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Everything posted by oldtimer

  1. still one of my favs... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox137sJvnT0&search=kimbo and of course the follow up http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olPO3GgQ4yM
  2. thats not a bad price for a dlp tv, with no tax and no shipping... i'd do it
  3. hate that shit... some 21y/o i was just seeing was like that... she said "i only date 24-30 year olds because they are more on my maturity level" then she goes and freaks out the next week because i didn't call for her for 4 days... lol..
  4. lol. yeah she is pretty cute... judging from her internet personna, i always thought she'd be ugly.. weeeeird...
  5. 8:10am there is 5:10 am here... probably was sleeping mrs. cadbury.. yeah just get back to me sometime soon though.. pms or whatever..
  6. the guy is probably fine now.. detoxs last 5 days max.. the initial day or two are pretty bad but day 3 is usually when things get better..
  7. make an offer player... lesmcnall on aim or send me a pm or even just reply to this thread.. ps.. what size boots? board??
  8. im looking into buying a brand new 2005-2006 board even though it is a year old... prices are dirt cheap on ebay so i figure now is the best time to pick one up.. what size should i get?? im 5'10" 185... (looking into losing some lbs but i know how that goes.) i've been sowboarding once or twice before but it's something i wanna get into.. eventually i wold like to get into park stuff but for now i guess my skill level will only allow me the bunny hills.. any suggestions?? im bidding on a brand new 160cm for like 55 bucks right now.. i've ben doing some research and 160 sounds about right.. agree?? disagree?? thanks
  9. personalyl i would have went to jp instead of chus and ceballos.. i dont like their sound.. jp's i can deal with... and didnt you write a review saying you liked the jp party you went to??
  10. calling an ambulance isn't gonna do anything... they'll get there and he'll promptly tell them to fuck off.. and they will have to because this is america and he has rights.. just because you need help doesnt mean anybody can force you into getting help.. (unless he is suicidal, homicidal or so out of it that he is unable to provide food, clothing or shelter for himself) in ny i worked for a mobile crisis unit for psychiatric emergencies and stuff like this.. we basically went to people like your roommates house and told him to get his ass into gear or he's gonna die.. we would pretty much scare the shit out of him enough to make him go to a hospital.. you can call up the local police precicnt and see if they have any of those services... also you can visit alanon.. (aa) if you are THAT seriously concerned maybe you should attend an alanon meeting yourself, ask a bunch of people there what they think, what really works and take it from there.. chances are he's probably fully detoxed right now since it's been a few days so there is probably nothing to worry about until he starts up again, which he probably will unless something changes...
  11. no, no problems... had a great time there and will def be going back in the future.. trying to spead rumors about other clubs is pretty lame btw..
  12. the new red hot chilli peppers album is pretty dope too...
  13. check out stingaree on monday night... place is like 70% cabana/table service... watch how noone will be dancing to oakenfold..
  14. oakenfold at stingaree?? that place is a joke.. intimate my ass.. but.. *in
  15. dude the meatpacking district has tons of parking... when going to crobar, i usually park on the west side around 30th-31st... never any problems... also the block before tunnel has tons of spots as well.. but yeah i paid 20 to park on sunset and then we didnt even get to hit up a bar because everywhere was bottle service... ghey!!
  16. my friend called me up after he left saying i didnt miss much... place was packed to the rafters.. they left after an hour.. 18+ crowd is just horrible..
  17. happy bday player... rip it sick!!
  18. nah no beach for me.. surfboard deal went through but the guy is in bakersfield which he said is 2.5 hours north but it's more like 4 hours so im just gonna ahve him shp it... might be heading down to moondoggies or tavern to catch the mets/yankees game..
  19. 46 minutes til i win my surfboard on ebay... the suspense is killing me!!
  20. ha!! yeah my roommate told me why you were late for the installation... lol good shit... i think i might be heading to heat tonight... you check it out yet?? it's a good crowd.. not the normal fake eventv**e crowd..
  21. actually i think the chicks back east were quicker to fuck.. but i guess thats me.. im working on some adolescent psych unit in this hospital nearby.. same kinda stuff as back east but with kids so it's cool.. when you coming out??
  22. oh, how i miss surfclub fri - worked late came home and started watching munich but passed out.. today - pick up my new surfboard, head out for a friends bday thing at some club.. sunday - hopefully i wont get too smashed saturday night and ill be able to wake up kinda early and surf for a few hours, do the bar thing at night... monday - hopefully surf some more, get smashed on the beach, go barhopping at night.. tuesday - work a 12 hour shift of doubletime pay
  23. vodka is the way to do it.. i think im giving up beer.. i just get way too belligerent when i just drink beer
  24. first and last time i went to colosseum my car got stolen from the parking lot and there was the biggest brawl i've ever seen.. some kid drove over another kid and then even ran his leg over again in reverse... girls were fighting guys.. bouncers got involved and were chased back in to the club.. shit was crazy.. i thought that would be their last straight party ever..
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