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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. Does anyone remember the yellow ribbons that went up during the Gulf War (and I believe in many other wars before that)? We should probably start putting them up. Does anyone know where to obtain them? Whether or not you think they should be there, let's hope and pray that they accomplish their objectives and that they're able to come home quickly and safely. They are indeed among the country's bravest. And I'm sure that not a single one of them has much (if any) desire to kill anyone, especially civilians.
  2. I think these are some of the things that were accomplished by waiting: 1. gather intelligence 2. get troops into place 3. gather international support 4. produce a more effective strategy 5. produce a better overall plan (beyond military action) 6. give time to Taliban to respond to demands; since they didn't, that gave more justification for attacking them
  3. I think the world has come to the point where we need to fight and eliminate as many of these terrorists as we can. Otherwise, the terrorist attacks will continue. Retaliation is possible and likely, but not after we wipe out the people who think of doing them. In the mean time, we just need to prepare and protect ourselves and help those directly involved in the fight, both at home and abroad The national anthem says "Land of the free and the home of the brave" Are we not gonna be brave?
  4. In these unusual times, we should be careful but not fearful I think the people on Flight 93 (the one which crashed in PA) have been (or should be) an inspiration to many of us for if we happen to get caught in such a situation Needless to say, if you see something suspicious, then report it to law enforcement officials - that's what they're saying on the news. I think I've heard that vigilanteism (i.e. taking matters into your own hands) is not recommended.
  5. Part of the US (and co.) effort to fight back is to drop leaflets and radios on Afghanistan, in the hope that the people there will hear what the West has to say I guess we have to hope that they'll get the word, and can understand it, and can believe it What OBL said was a load of crap, but unfortunately and frighteningly, there are many people who seem to have been brainwashed, and go along with it Maybe Muslims around the world should declare a jihad against these terrorists to counter what OBL is trying to start
  6. Rudy G said that unless there is word received of any threats, the bridges and tunnels will remained open btw, I came in to NYC from NJ on Sunday night... flew thru the NJ Turnpike via the Bus & Truck lane (while passing mad traffic in the cars-only line), and then likewise thru the tolls for the Pike and the Lincoln Tunnel with my EZPass If anyone has a van or limo or truck, it's probably wise to leave it at home, otherwise the cops will be checking them near the bridges and tunnels
  7. I'm sure that anyone DT picks to fill in for him is quite good. Has anyone had any experiences that suggests otherwise?
  8. At many clubs I've read signs saying that undercover cops might be inside the club... has anyone ever seen one, or had an encounter with one, in a club?
  9. was pace affected at all by being near the WTC?
  10. Maybe this is better for the Sex board... http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/daily/site_100101/content/cut.guest.html Has this phenomenon been happening to anyone? Do you know of anyone already contributing to the predicted baby boom because of this?
  11. I went to some school across the river from Berklee...
  12. Toro is the bomb, right below those other top choices I mentioned It's fatty tuna, usually served as chopped up small pieces mashed together A little pricier than most other kinds though, but worth it sometimes
  13. That's the cheapest thing you can get! Get it at a supermarket Not the freshest, but better than nothing when you've got the urge If a chef (or someone making sushi "live") is there when you're there, you can ask or just wait for him (quite honestly, I don't recall ever seeing a female sushi chef) to make one.
  14. I heard on CNN (I believe during the conversation between Larry King & Rudy Giuliani) that they saved as many as 25000 lives!
  15. Baruch is in the city, in/near the Gramercy Park area http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/map.html
  16. Just go into any sushi place and ask It's mainly crab stick (imitation crab meat), cucumber, and some other vegetables wrapped in rice and seaweed
  17. Has anyone been here? How is it? A few nights ago, on the Travel Channel, I saw their "Top 10 places for singles" show... NYC was #2, behind Ibiza and right in front of South Beach (Miami) Anyways, on the segment featuring NYC, H&H was shown Seemed like bikers liked to go there, but that's just part of the crowd They showed people dancing on the bars, and women leaving bras behind Another place shown was a cafe called Drip, where people leave their info so to get matched with someone of similar interests Interesting in its own right, but not sparking as much of my curiosity But if anyone has been there and wants to make comments about it, go for it
  18. As much as I like CR, real fish meat is the only way to go
  19. Looks like Armin van Buuren has changed his originally scheduled Nov 9 NY date, to play in Canada http://www.arminvanbuuren.com/gigs_main.html Anyone wanna make a trip to the midwest to check him out?
  20. This was a bit disturbing... http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20011003/wl/germany_unity_day_1.html
  21. Spicy tuna is great! Sorry that you don't agree... guess you need to try it some more so that it grows on you I like all kinds of sushi, but topping the list for me are anything with eel or soft-shell crab
  22. > The Answer! > > Finally, some new, creative thinking on the subject of Osama bin Laden. > > I think I've got it! > > Killing him will only create a martyr. Holding him prisoner will inspire > his comrades to take hostages to demand his release. > > Therefore, I suggest we do neither. > > Let the CIA, Rangers, Seals or whoever covertly capture him, fly him to an > undisclosed hospital and have surgeons quickly perform a complete sex > change operation. > > Then we return 'her' to Afghanistan to live under the Taliban. >
  23. I think MOS asked (hired/commissioned) him to do the mix I've also heard that PVD is giving half of his profits from the mix to charities related to 9/11
  24. I remember being taught in elementary school that there are two things you must never ask a woman...
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