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Everything posted by weyes

  1. iloveheriloveheriloveher, but don't be so amazed by how hot she is; all of us ladies were hotter when we were 20 than we are now. that isn't to say that she isn't incredibly above average, i'm just pointing out that she's very young.
  2. i don't exactly understand how anyone, especially joeygk, could look like that squirrel. i must be missing an incredibly clever inside joke . but i think i may be approaching some level of dj whoredom... paul van dyk had absolutely no sex appeal at all to me until i realized what a goddamnmotherfucking(welllet'shopenot)genius he is. now, if he isn't the cutest little thing, well, gosh-golly-gee-whiz . uh-oh - i think it's setting in...
  3. why are they called "white" lies, anyway? is this a racial slur ?
  4. hmmm. sometimes those things kinda just disappear on their own, i guess. it always seems so weird to me - like, where does it all go? but i was never really driven to find out all that much, which is why i did well in biology (freshman year science - we didn't get into blood analysis) but almost failed both chemistry and physics (10th and 11th grades). and in senior year, i took the fun classes that made sense . my doc asked me if i wanted to donate my own blood, just in case they need some during my operation (!!!). "it probably won't be necessary," she said, "but just in case they need blood, some people like to use their own; it's just an option." really weird - i never would've thought of that.
  5. i was looking forward to someone answering this thread ! one of my very best friend's parents had a house in woodstock that they went to on the weekends. so many mosquitoes, but i, as a city kid, always loved seeing the stars. i spent a lot of time on my roof in the city, but it sure wasn't the same. still, a weekend was always as much as i could take of being away from the free life - not being held captive in a house, miles away from anything.
  6. vic - what's your complete geographical history? i know i've seen snippets of it here and there, but i find myself confused - quel embarrassment ... gmc - i'll be back in nyc at some point; i am overdue for a visit but am so broke that i haven't been back home since thanksgiving. but my mom wants me to come home and have the surgery done there, so she can take care of me for the weeks that follow. i dunno, though, a lot of the stuff that's surrounding the whole surgery situation is up in the air until next week or so. too much for me to figure out - i was gonna go to san fran (even though i don't like it ) with a friend for a party with space girl (my favorite, who cames to the west coast about once a year; she was the reason i went to that rave a few weeks ago), doc martin, slick rick, the crystal method, bt, wishfm, and many others, http://www.clockworkevents.com/metropolis/2002/index.htm and it seems as though my first vacation w/ a friend (and not family) in years may not be possible . but i digress, and i'm being a baby, and my health should be my priority, i know, it's just that it was all i had to look forward to these days .
  7. sometimes it's best not to tell people about prospective plans until they're definite; getting people upset or happy about something that'll end up not happening can be a crushing disappointment. this is a toughie, though - gotta make a thoroughly thought-out judgment call on this one. tune in tomorrow.
  8. codica3 gets thrown out of the bar for disorderly conduct - starting a fight with the other patrons who tell her to go easy on the brews - and then blowing chunks on the bartender . but me confused... how many beers are we up to? i suppose it's 69 bottles of beer on the wall, 69 bottles of beer, this one's MINE, party people, and then one falls, leaving
  9. i was talking with a guy in a club about britney, once. he said he didn't like her. i went on about how i thought she was highly entertaining and had her shit goin' ON. "she's HOT," i said. "you don't think so?" and he smiled devilishly, responding with, "you're hotter than britney spears," as he put his arms around me.
  10. vic, me wuv, will you pleasepleaseplease fix your sig so i don't have to scroll over to read your posts? thankyouthankyouthankyou !!!
  11. i dunno, vic. we had a name, back in the day, for the people who were glued to the speakers, but that was when i went to underground raves, and these were different speaker peeps. these were the ones who faced the speakers and put their palms on them - standing close enough to go deaf. but they did it to be one with the music :rainbow: . i think we called them "bassbabies," but i may be misremembering. they were always the young'uns, though, and usually the most fucked up in the place. they were also the ones who, on the way home, would always say, "dude, can you still hear the bass?" but back to the "standing in front" phenomenon - are you referring to the "dj whore" affliction that kicks in when one reaches the age of, about, say, 27 ?
  12. you mean, they didn't ask you for ID because you lied and said that you lived in town, whereas they required ID from her because she said she didn't? am i getting that right? well, i think that not talking to you for a week is a little excessive. if she had a problem with your behavior and, definitely, if she thought she had a problem with you, she should've talked to you about it right away. even though the lie wasn't about anything important, she probably just found it jarring that you could tell a lie so easily; i don't think she took it to mean that you were likely to be a frequent liar.
  13. thanks, you guys. my mom wants me to send the report from the ultrasound to her dr. for a second opinion, so we'll see about that. interesting that your sister had one, too. supposedly they're common, it's just not often that they're bad enough to remove. there are a bunch of characteristics that decide whether they are harmful or not. so, what'd they do for you, vic, if you don't mind my asking?
  14. when you push yourself to meet a deadline, the feeling of accomplishment can be amazing, especially when you've taken specific steps to avoid distractions to which you often succumb.* * example: listening to the fat boys really slows this girl down . tune in tomorrow.
  15. well, i've gotta say, for east coast cities, d.c. is the shiznit. except that, for a city that has such widespread public transportation - to the point where you really could get by without a car, the fact that it's not open 24 hours a day really blows. but i can't take cold weather, so i ain't doin' the east coast thang. but the weather is only one of many reasons why i recommend living here! as for northern cali, san francisco sucks. highly overrated, nyc-wannabe of a place ("new york style this and that" advertised everywhere) with shitty weather. you can see your breath in june, for chrissake. you call that california? and people have such an attitude; it's the worst combo of east and west - the pseudointellectualism, pseudospiritualism, and elitism, all in one. yuck. just get some chocolate from ghirardelli (or a sundae from their ice cream parlor - yum!) and go home.
  16. yes, i believe all three are brothers. i last saw scott and rob hardkiss when they opened for the chemical brothers out here in l.a. somewhere between '96 and '98... they played a remix of elton john's "rocket man" that i'll never forget. i have found a few remixes of "rocket man" out there, but never the one i heard that night.
  17. weyes


    jon stewart had previously reported on "the daily show" that it sure was good that the cartoon network had gotten rid of speedy gonzales to make room for pepe le peu's "no-means-yes hour." and why are you giving a link to the latinsinmotion website when you're not on it ?!
  18. weyes


    hotmail is evil. i couldn't get to a computer for a little while and they erased practically my life. i had people's addresses, sentimental letters... and they erased it all because my inbox overflowed with their 40 messages a day about rape porn (NOT amusing) and increasing my penis size (everybody hates those, but i don't even have one to begin with).
  19. two cheery blokes !
  20. i love to watch people, too. and the east coast definitely dances differently than the west. (and, i dare say, much better !) i also like to represent my homies on the floor when i'm not with them. you know, like a little tribute to them. kinda like "doin' 'the brandon'." unfortunately, as time has gone by, i've forgotten a lot of my former friends' moves, and too many of my new friends just like to stand and stare at the djs (what's up with that?).
  21. hmmm. well, a lot of young women i know have never gone to a gynecologist 'cause they're scared, and i've tried to stress how important it is. but they think that, because they're young, it's not necessary. i went for my annual checkup this year and my gyno found a cyst in my left ovary 5 centimeters (approx. 2 inches) in diameter. today i was told i should have it surgically removed, which will require a 2-day hospital stay and that i take 4-6 weeks off of work afterwards for recovery. (and if you want to talk about being a vain smurfette, my scar would be about 6 inches long.) i told my doc that i don't think i have any sick time to speak of, considering i only work in a cheesy-ass photo lab (it is altogether possible that i could lose my job over this, it seems to me...), but she said i might be able to get disability from the state... :( they took blood "to see if there's a substance in it (CA 125) that increases in the presence of a cancerous tumor," but they say that it's a 95% chance that it's not, 'cause i'm so young, so i shouldn't worry. i'm not really worried about that. but my point is that i would never have known any of this, had i not just gone in for a routine checkup. waiting for it to rupture would not have been a good idea, and, if it were cancerous, it would be even more important to take care of it as soon as possible. and the doc is trying to preserve my ovary during this process, which may not have been possible, had i not found out about this as soon as i had.
  22. o, and i was thinking about you last night, in reference to an episode of "friends" where rachel was talking about her stuffed curious george's experience with ross's pet monkey: "let's just say he's not curious anymore."
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