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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. Has anyone been watching it? Is it just me, or is it also not holding your interest as well? Maybe it has to do with me trying to do other stuff (like chores) at the same time. No, I haven't made a conscious effort to watch every segment of it, but if it's on while I'm at home, I'll take at least a peek. The show doesn't seem to be on the same level as Temptation Island, but maybe I'm just not paying enough attention.
  2. I've heard that green tea is good for you, well at least better than most beverages So drink up! Well, I wonder about Arizona - they probably add lotsa stuff to it.
  3. It's good that something is being done for them Did anyone see when the CEO was on Larry King Live? He was quite devastated, very understandable after losing 2/3 of his company's employees, and I'm sure that's just the start. He was seriously in tears when he was talking about survivors calling about why they couldn't continue to get paid salaries, and he said that he couldn't pay because the company wasn't doing any business. I don't know too much about what they do or deal with, but it sounds like they have been one of the biggest names in the bond trading business. If anyone has lotsa bucks (like millions), then they could seriously help CF by doing business with them. Otherwise, I guess this event would be the next best way to help.
  4. http://www.naughtybooth.com/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4454
  5. I think if you look at the tuition being paid, I believe it's at least a few hundred dollars being "wasted" for every class you miss My Samsung cell phone with 3 alarms + my Sony clock radio with 2 alarms + my travel alarm clock together do a pretty good job of waking me up whenever needed Now I need to figure out how to spend less time to get ready (eat, get dressed, etc) to go out to work And damn the news stations for showing something interesting right at the moment I'm about to leave!
  6. Here's that article: http://www.echonyc.com/~onissues/su98goodwin.html
  7. Actually I think the high officers of the Taliban already send their daughters to very good schools, if not colleges That's what I read in one article One official has a daughter who attends a school in Pakistan that teaches in English I think he is also a heavy smoker, (if I'm not mistaken) in a land where smoking is banned However, as you all know, it's a lot different for the people they rule over Here's an interesting site: http://www.rawa.org
  8. http://looneytunes.warnerbros.com/web/all_new_toons/home.jsp?fromad=l90
  9. There's SF as usual Also, Dave Seaman (+ Luis Diaz) at Vinyl I also saw flyers for Earth (fka Exit), featuring Junior Vasquez, with performance by Deborah Cox
  10. Did anyone see this show, which premiered last Tuesday? What did you think of it? Could any of what was shown relate to your college experiences? Will it last longer than Titans? I thought it was a little corny, but being one who likes stupid humor, I enjoyed it.
  11. A question for fellow nerds out there... Do you happen to have any recommendations for magazines that would keep me up to date on the latest techniques and technologies in the field, such that I could (potentially) accomplish more at work, and hence be able to earn more? You could break the field down into different areas, i.e. ASP, Javascript, COM, SQL, etc., each of which having many publications specializing in that particular area. But I'm most interested in something that's comprehensive and covers a little bit of everything. Does such a thing exist?
  12. Gosh, I hope that these materials don't brainwash too many people! http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010928/wl/bin_laden_s_words.html http://www.usatoday.com/usatonline/20010928/3492538s.htm
  13. Lots happening... from what i've heard Vinyl is reopening Also, Sean Cusick & Three at Touch Benefit party at Leopard Lounge, featuring a DJ from Ohio - lol, actually it's Glenn B who won the Twilo DJ contest Also a benefit event at Jade Terrace, with info on this site
  14. Has anyone seen it? Pretty strong stuff, right? Catch it when it comes on CNN For a sneak preview: http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/presents/index.veil.html
  15. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=59405 Hmm... I don't remember a police track... do you mean the group "The Police" that was led by Sting?
  16. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A37557-2001Sep27.html
  17. Vallone? He lost in the primary Do you mean Mark Green ? By the way, here are the sites of the candidates: Green - http://www.markgreen.org Ferrer - http://www.ferrer2001.com Bloomberg - http://www.mikeformayor.org To read or hear analysis and opinion about these candidates, check the New York Times or watch "Road to City Hall" on NY1. I'd surely like to know about other sources of this kind of info.
  18. Didn't suck, at least before the crowd started thinning out He came on at around 12:50 am It was my first time hearing him live - his set sounded much like his productions At around 2-2:15 am, there was a circle in front of the DJ booth, in which people were breakdancing... One person did an airplane spin on top of someone's head! At 2:45, AVH called for a moment of silence, but I think some people didn't hear his announcement. After that, he did a whole set of classics until 3:25 am, when Erick Morillo came on and played a whole bunch of anthems. I left at around 3:55. If anyone stayed til closing, how late did it go?
  19. of Agnelli and Nelson... http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/dance/essential_mix_reviews_120501.shtml
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/europe/newsid_1566000/1566321.stm
  21. So the Taliban has invited him to come with a "peace delegation" to Kabul... Do you think he could accomplish anything? Or is this some kind of ploy that they're trying to pull? Would he be safe there?
  22. Does anyone here have one for this week's event, featuring Armand van Helden? Thanks!
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