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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. How about a Thursday - just not the 21st - dinner somewhere in DuPont (dragonfly? wherever? suggestions?) then RED??? Maybe another Sunday in Georgetown and Modern again? I want to see Buster (right Chyna?) and there are like a thousand places to eat there... what kind of food do we want?
  2. So I'm at Roxy on Friday, dancing my ass off with a bunch of other CP'ers, and I'm wearing this little red top that ties in a crisscross down the back. Well at random, I feel like this top is kind of moving someplace it shouldn't (like, off stage left) and I look down.... one of the crisscross thingies had come undone!!! so in front of everyone I ahve to friggin stop dancing and have Snoozi8 help me put my top back together I caught the issue before toooo much damage was done but shiiiiiiiiit I have to do some serious renovations on that top before I wear it again!!! AUGH!!!!! *beating head on wall*
  3. Yay Mistress Barbara!!! I'll def be there.
  4. Jimi, it's okay, we all know you really do dress up in spandex and high heels when no one's lookin hehehehe sexxxxxxxxxxy LoLz!!!
  5. OK my quick review: I felt like Vicious was good, the club was nice, but what put the party OVER THE TOP was all of Clubplanet! Nice to meet all of you, Snoozi, Rachel1997, Roninmess, djjonstephen, melichacha, Romy20, Ron whose sn I forget lol, cottoncandydream, LAraver, xtcgspot, Gabo, Spragga!!!, Siceone, Highmay, apotheosis, rdancer, ggfella, PFloyd, saw SexyD MSoprano Quoth Trancend Joeg and Lina again, hmmm and anybody else I didn't list here my baaaaaaaad it's just there were so many faces!!! and two names each! lol my blonde brain can't take it! (that was for you siceone!!) laraver - thanks so much for the advice, when i finally get turntables you're giving me more cotoncandydream - hey where's my shoutout? lol great job with the meetup and esp. that cake woooohooooo!!!! Highmay - way to ditch me jk you heard my review already Spragga - I can't believe you coatchecked the wheelchair! I wanted to take a spin! SexxyBabyD - my friend absolutely has to know where you got your shirt from lol Trancend - hahahhahahaha you're $60 poorer!! nyah nyah! Gabo - I remember meeting you so there! And you said you weren't gonna come, I was all upset about that 'cause you know I can't be here for shagfest, good idea showing up Thanks to everyone for a super fun night. Next time I'm wearing a shirt that won't give me issues when I'm dancing (thanks to Snoozi for damage control! LoLoLoL) and I better SEE ALL OF YOU on Friday for Pappa cause my ass is road trippin back to NY!!!!
  6. Hahahahah pretty close. HINT: He's a BIG fawkin HERB!!!! (this is so unnecessary but it feels so damn good lol)
  7. Let's go to The Palm PGiddy's treating!!!
  8. ...because PGiddy only likes to be on the receiving side of rear-end collisions :laugh:
  9. No?? Why ever not Mr. Prince Albert?
  10. PGiddy would never admit but he wouldn't do anything like #1 not just 'cause I'm blonde but because he loves me waaaaaay too much. As for #3, I just don't see that working. If it's a guy then obviously he's just gonna want to join.
  11. I am taking Stacker2's today, because I feel mad fat and I want to wear this cute little top tonight... and I hate the stupid things. My hands are freezing cold, I'm shaky, have a headache, my eyes are buggin out of my head and my heart is racing. I took them on a consistent basis for a few weeks last year before my friend took them and threw them on top of my other friend's closet. I had gone to crew practice and been unable to walk down to the boathouse, so my friends had to like, hold me up while I stumbled down there, then they sat me on a bench and when they came back out of the boathouse 5 mins later I was laying there shaking with my eyes rolled back in my head and the one girl decided I was having no more of those. Very unpleasant but they work. Now I use them only for emergencies like this but I don't use them to stay awake 'cause they only totally confuse my thought process anyway.
  12. "Pierce me!" (Getting Horizontal Hood piercing tomorrow!!!!)
  13. :laugh: "oh jee, look at the time! I totally forgot I have to wax my cat! Sorry! Buh bye!" *runs for the door* hahahahaha
  14. Happy Birthday girlie!!! Tanti Auguri!!
  15. LOL omg I hate that, you go up to someone at a meetup and be like "are you from clubplanet?" and they're like "wtf is that??" Uhhhhmmmm nevermind! boooooo lolz
  16. How about you dress PGiddy in a pink and purple Little Bo Peep costume and send him in the mail? I'm sure the person will just DIE of shock :laugh:
  17. Omigod that's so funny, I had a dream that I had a kid too, it was a real little baby. But it was kinda funny 'cause I remember in my dream I was thrilled 'cause having a kid gave me huge boobs for a while lmao
  18. Wooowooo! Then it will be "F.U. to south strainers 'cause I'll be laying on my back under the boat poking all the dead sea animals out of the little holes for houuuuuuuurs" hahahahhaha
  19. Girly u dumb? U know I didn't put us on there 'cause we are beyooooooond classification!! (ok ok chill all you yips, you know we're not really that conceited. jeeeeeez)
  20. Hahaha so then we've met before hehehehe I'm such a clueless fawk sometimes. Did you know it was me? Jessica and Amy are hotties :D
  21. Told ya so! Pgiddy and Vic, start pickin them wedgies!! I WIN!!! :D
  22. vixenfoxxy


    VixenFoxxy... takin over the Roxy!!! I will be there!!!
  23. Werd... wait let's go tomorrow night when I have my glow-in-the-dark piercing down there!!!
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