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Everything posted by weyes

  1. american, yo, for i'm not sure how many generations. but scottish background on one side and russian on the other.
  2. my sentiments exactly! man, i had no idea it was that bad !
  3. weyes


    i'm not into the grungy, dirty look. i think he thinks it makes him look "deep" --- or something.
  4. yeah; you guys are making me want to see that car, too! strange, how when people say something is really annoying and obnoxious, other people want to see it, just to see exactly how annoying and obnoxious it is .
  5. shazam noticed sketchy's significant other in time to break up the and try to calm everyone down. "maybe it's time for some snacks," he thought. "how about some ? maybe people'll mellow out. i'll just order in from the corner diner and i'll make some in the meantime." everyone thought it was a good idea, but they were starting to get hungry and impatient...
  6. weyes

    depression poll

    do you mean in general or due to a particular situation or problem?
  7. i've been trying to take this survey for a while, and now i'm actually gonna write down people's answers. my brother, for instance, says, as his answer to this question, he "goes to the bathroom." no, i'm not talking literally about the song, but the sentiment. so, if someone shouts: "divas to the dancefloor, please..." where do you go? i myself, have already been there all night .
  8. ooo - i'd rather not know, at first, though, vic. really, i think people make snap judgments when they hear the numbers. here's a charming rave story that's an example of when that happened to me : i'll try to write a short version, 'cause this is also the story of falling in love and having my heart broken in 12 hours . i'll leave all of that stuff out, somehow... 'k, so after all the magical stuff, i was making out with this beautiful boy at a rave at exit (nyc). let me just throw in here that i don't make out with people in clubs, but this was a special case. seriously. but i said i was gonna tell the short version. anycrap, we stopped kissing, and i was still speechless. the guy then said to me, "how old are you?" "22," i said. "o," he said, flatly, all signs of life disappearing from his face. "what, you thought i was younger?" i asked. "yeah, like 18." he was more than disappointed. "why? how old are you?" i asked. "uh, 21," he said, obviously lying. i don't know why he was stuck on me being younger. but we were doing fine before that buzzkill. we did hang out, talk, etc., for longer than that, the story does continue, but the age thing was weird. we were getting along just fine before that made us uncomfortable .
  9. only for halloween, and that's for two reasons. i'm not really into coloring hair in general; i just think it's phony. and women who color their hair - which is the majority of them, it seems to me - always have some degree of roots showing, and that's unattractive, too. but people have a natural hair color for a reason, too, that being that it goes well with their coloring, all on its own. and why does everyone wanna be blonde, anyway? it's not just here in california; people on the east coast want to be lighter than they are, too. i say, rock what you've got and show yourself off. but i almost always dye my hair every halloween, 'cause i go all out for whoever i dress up as, and that means that wigs are a copout . the first time i started the halloween dyeing madness was in '96, when i was xena (dark brown). since then i've dyed it to be daphne (orange-ish) from scooby doo (my friends and i were the whole gang), bettie page (black), and ann-margret (redhead-red). this year i really wanted to be debbie harry or goldie hawn, but i don't wanna bleach my hair blonde, so there goes that idea . i'm considering shirley temple...
  10. to all the singles out there: love may not happen like it does in storybooks and movies, but thankfully so; the real thing is so much better . tune in tomorrow.
  11. "we gotta outta here," everyone agreed. "but where to?" shazam invited everyone over to his house and comfy , but it hadn't occurred to him that the place was so dirty. he was a little about how everyone would think of him now, because he always thought of himself as really and didn't wanna ruin his rep.
  12. i have a friend who, before this boyfriend, with whom she's been for 9 months or so, admittedly slept around a lot due to low self-esteem. recently we were having a conversation about when we each had our first orgasm, and i don't remember her answer to the question; she blew me away by saying, "i really don't think orgasms are all that important." i don't really know what to say about that. either she hasn't really had one, so she doesn't know, or is still so involved into pleasing her partner that she just doesn't care about herself at all. if it's the last, it makes me really sad. but i also feel bad for those who've never had one, and i see from time to time that there are girls on this board who never have. i don't really know where i'm going with this thread. i guess it's just to say that, does anyone else feel the way she does, that orgasms aren't important? and, for those of you who've never had one, what are you doing about it, if anything?
  13. what the guy says tells me how old he really is, if we're having a conversation. if we haven't spoken yet, maybe that's another thing. but i generally don't talk about age until pretty late in the game, so that we can actually determine if we're compatible before we let our actual ages tell us how we think we should or shouldn't feel.
  14. yeah! what the fuck was that ?! i didn't understand why the dad seemed so concerned, if he was such a crazy druggie. but the thing that really struck me was that he had everything in that box: a crack pipe, weed, a syringe, a razor and a mirror, a bottle of liquid acid, a mini meth lab with miniature white trash workers, an egg for the frying pan that was his brain...
  15. i have a really good sense of smell - better than anyone i know, though i know that sounds a little odd to say. but i totally understand that people do not smell so hot after a night out, 'cause hey, i, myself reek. all of my friends and my brother say i don't smell half as bad as i think i do, though, which just proves i have a more heightened sense of smell (and not that i'm a freak - so don't say it, 'cause i said it first . well, that's not why i'm a freak, anyway .). but i love coming home after a night partying when it's bright out - yet the streets are empty - and taking a shower, when it takes so much effort to wash my hair and just be coordinated in general . but it's so worth it just to get out and feel all slow, and happy, and clean . yummm...
  16. try not to actively seek out praise; once you get in that mindset, you can set yourself up for a fall when you don't get it. the only true validation comes from within . tune in tomorrow.
  17. and beware of those that try to just shove things in your face for you to sign, trying to make you feel as though you shouldn't have to read them. if there's that much fine print, it's usually because there's something in there you wouldn't otherwise know or because something is straight-up sketchy .
  18. almost always. and it's true when i see other people's haircuts, too; if a friend gets a haircut and asks me if i like it, i'll have to take a day or two to really take stock of it and get over the initial shock in order to make a fair judgment.
  19. who's gonna dance tomorrow?
  20. what was people's beef with this guy?
  21. weyes


    i write all the goddamn time, but hardly ever poetry anymore - mostly observational non-fiction . anycrap, here's a short something-or-other; it's in short form, so call it a poem if you want. the date isn't its title, but that's how i keep track of all my work. thursdayfebruaryseventwothousandandtwo i may lose my jazzcool leaning on the doorjamb 'round about midnight wishing you'd explain me you and knowing hard it's your turn to call my cigarette just burns a little faster tonight.
  22. don't believe the hype .
  23. i appreciate the sentiment, but that's not true .
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