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Everything posted by pk1

  1. They're not on the same night. Carl Cox is tomorrow.
  2. pk1


    How is this place? What kind of music do they play? Any info would be appreciated.
  3. Damn, MORILLO & P.DIDDY threw a party. Thats nasty.
  4. Can you were sneakers at Crobar? Im guessing no.
  5. Im not too worried. Baseball's a long season. As long as he heals properly and comes back 100%, I say don't rush him back. Plus I would like to see Ruben Sierra or even Travis Lee Of/1b step up and play outfield until Bernie and Sheff come back. These players are starters on most teams so it would be nice to actually use their talent, especially in a situation like this.
  6. Yo, did you end up going to Deep? If so, how was the place? Im asking b/c Im thinking about checking it out but I wanna get some info on their Sat. party first. From what I've been hearing, its a cool party.
  7. Thanks for the update, Trey Wingo!
  8. We don't need to be gloating. Oh wait, can you hear that? Now batting..... for the Yankees.... 3rd baseman... Alex......Rodriguez. Dont worry, you guys can take picures with him before and after the game. You know pretend he's on your team. I know its not fair to everyone else, but lifes not fair. Its ok to cry sometimes but come on, you guys need those tears later in the season. Its like Ben Afflek finding out J.Lo didn't want to go through w/ the marriage, letting her keep the ring and saying hey I didnt like her anyway. So everyone please stop talking about this trade already( by the way ARod is rockin # 13) and lets move on. You people can be so overdramatic sometimes. See you opening day, mofo's!
  9. The curse lives on! Just waitin on Bud Selig to crush the hopes and dreams of the REd Sox and their fans once again.
  10. All you have to do is set up the league. Then whoever wants to join can sign up themselves. Basically, you're the comissioner. Its real easy to set up. The only thing you have to worry about is the scoring system(hr, avg, sb, hits, era, k's,walks, etc). For that, you might wanna get feedback from everyone in the league to make it interesting. Any other ques. let me know... I was the comish for my league last year.
  11. <http://www.consumptionjunction.com/content/detail.asp?ID=32365&type=1&page=1&fav=0> Just got it sent to me at work, but I can't open it b/c we have firewall. Hopefully the link will work. Enjoy!
  12. I don't see how Scalabrini or Brian Cardinal are not all stars! Come on 3.2, 0.9, 2.4 for Scal and 9.8, 1.4, 4.5 for Cardinal. These voters need to get their head checked.
  13. Is he the same guy who was on that soccer comercial?
  14. That commercial is always on!
  15. Yup, most people are definately not used to waiting in line in 0 degree weather for a bar in Hoboken.
  16. What are you a promoter over there?
  17. Hell Yeah! I just hope they dont charge a ridiculous amount for this.
  18. pk1


    Thumbs up for Syrus. The old man showed urbody what's up. Why they always gotta pick on the black man?
  19. So when and where's the date?
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