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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. Just to make the sure-to-be-crowded theater more jam-packed Seems like a good chance for me to finally see American Pie 2 http://www.startsampling.com/34th_st_movie_madness.html
  2. I heard about something big happening at Twilo...
  3. XXXXX DRUDGE REPORT XXXXX SUN OCT 21, 2001 20:18:28 ET XXXXX PUBLIC RELATIONS DEBACLE AFTER SEN. HILLARY JEERED AND BOOED BY HEROES Senator Hillary Clinton's inner circle is furious at MIRAMAX king Harvey Weinstein after the former first lady suffered through a public relations nightmare during Saturday's AMERICA: A TRIBUTE TO HEROES concert in New York City. Hillary Clinton was jeered and booed by thousands gathered at Madison Square Garden as she took to the stage -- unannounced -- to introduce a movie clip. VH1 cameras captured firemen and police heroes wildly booing Clinton, who attempted to raise her voice above the shouting crowd. "Get off the stage! We don't want you here!" yelled one New York City police officer just feet from the senator. Anti-Clinton slurs spread and intensified throughout the Garden, with many standing near the stage lobbing profanities. Event-planner and close Clinton friend Harvey Weinstein was visibly shaken as he heard the crowd erupt with boos and jeers, according to an eyewitness. The junior senator from New York ending up giving the shortest presentation of the evening, clocking in at under 20 seconds. "How could we not know this would be the wrong forum for Hillary?!" shouted one confidante. "These are cops and firemen who listen to right-wing talkradio. They still think she killed Vince Foster, for Christ sake!" Other New York politicians received warmer welcomes during the 5-hour concert which featured Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Elton John and others. Former President Bill Clinton, who took the stage minutes after his wife, worked over scattered boos with talk of the rescuers' heroism. Following the Clintons, James Taylor soothed the heroes with an acoustic FIRE AND RAIN. The concert raised millions of dollars for September 11 relief efforts. ----------------------------------------------------------- Filed By Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant http://www.drudgereport.com for updates ©DRUDGE REPORT 2001 Not for reproduction without permission of the author
  4. How about Centro-Fly? I guess I should add something about Exit... it's really nice after the renovations Too bad the crowd probably won't be to your liking
  5. Check their site - they have a pretty cool interactive tour http://www.centrofly.com Select the full version (Flash required)
  6. Did anyone see that happen over the weekend at the fundraising concerts, either live or on TV? I can understand that Gere said something that people didn't really want to hear, what was the deal with Hillary? Did it have something to do with her limo running over a security guy (at an airport, I believe) ? Or something else?
  7. oh sorry didn't read PBC's original post carefully enough SF def won't have an older upscale crowd but the music should be good
  8. Max Graham is playing at Sound Factory There's also a Halloween party at Spa http://www.iloungenetwork.com/template_reg.html
  9. On which floor? I thought I read that he's going to be in the Pinky? If that's the case, then who will be on the main floor?
  10. Is he spinning at Centro-Fly this Tuesday? Or pulling a "Moby" (i.e. appearing there but not spinnig)? If he is spinning, then has anyone heard him spin? If so, how is he, and what's his style?
  11. Actually O'Reilly first talked to the City Council member who introduced the resolution and ripped her apart I thought he was a little bit rude in cutting her off at times, but maybe it was because she wasn't making any sense. The following night, he had the mayor of Berkeley come in, who was more in agreement with him (and most of the rest of America).
  12. The roof is cool but it is NOT the White Room If you saw it, you would know why it is named as such One entrance is (or was?) near one of the stairways that leads to the Red Room The other is at the base of the room that has the multi-levels and the DJ booth in the center
  14. saw the reviews by going to the 2nd page... my bad... but feel free to add!
  15. Hmm... haven't seen any reviews here So how was it? I (and some others) came by at around midnight and saw a really long line, so I went to Exit for Junior, and that (not just Junior, but all the DJ's on all the floors) was quite fun
  16. that's why u gotta come to these meetups! or come to one of the CP-sponsored events... pretty good chance that DaVe and his posse and his lighters will be there... Also, DaVe had comps for Twirl Saturdays with him at America
  17. Sounded like you're looking for the address to a newspaper Hmm... so you must be the anthrax mailer!
  18. not a big deal, but you spelled my screen name wrong... just in case you're doing the name-tag thing... otherwise nuttin' to worry about
  19. Just wondering: Is it possible to remain friends with your ex bf/gf? If so, to what extent? If you've been through this kind of experience, what kind of relationship(s) have you maintained with former significant others?
  20. http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011014/sc/health_ecstasy_dc_1.html
  21. Saw a little thing in the news ticker on CNN today, saying that a Dutch study found that it can cause permanent memory loss
  22. Why do you want to take Turnpike? To get into NYC? Or somewhere else? If the former, you might not need to take the Pike also, just checking: is exit 138 near Cranford?
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