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Everything posted by wallflour

  1. It's not gonna be pretty but something will have to be done in order to make our world at least a somewhat safer place Luckily, there's the Northern Alliance, and it seems that we are going to try to leverage them to our advantage, since they know the area in which they are fighting I've heard about Russians agreeing to sell weapons to the NA I hope that doesn't start something like the mess we started 20 years ago
  2. Are you planning to get the wisdom teeth removed? That might be a good idea, unless your dentist tells you that you shouldn't or don't need to
  3. http://www.ny1.com/ny/TopStories/SubTopic/index.html?topicintid=1&subtopicintid=1&contentintid=16223 I hope it doesn't take effect on the weekend, because I have 2 stops to make in NJ this weekend! And I don't think anyone will want to go to the places that I'm going to... unless they want a serious dose of boredom! Things will suck if I have to move a lot of stuff, or if I have to go somewhere that isn't near a train station. Funny, last weekend, I went to NJ on Saturday morning and came back on Sunday around noon, and both times went across the Hudson smoothly
  4. Did they hit their goal? If so, at what time?
  5. I saw something on the news today about how suppliers are getting jammed with calls about gas masks, and how it interrupts their other items of business... Maybe that explains why I haven't been able to get through to Botach on the phone, regarding a car Club that I bought from them.
  6. Just wondering... who is here is planning to attend? If enough of us are there (or could meetup beforehand), maybe we could all sign a card to give to her family... could it be pulled off? I'm sure that we collectively have enough photos of her that a montage could be made. Sound possible?
  7. ... coming into Manhattan, between 6 am and noon Just heard about it on the news Apparently the city is conducting some kind of experiment, in hopes of reducing traffic delays If it works, then maybe it's a policy that's here to stay
  8. Try http://personals.clubplanet.com or http://www.match.com
  9. Assuming Mark Green is still the man to most of you, and assuming Rudy G won't be able to serve again... I heard that according to exit polls, he's on the path to a run-off... I guess we'll have to wait for the official results to see if that holds true For once in my life, I picked a winner (well sorta)
  10. To hit the $150,000 goal, just on donations at the door, there will have to be 3750 people If everyone spent $100, then they would need 1500 people to come What do you think the chances are that they'll achieve it? Will there be people willing and able to spend/donate hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars tonight? Also, how will they keep track of the amount of bar money that has come in, as it comes in?
  11. It appears that it will be open, according to Body & Soul's site However, the area is closed to (car) traffic, which makes sense since it is quite close to the West Side Highway, which is still being used by rescue vehicles You might want to check the subway map to see how service has changed. http://www.mta.nyc.ny.us
  12. I believe you didn't set your time zone preference correctly. By default it is set to GMT, which is 5 hours ahead of EST (New York), so that's how 8:30 am became 1:30 pm
  13. Shit! I remember that post! Here it is: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?postid=454859#post454859 May it forever be preserved
  14. http://www.botachtactical.com/gasmasks1.html Yahoo shopping is great for finding places like this!
  15. Posted by Mitchell on ezdreamer ( http://www.ezdreamer.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?postid=51124#post51124 ) : Her company is having a memorial service next friday the 28th at 3P.M at St patrick on 50 and 51st and 5th ave. Friends and family are welcome.
  16. Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it... I guess history classes are most interesting when there are major events that are (or can be) related to them. I wouldn't be surprised if Middle Eastern history classes across the nation are filling up. There's probably great interest in learning about Islam as well.
  17. Maybe I should put up a poll, but I'm lazy... Anyways who was your pick for mayor? And for any other offices? I have a feeling that preserving (at the very least) nightlife will fall on the back-burner of priorities, behind rebuilding Lower Manhattan (if not the entire city). So in that respect, do you think anyone in particular would do a better job in leading that effort? If you voted today, remember to do it again in November when it really counts!
  18. I hope this doesn't sound insensitive or inappropriate... Has it indeed been confirmed, i.e. was her body found? (though very beside the point, I feel most sorry for families who cannot give a proper funeral because their loved one's body was so badly mangled [or worse]) If there's any info about services for her, someone please let us know! She surely will be missed.
  19. I would imagine that computer companies (Dell, Compaq, HP, Gateway, etc) would get a boost in business by those Lower Manhattan companies that have been displaced and probably had much of their equipment destroyed or seriously damaged. Does anyone here agree? Or is the number of affected businesses still too small to make a difference?
  20. Something I received at work... In general, don't open anything attached to mails in which you don't know the sender! -- VIRUS NOTICE: There is another new Virus passing throughout the Internet with the subject line: Fwd: Peace BeTween AmeriCa And IsLam ! The message body says: Hi! iS iT A waR Against AmeriCa Or IsLam! Let's Vote To Live in Peace! This virus comes with an attachment called WTC.exe and uses your Outlook Address Book to send the virus on. Our Corporate email system currently blocks receipt of the file. However, personal email accounts do not protect you from receiving these files. If you receive this email in ANY email account, please delete it and then delete it again from your Deleted Items or Wastebasket folder. WHAT IT DOES: The virus will delete certain files and will put a .vbs file onto your hard drive. It also modifies your Internet Explorer Startup page, and modifies another file which will then format drive c:\ of your hard drive. If you see any message with this subject matter or any other subject matter that you do not trust, please do not open the email. Either delete it, or open a High Priority Remedy Request for assistance. Likewise, please do not open any attachments that you are not already expecting or that come from people you do not know. If you know the sender but question an attachment, contact the sender to see if they really did intend to send you the file.
  21. Add it to the list of comebacks... http://www.msnbc.com/news/633303.asp?0cm=c30
  22. Good to see that it's coming back up, hope it stays that way Is anyone getting rich off it right now?
  23. Sorry, I don't think you can. The only exception might be for people who are full-time students in NYC (i.e. any of the 5 boroughs). Even so, you have to have registered to vote in NYC, which involves proving that you live there, and that needs to be done months in advance. I think there is an option to write in Rudy, but in the November general election... even if elected, term limits currently would not allow him to serve again, but maybe laws will be changed by then On another note, for people who will be voting in NYC: for positions other than mayor, are there any candidates who you feel strongly about?
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