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Everything posted by wannabeclubchk

  1. ummm... How you doin'? First, you join me in fantasy, now I read that you like older women- this must be my lucky day!
  2. first pet/street gets me Fluffy Robinhood! I already had (and made good use of, I might add!) my stripper name, it was: Sunni Daye Oh, how I miss the good ol days! I wannabe back there, just for one set!
  3. good luck with your new endeavor! I never worked out to build mass so don't have any advice for you on that. Here are a few tidbits you may find useful: 1. If at ALL possible, work out first thing in the morning, or at the very least, do your cardio in the AM. It does jump start your metabolism for the rest of the day. 2. Flexibility is paramount, for good workouts and good sex! (well, it IS the sex board!) Yoga (really, it isn't as bad as people think) really helps with flexibility, pm me if you want more info, been doing it for about 5 years now, and I teach. Seriously, at least do a fast walk for a few minutes, then do your stretches. (Also, flexible muscles look much more natural, not like the juicers/gym rats with those odd bulges.) 3. When you are stretching, BREATHE! It sounds silly, but chances are you will hold your breath when you stretch. If you hold the gentle stretch for 3 deep breaths, chances are you will get a more effective stretch out of it. As a matter of fact, the more you take deep breaths the better off you are. 4. Drink lots and lots and lots of water. The more you metabolize, the more waste you need to get rid of.
  4. Hope everyone has a fun, sexy, happy, healthy, safe New Year's Eve, and New Year! Much love to all! Wannabe
  5. Try breathing through your nose next time you brush your tongue.
  6. I was married for 3 years, we were together for 5, and that turned out not to be love after all. Perhaps in the beginning it was. I think we each fell in love with who we thought the other person was, and he expected neither of us to change, while I expected growth by leaps and bounds. Loving someone is so complex, imo, you must love who the person is, as well as feel physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual compatibility, attraction, and safety. I also think you must expect each other to change and grow, and actively strive to change and grow in a direction the two of you choose to go together. Loving is an active verb, not passive. Love is not just a feeling, or something that happens to you. It is a collection of choices and behaviors that you offer to someone else, and it retains its value, even if rejected. Although being loved feels good, I think it is the giving of love that produces that elation everyone associates with "being in love". Lastly, I don't believe that love is a finite thing. The old cliche "you have to love yourself..." is true, but for different reasons than we have always been taught. When you can have plenty of love within you, you will have plenty to share, regardless if anyone "loves you back". That is the old undconditional love, and it feels great to be able to give that. Just some end of the day thoughts for you. Take care
  7. feel free to submit a resume, I am sure I could use a "handyman" LOL luv ya!
  8. thanks, glowdancer! have any women taken it? did you like it? what did it do for you? if I get a chance to "experiment" I'll post my take on it
  9. Anyone try it recreationally? Women? Any feedback? <got a hold of one, interested in its effects>
  10. what is meant by a "nice guy" or a "bad boy/asshole"? I mean, guys don't initially treat women badly, women wouldn't be with them in the first place. So what defines these guys as assholes? All in all, when a woman realizes his true color is a hue of "piece of shit bastard" I believe 90% of us get rid of him.
  11. is Lifestyles with non-oxynol-9, I want to take no chance! Kill the little swimmers, and anything else that my come with 'em! Luckily, I don't have a reaction from the no9, although I know some women do.
  12. she constantly reinvents herself, and always into someone sexy. she'd have to be my pick
  13. looking forward to hearing the details
  14. I definitely have the cutest dog, more proof to come!
  15. but that is what friends are for, to be there for each other even when it is difficult to do so. You can't make anyone feel anything, we all have total control of our own feelings. If the friend is heading to despair, one of the best things you can do is to be there for them and let them know you love them *unconditionally*. You will know how much confrontation your relationship with this person can take, and what topics you should bring up, but often it is best to ask questions, and let the other person do some thinking aloud by answering the questions, rather than telling the person how they "should" be. Also, you don't want to let what you think is their issue cloud what their real issue is. IMPORTANT: If they are presenting with a "suicidal ideology", i. e. any talk of suicide, etc. do your best to get them to at least call a hotline and talk to someone, if not actually go in to see some kind of counselor. IF THEY WON'T, please call the hotline yourself and talk to someone there about how to help this person. Hope this helps, if you need anything, don't hesitate to email at the same screenname on aol, or PM me.
  16. had the top ones out a few years back. I have a good dentist, so got the novocaine, nitrous and 15mg Valium. Mine were not at all impacted, so I didn't have to get cut, he just reached in and worked them out. Now, that working them out consists of wrenching them out with what looks like a pair of pliers, and I heard awful crunching noises. Don't want to scare ya, just want you to know so if you have the option and are uncomfortable with that, you can be anesthetized. I got codeine, and that makes me really sick, so didn't take it, Ibuprofen was enough to kill any pain. Hope it goes easy for you!
  17. I love it when guys wear (the right amount of!) cologne. It is even better when you wear the same designer or line as he and the scents compliment one another perfectly. Then again, nothing better than a guy in jeans, no shirt, a little sweaty and a little greasy, smelling of either stale gas or lawn cuttings. That is a major turn on for me. Now who's psycho with their nose?
  18. quoth, I am so glad you like a more mature woman! Oh, and venison is in, can't wait to cook it! Tonight is Lamb Chops, though, you hungry? Now, what to wear to dinner?
  19. Thanks for that, Gabo, what a great way to start a friday!
  20. I don't really agree that this board is "clique-y". It does seem that there is a core of extremely active posters. However, I don't find them to exclude anyone, nor are they cruel (well, not without being provoked!). And in person, I must say that those I have met are extremely kind and friendly. But, then again, I'm not one of the cool kids, I'm just a wannabe.
  21. for the red bumps and irritation. after you shave, even doing so every day, use a white anti-perspirant stick and go over the area against the direction of hair growth. It can't be just deodorant, I think it needs the aluminum content to work, and I havent' tried it with clear antiperspirant, either. It works like a charm, though!
  22. dancesafe.org has a great slide show on how e works and what the problems with it are (and yes, each source of info is going to be biased in how they present things, white patriarchal conservative medical journals or dancesafe or any other source). Long and short of it, the serotonin cells are damaged when e confuses the serotonin reuptake "ports" and they start to take in dopamine, which is converted by the monoamine oxidase in those cells into a substance which is toxic to the serotonin cell. They have found in rats that a dose of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor like paxil will dramatically decrease thesenegative effects even when given up to 6 hours after the e is taken. They didn't mention anything about a monoamine oxidase inhibitor, but that prevents the digestion of the serotonin, therefore the dopamine. Now, if I remember correctly, GHB causes a dopamine dump, so concurrent use of the two are probably not a great idea, without an SSRI or MAOI. So everyone, run right out and claim social anxiety disorder or PMDD and get your supply of Paxil! momma always said, do your research before you do your drugs! Please correct any misinfo I may have spouted off here, thanks!
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