instead of just showing off asses (women's and men's) and marketing faces. i'll admit i haven't watched much of anything on mtv in the past 7 years or so, but i don't think i need to to say it ain't what it used to be. at best, videos are production numbers. but backstreet's video for "show me the meaning of being lonely" was genius, and for simple reasons. seriously breathtaking. if you think i'm kidding or disagree, just say so , and i'll tell you my feelings about it, 'cause that video gets me every time --- wow .
  3. sometimes you have to let yourself really be steeped in the sadness you feel to get through it, and to fully recover to a true happiness. tune in tomorrow.
  4. yeah, i know; i guess that way of phrasing it was asking for it .
  5. i'll leave it open for you anyday, vic .
  6. yep, late may-early june would be correct, and a lot of american girls will definitely be there. watch out, though - that does include a lot of rich, underage , high school girls!
  7. do you mean that you sensed something in your sleep that led you to wake up early, or...? i wrote that thread right after it happened; it was at 12:08 a.m. and thanks for your concern, for once, kostaP . no serious damage was done that i heard of. *o, and in case it wasn't clear, while i don't know where yorba linda is (it's in orange county somewhere, i hear), i felt the quake last night, and that's when i wrote the thread; i didn't just start it 'cause i heard it on the radio or something.
  8. i left my computer on last night 'cause it was i the middle of downloading a bunch of stuff. when i got back to it this morning, every spot on my desktop was taken. does that mean that i didn't get the ones that couldn't fit or that they're hiding someplace? if they're hiding, where could they be?
  9. weyes

    how tall are u?

    5'9 and 3/4" = just a quarter of an inch shy of 5' 10". hmmm - clubkat, i always pictured you as something like 5'7" from your sig. i dunno - even though it's just a bit of you in your sig, it seemed like the upper part of a taller person to me .
  10. weyes

    Yummy Yum Yum

    i thought you were being sarcastic on thinking this girl is pretty ... but, to each his own . and i'm sorry to hear about you and smurfette .
  11. no, it's not just you, the board was fucked up .
  12. the best compliment i got from a guy hitting on me in recent memory was from a guy who said i'm hotter than britney spears . i was seeing a real jerk and an asshole at the time, so i couldn't really talk to the guy after i realized he was hitting on me (we were talking for a while before i figured it out, and i thought he was really cool); man, i wish i could find that sweetheart again . and i curse my evil ex for putting a wedge between us / .
  13. but i'll still be able to play the ones i've downloaded as winamp files on windows media player, yes? ah - just answered my own question; everything just converted itself. the real root of my confusion is this: are these files simply mp3s? what i mean is, if i wanted to attach them to something, i could because that's the type of file these are, or are they linked only to windows media player? * sorry i didn't get back to you earlier and thank you SO MUCH; i didn't realize cp wasn't sending me response e-mails, and i still don't know why it isn't, 'cause i have the box checked .
  14. yeah, i forgot about backstreet's burger king ad! was shaq in it, too? that was a long time ago, though. i think that was inbetween albums - before "black and blue" came out and when people thought that their time was up.
  15. i like your honey-bear/beer comment . i can just see them taking over your outdoor gathering, stealing the beers right out of your hands, then drinking them while simply taking your exact places - some standing and chatting, others sitting on deck chairs, etc. "nice, crisp, fall weather we're having, isn't it ?" "hey, do you think gmc will mind if i use his bathroom? i don't wanna shit in the woods." (yes, i am laughing at my own joke.) avb is this thursday, so you'll just have to wait for the review ...
  16. how about at the same time ? that sounds just lovely...
  17. only you can answer that. it always depends on the situation, the person, your history with the person, that person's and your desire to/capacity for change and both of your willingnesses to make the relationship work. lots of variables there - and that's what makes it so frustrating, hard, and straining. and there's another thing to consider, too: how strong are you? strong enough to work at making it work? strong enough to survive if it fails again? sheesh. that's a lot of thinking and really deep soul-searching to do. i hope you come to a decision that remembers, first and foremost, to take care of yourself. and here's that smiley again .
  18. here's the thread that best answers that question in that it has the most links: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=110713
  19. i forget the lyrics to that song.
  20. hey, gmc! good to see ya ! i'd ask about your weekend, but i'm sure i'll see that in an upcoming post .
  21. it can be fun to just think about things and theorize, even if just within your own head. hey, even if you've got no one to play with, you can still be stimulated/stimulate yourself. get your minds out of the gutter ! tune in tomorrow.
  22. seriously? i just heard 4.6, 3 miles NE of yorba linda, and i don't know where that is...
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