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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. Did anyone happen to go to this prayer service (or whatever it was called) event? How was it being there in person? I followed it on TV, and from what I saw, it seemed like quite a show Quite interesting that they were able to have leaders of so many different religions together (but I don't recall seeing any Buddhists) to give prayers for each of their respective faiths, and each of them was full of stuff that everyone could relate to. All of the speeches and musical performances were quite impressive as well.
  2. Ok, let's try it again... and let's hope there isn't another terrorist attack this time! btw, from what I remember hearing on the news, if you already voted last time (on Sept 11), your vote has already been recorded, and you will not be able to (or need to) vote again.
  3. Did anyone see it on Saturday night? I thought that Miss New York was going to take it all... seemed like she got the loudest applause, probably as the sentimental favorite Funny that Miss Tennessee finished ahead of her, given that she ran out of time in finishing the answer to the question about her platform. The one who won it (Miss Oregon) went a little outside the time limit on the platform question, but she did do the best on the quiz and her singing performance was quite good. IMO facial appearance wasn't one of her strengths (if it means anything to the judges), but you all might think differently
  4. From the bodyandsoul-nyc.com site: Update on the situation:(09-21-2001) Club Vinyl will be closed this weekend as most of the Tribeca area remains off-limits to all non-residents and car traffic. We will be posting updates as we learn more as to the status of next weekend's Party. If anyone has been there lately and can say that it has re-opened, let us know!
  5. It appears that Maxim's site also uses the Smirnoff ad
  6. Dunno about it being one of the greatest speeches of all time, but it sounded like a good speech The demands he made on the Taliban were more than I expected, but they make sense and are quite comprehensive, and it would be great if all of them were to be achieved. He's probably a much better motivator on a more personal, one-to-one, face-to-face level An example of that was when he talked to the rescue workers - that seemed like much less of a prepared speech, if it was one at all
  7. http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/blgum-arabic.htm?PM=n3092101a
  8. I read something on the news about how that cover got pulled from the presses (or from the stores) after the attack took place
  9. Does anyone live there? If you do, have you been summoned to jury duty recently? The US Federal Court trials of people arrested for connections to 911 are taking place there. Maybe you'll have a chance to make a difference...
  10. Maybe the release of some album? I think I've seen that around, but i'm not sure
  11. Has the boss been looking for a temp office space? My company had two floors, but recently gave up one of them to Bank of New York, which had offices in that area
  12. Yup very good for getting a more local perspective You can also get the current weather while you're at it! Too bad (or maybe it's good) that they've been repeating reports I've been flipping around between NY1, CNN, MSNBC, and briefly through the networks CSPAN (which also sometimes carries Canadian BC broadcasts) sometimes has some interesting stuff, as well as ABC when Ted Koppel (Nightline) is on I've also liked BBC, but it seems that I haven't been able to catch it when it's on Did anyone happen to stop by ESPN earlier in the tragedy? It was interesting to see the POV from the sports world. And if your mind needed to get away from it all, E! was still doing its thing While at work, I've been following on MSNBC, Yahoo News, NYTimes.com I often also get emails about interesting articles on About.com Also, I have a TV tuner walkman, and at work, all I can pick up is CBS Did anyone see "Behind the Terror" on the Discovery Channel last night?
  13. Didn't his health problems prevent him from running for Senator? Maybe some could say that was a blessing in disguise. Has he been cured of his conditions? If not, then he probably wouldn't run for President. Also, I haven't heard of a Prez having marital problems before being elected Of course that could get in the way of being elected... does anyone remember Gary Hart?
  14. He seems to have been doing a great job in leading the city's efforts. I would support him staying in this emergency situation, since I can't imagine someone else taking his kind of role before this whole mess is all done and taken care of. I also hope that his health condition doesn't get the best of him prematurely. He hasn't been too kind to the NYC nightlife, but that is not very important right now. Also, right now is not a good time to be thinking about elections and party politics either. Maybe things will change by November. On a side note, perhaps unrelated, wasn't Milosevic defeated in elections only a few months after the attacks on Kosovo?
  15. Sounds like a good idea... I'm not sure if I can make it next Saturday but this coming weekend I might be able to
  16. we'll know for sure whether or not that was the case, when the bodies of the passengers and crew are recovered I think I read somewhere (either AP, BBC, or MSNBC) that bodies of pilots and stewardesses were found with their hands (and in some cases, feet) tied
  17. Well as far as I know, declaration of war applies only against other countries. With the information we have, we can't say that a country's government and people are trying to attack and take over us. And even so, given the state of politics today, it's not that simple
  18. I had heard a report on the news of at least one person stealing an (maybe more than 1) American flag... needless to say, something to do with not wanting to pay for it And alas, I left a flag at my desk on Friday and forgot to take it when I left (or I think I did), and coming back on Monday, I find that it's not there. C'mon people, at least pay a few bucks to support your country and its economy!
  19. NYC already has a Riddler http://www.djrich.com
  20. DT is not going overseas, therefore cancelling gigs in Ibiza and in the UK He posted something on the board over at robpromotions.com Oh found the post on CP: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=58062
  21. Saw reports about the crashes at home, while getting ready to go to work. Went to the office, which was walking distance away Already lots of cops and ambulances around when I came out onto the street When I came in to the office, near the entrance, many people were at the window watching the smoking towers Heard about the Pentagon being hit soon after At the office, went back and forth between posting on the board, trying to check news web sites, and watching Saw both of the towers collapse Has anyone heard from exodust lately? She works in the same building as me (which is thankfully 2.5 miles from WTC). I hope she's ok.
  22. I've passed by there every day since Wednesday There's been different stuff happening there each day, but whatever is there never fails to impress. Seems like every race, ethnicity, and religion has been representin' Has anyone seen the Tibetan group's prayer gatherings? I also wonder how many of the memorials were planned to be the way that they ended up being... I wouldn't be surprised in most cases if it started out as just one person laying down a candle, and then someone else put another next to it, and so on... like a snowball effect
  23. If you can't volunteer or donate blood or supplies, they'll always take a cash donation Try: http://www.nyredcross.org http://www.uwnyc.org i'm sure there are others
  24. I hope it stays up... if it doesn't , like most things in life, enjoy it while you have it! If CP goes down, you can find most of us on other boards: naughtybooth, ezdreamer, vipguestlist... maybe others but those are the ones i know
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