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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. wins the runoff! Who here is excited? One last hurdle remaining to City Hall! If you think Bloomberg will be the better man for the job, that's all good... just let us know why u think so btw, I heard one radio talk show host (who understandably probably doesn't pay much attention to nightlife issues) say that none of the candidates (Green, Ferrer, Bloomberg) were all that good, certainly not on Guiliani's level, but Green was the best one
  2. I'm surprised that not a single person on this board has gone there and given us some kind of scouting report... for better or for worse, I'm a bit curious about how the place really is
  3. who has voted today? and for which candidate for mayor?
  4. Did anyone see it? I saw it mentioned on NY1 this morning
  5. If I read the right flyer correctly, I think he's also playing at Centro Fly in early November
  6. http://www2.bostonherald.com/attack/investigation/ausprob10102001.htm $200-300 for a lap dance?
  7. Is there any? If so, then details details please please
  8. Island Park... hmm... isn't that near "Twilo" ? Has anyone been to that place? Any reports on it that can be given?
  9. Holland Tunnel coming into NYC is still closed, and probably still will be It's open going out of NYC (into NJ) Before you go check http://www.1010wins.com (then click on links for traffic) or listen on your radio to 1010 AM or 101.5 FM If you have an EZ Pass, use it, and use the EZ Pass-only lane! If you need to use the NJ Turnpike, you should probably use the side for Buses & Trucks. For parking, if you don't mind walking a bit, best places to try are probably 15,16,17, or 18 St between 7 and 8 Aves Watch the posted signs! There's also some alternate-side spaces on 15 and 16 between 6 and 7 Aves, closer to 7 Ave If you can't find anything in those areas, then try in the Village below 14 St, but be careful if you're near St Vincents Otherwise, go for a garage
  10. If I could figure out a way to get through a whole night without needing to buy any food or drink, before, during, and after going to the club, I would save a lot I used to be able to do that during college years, but that was in Boston
  11. Call it "networking" Hey you never know... maybe someday one of those people you know will go on to run a FOrtune 500 company, and hook you up
  12. http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/081001/detFRO05.asp
  13. http://www.hindustantimes.com/nonfram/081001/detFOR03.asp
  14. http://usmilitary.about.com/library/weekly/aa091401a.htm With over 2 million people in the military (not counting people rushing to sign up), I don't think we're going to be in a draft situation any time soon. Add to that the foreign support our troops are getting.
  15. Controversial perhaps, but I wonder your thoughts after reading this... http://www2.bostonherald.com/news/columnists/feder10082001.htm
  16. Rent being too high, even for someone funded by OBL (who is probably funded by all heroin users of the world) ?
  17. (tunnelbandit's sig reminded me) A few nights ago, the fortune I got in a fortune cookie said: "Protective measures will prevent costly disasters"
  18. Will you be ready to jump a terrorist, if necessary? On Larry King Live last night, the foreign minister of Israel said that when strength and determination are shown, the terrorists often run. So that's what we all have to do, one way or another.
  19. It's like that time when Jonathan Peters said that if Sound Factory burned down, he would go with it... Do we have the same kind of love for NYC?
  20. Well I wonder about the validity of the first part of the statement... do you know of any such people here in NYC? Also it's been interesting that although the hijackers had lived in NJ, none ever lived in NYC... at least as far as we know about the ones we know about. But about the second... if I remember seeing and hearing the news correctly... some people in the Middle East claimed that the 9/11 attacks were caused by a Jewish (or Israeli?) conspiracy, given that there were (something like) "no Jews in the WTC" Now where the heck did they get such an idea that there were no Jews in those buildings?!
  21. You can serve without being on the front lines or being in any position to kill anyone. I'm sure are tons of roles like this that are just as valuable to the military (and hence to the country). People who are drafted could claim "Conscientious Objector" status, which essentially amounts to this If I'm not mistaken, the National Guard is an opportunity to serve without leaving the country. Seems that their role is more for domestic protection (including assistance during disasters), and only in extreme cases would they have to engage anyone.
  22. I don't want to make anyone fearful or paranoid, but I wonder... How are they these days? I've heard on the radio (NPR) that some attention should be paid to security there, since they are quite crowded ( = possibly good targets for terrorists ) , especially as the holiday shopping season approaches. Is this making online shopping sound more appealing to anyone?
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