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Everything posted by nightstar01

  1. My goodness...gracious.....I am sooo happy for you and Annette!!! Have some fun for me and Lee!!! One day, me and Lee will make it out there!!!
  2. Thanks Nick.....me and Lee will be there supporting the talent!!!
  3. :D HOOOOOOOORAY!!!!!!!.........I will most def be there with Lee....I can't wait!
  4. I had allot of fun with ya too Joey..... gotta do this again!!!
  5. We most def have to hang out again....we'll plan something!
  6. Damn Mikey that is totally uncool..... sorry to hear your night ended up on that note! Question......Do you still love Space??? That's what I don't like about Space, damn bouncers are JERKS!
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONICA!!!!! ......you crazy girl.....you......TOSTITOS HOGGER.......I still luv ya!!!
  8. Yeap.....I gotta agree with Lee.....the set was too monotonous. I had fun though....I am regreting not being able to stay up......I was up for 24 hours and the night before I didn't have a good night sleep....damn it!!! And of course I had a really kewl time with all the CP mafia......it was also nice to meet some new peeps....you guys know who you are!!!
  9. I will be attending both..... I heard the Bliss party last year was awesome.....that's why I wanna check it out......and DH.....There's no way I am missing him!!!!
  10. Well, since the subject came up.....I'd like to mention that I was there and Danny was excellent!!! I wish I would have seen more CP heads there....I am sure there will be another chance!
  11. Damn it!!!! I am .......I couldn't listen in on it......the stream was all broken up! I bet it's awesome!
  12. You guys are pretty damn good...keep it up!!!
  13. ummmmmmm.....I wonder if your talkin' about Phrankadelic????
  14. Lee.....don't listen to them....they all lie!!! Stace....haven't seen ya in a while, where ya been???
  15. Back at you Hun........thanks for trading the popcorn with me......that was sooooooo sweet!!!! I love ya!
  16. Def sounds like a CP mafia meetup!!! I can't wait!!!! I better get that Friday off from work.....I am gonna party my arse off!!!
  17. Hello to you too...D.....glad to hear you'll be dropping in on us soon!!! C ya then!
  18. I am just 2 days late...... I hope you daddy's out there had a great father's day!!!!
  19. Excellent set Frank.....I was totally chilling out!!!
  20. I can't stop listening to it.........I've tried to replace with another CD and to no avail!!
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