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Everything posted by barvybe

  1. look, the new system is a lot better than the old one and i was impressed when the put it in...but if you go to ARC or even ROXY (or both ) on Friday and then SF sat / sun you'll hear the difference. The bass is not clear at all in comparison and many of the high's at SF either need to be replaced or just aren't being used properly by comparison.
  2. you're kidding, right? SF's system is underpowered somewhat and they got a shit load of cones they need to replace. much better than it was before they put in their new system but no where near several others. your ears aren't supposed to hurt when you leave the club kid.
  3. she's talkinga bout the bar underneath the hotel with an entrance on the side street.
  4. LOL - that list is pretty funny. I suppose if they are basing it only on sound and dj's booked then the NYC clubs could be on the money - though they would have to be only including Roxy for the last couple months as the dj's weren't so hot before that. baktun and filter aren't big enough to make a list like this...that would open it up to so many places IMO since "vibe" is so a matter of choice i'd be happy if they didn't include it. i mean who's to say whether glitzy glam or laid back dive is more comfortable / enjoyable? at least with sound there is an objective criteria basis and dj talent while we disagree all the time there's some basis for lists of the top X dj's, etc. Avalon, btw...is a cool club that does bring in great talent..suprised it isn't here as well.
  5. Yo deb - I've been hearing this sickest shit about this atomic hooligan fellow...do you know what time he's spinning? T and I want to try and make it.
  6. since you'll have $$ on saturday in the ghetto, pick me up bag
  7. agreed - not into him at all now, but that was a great party
  8. Hey you! Yeah, that's a pretty good description. Its often too crowded for dancing anyway. There are some nice booth like nooks and crannies to hang out in too.
  9. (lol - that was pretty funny) actually, you should use specificity in your sentences...i did use common sense and logic: based on how much you know about the affects of cigarettes (based on the evidence of your previous posts) its logical to assume that you meant it affected your memory. I mean common sense says that you wouldn't start being right all the sudden so, looks like you're gonna be going back to school then? congratulations on recognizing that part time just won't cut it for you and deciding to try and smarten up a bit!
  10. you smoke menthol and you're telling me to get a clue??? wow (btw - if you learn english you'd know that the sentence you wrote could mean either thing about the memory...its cool though cause once they stop letting you smoke in bars you can sign up for those night courses you've been meaning to take
  11. hmm...you said something about never saying nicotine affects your memory??? evidently you just can't remember LOL you're right i did like about not responding - been on a boring ass conference call
  12. yeah, either that or she'll fess up sooner and chris, after freaking will go to tony and they'll use her to misinform the FBI - thing is she doesn't have the consitution for that so it'd end up a mess that way too - but more entertaining i think
  13. hydro is a good thing... actually, i'm not taking you seriously at all...it was just entertaining is all. (btw...no evidence for nicotine being bad for your memory )
  14. - i never watch the coming attractions cause they're always misleading - arty in the mirror and furio both classic - i don't think AJ is using his dad...he's very close mouthed about it...and actually he's gonna realize he doesn't know crap about his dad and that's what the drama is gonna be about. his girly is hot but he's just a little excitment for her. AJ just needs to hit that and move on. what's with his sis denying him the room? - ok...who things adriana is going to rat? i don't
  15. too much E i guess cause your memory sucks. either that or you just started out this way. you actually asked me numerous times to post links to the alleged cases, and kept asking "where are these cases you keep talking about?" and when i told you to do you're own research you evidently couldn't. but its ok, just like all your statements in this entire discussion no one is taking you seriously
  16. how about whoever that chick was that opened the MTV pre awards pier party thing? that was pretty bad....not my type of track selection (which is just opinion) but the mixing skills were....actually, where where they???
  17. LMFAO!! I didn't research anything until you told me you couldn't find any of it and kept asking me to post it for you...but that's ok it only takes a minute or two if you know how to use a computer. and since you admit not having researched it at all - how do you know its so one sided? oh yeah, just taking other people's word for it again - being a follower. no worries though, i'm bored with you so i'm not gonna respond to you anymore. (have you ever noticed that people who are mad insecure always post about how other people have no lives? classic weakminded behavior ) p
  18. yo amy - those of us that know maudy know that the board is his personal diary and stuff and is one sided....we don't judge stuff based on what he writes - we just know he's angry and hurting. i'm sure you are too - just you're personal therapy doesn't involve posting. peace.
  19. why don't you take the weekend to recharge. if you actually have anything to discuss i'll check in... 1. "Dude, I was repeating a statement YOU had said. I know you're real dumb and so does everyone else on the board so it's ok sweety! We'll get you into sepcial ed! " u repeated my statement and then compared it to smoke from across the room as if they were the same thing - that's your comparison not mine. 2. i can see how you could read what i said about options as a comparison. what i'm telling you is that i'm saying it isn't a good comparison because there are options. i've mentioned that about 4 times including when i initially posted it. in other words alcohol and cig's aren't useful to compare in relation to this topic. Is that clear enough for you? 3. how have i refuted myself? non-smokers currently have no smoke free options...what are you talking about? 4. i see that you don't have any comments on the numerous articles and cases that were posted? perhaps you can read, but i guess comprehension is tough for you. anything you'd like to respond with that would actually support your claims that 2nd hand smoke isn't going to be proven dangerous?
  20. can i appreciate you here? or is that reserved for the official appreciation thread?
  21. 1. I repeat things cause you don't get them the first, second, third, etc. times. 2. regarding the comparison: i was pointing out that there IS NOT comparison cause they are different. the original poster used it as a comparison (you really have trouble with reading don't you? you're so big on cause and effect but you fail to read and note the causes...hmmm) 3. i didn't finally realize that it isn't about not liking smokers: again i'm pointing out how the alcohol issue is not a good comparison You're such a joke. Perhaps you don't recall that YOU are the person who brought up this comparison (just scroll a little bit to the post you made a few hours ago hun): "And if that's your point..telling people who don't like alcohol to come after 4 am then don't blast me for telling people to move over or not walk into a bar if smoke irritates them that much!" 4. "Bringing up the fact that drinking on one side of the room doesn't affect a person on the other side of the room, is totally irrelevant. Especially when you point out shit like "if you don't like drunks, get to the club at 4 am!" 5. I didn't suggest that the guy do anything. I just pointed out that as someone who doesn't like being around alcohol (and there are lots of alcoholics who also aren't supposed to be places that serve it) there are options available to them (ARC all the time or going out late. There are NO options for avoiding smoke (which is the entire point of the proposed law). thanks for refuting your own argument
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