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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Stop being so fucking naeve, everyone's got a potty mouth. This aint Catholic school Peggy Sue.
  2. Changing the last part is easy: Just go down to the Concourse in the Bronx and troll around for a while, there's some chicks down there that are CHOICE. I mean, where else can you go all around the world for 5 bucks and a happy meal?
  3. Depends on the amount of oil left in the pan. If total degredation has happened (Read: No oil is able to circulate around the block and top end) I'd give you . . oh . . .say 50 miles before that block freezes like bamitsham's brain during calc class. It can differ though. It all depends on the ambient temperature outside and how much power your engine puts out. A four banger is gonna last alot longer than a V8 with no oil, for the simple massive difference in power output.
  4. Just for saying that, you're car is gonna fucking die tommorow morning RIGHT before work.
  5. I'm Sand Nigger and Proud!! You're a Mick right? Welcome to the party
  6. OK bamitsham, let me set something straight for you. IF you feel the need to use racial slurs, at least use the correct one: Towelhead is a slang term for sihks, a subset (if I'm correct) of the hindu religion, commonly found in India and Sri Lanka. I do believe you meant to call me a CAMELJOCKEY because THAT would be the correct term for people of Arab desent. And as well all know, they're just ALL THE RAGE to hate nowadays. Next time you decide to fight back, at least get it right fathead.
  7. Good for you!! (seriously!) and Good for that guy for saying that to you (The 'girlfriends' comment). Both of you had the proper statements and made them with aplomb. Somebitch, I salute you!
  8. You know, she's got quite the manly jaw kicking in that picture. I wonder if she's pre-op or not?? Hmmm.
  9. Ok, time for more translation: I wish it were remotely possible to have a chance to use my penis on another human being (preferably of the female persuasion) so that quoth and emodiedhate didn't feel a need to shit on me when I attempt to indirectly mac on chicks. I wasn't trying to dis the girl... I was just trying to point out in a humorous fashion that topics like this scream out for validation, which I find amusing at the very least... people should learn to be comfortable with themselves, and I get a sense of self gratification from pointing this out to them when I'm not crying about my penis. You two on the other hand, seem to have a knack in finding flaws with my inadequate penis... congratulations! You'll go far in life! Do these boards have filters? If they do someone please tell me. (Oh and congratulations on getting a reaction from me, because God knows the Amyil Nitrate and hamsters aren't quite jiving with my 3rd input anymore)
  10. That IS of course if you LIKE the way tranny whores look. I'll take my women clean shaven, thanks.
  11. Oh boy!!! Look out!!! BammyMyHammy with the useless info.
  12. That's a pretty weak fucking comeback..Actually, this entire fucking conversation is weak. Here's my take on how it should have went: Codica3: It's such a pain being a girl, maybe I should just give up on all this pain in the ass grooming and become a millitant bull dyke that wears homemade burlap clothing... Hoke: I really don't care what you do, as long as I get to stick my woefully underused penis in you during the process. Now THAT's entertainment.
  13. Good! SEE THAT LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, ONE FUCKING HUMAN BEING ON THIS BOARD WHO IS QUICK ENOUGH TO GET IT ON THE FIRST PASS!! Fucking simple right? All the rest of you horse cock eating fetal pigs read and learn...
  14. Explain to me why you feel the need to post pics of your wife here?
  15. There really isn't a list of criteria, per se..I just choose the person that I find most annoying at the moment. You haven't qualified as that today, so you're out of luck. Got that, shithead?
  16. She's a hewa designed by marketing graduates, what do you expect?
  17. ..Cornholed vigorously I might add (to increase the chances of tearing)
  18. She's a silly little girl that deserves to be cornholed by a well endowed black man. I would pay GOOD money to see that.
  19. embodiedhate


    That just isn't funny.
  20. Where's a racist NYPD vice squad flunkie when you need him.
  21. Actually the Gelatin part of JELLO ( the stuff that allows it to mold into any shape and "set up" ) is made from those parts of animals. Usually cow pieces, but I wouldn't rule out the occasional thoroughbred creeping in there.
  22. Hmmm...Traded in the horse cock for JELLO eh? I'm impressed.
  23. I actually misread that post and thought it was from Hoke, I do apologize. Thank you for the complement on the sig, I wrote it down sometime long ago. I thought it appropriate for my persona on this board.
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