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Everything posted by embodiedhate

  1. Codica: I don't remember adressing you. Fatass: Why aren't you gonna bother? At a loss for words? Come on, I would expect more from you. But then again, it is kinda hard to forumulate a sentence when you're binging on all those Ho Ho's, now isn't it? But then again, maybe I shouldn't expect much, all that lard is probably invading your brain, pooling and slowing it down. Also, don't assume I'm a guy. I may have intoned that, but with the internet, anything is possible.
  2. Where is that Fat Ass? I haven't seen him on the board much today, and he WAS my original target way back when I first started hating. So let the games begin. Anyone got any good trash on him?
  3. Then why didn't you come out and say that in the first place? Well put though. See ladies and gentlemen? Honesty and directness, works everytime.
  4. You have got to be kidding me. Girls are a THOUSAND times more vicious when it comes to that stuff, at least underneath the surface. I think it's the fact that guys will show that kind of displeasure on the surface, where as girls will just let it seethe. It's a classic difference between the sexes. Guys are always looking at their friend's girl's personalities, and if distrust is detected, you can expect no end to the hating.
  5. Actually, you can combine both: Birthing hips = FAT after the first one popps out.
  6. You must be proud. Isn't there a rail somewhere that you should be doing?
  7. It would be unfortunate if he lost limbs in the process. Let's all pray that he doesn't.
  8. You know you want it, why deny it?
  9. Quite Simply: Bitch get a job! It's not your place to carry anyone through this life except for yourself. If you have a problem with a girl not being employed, aviod her.
  10. Why should I work on them? It's to the point right?
  11. They're probably working on it. Settle down.
  12. We can only hope that the Hamptons will be one day reclaimed by the sea. Until then, I think New York state should form a committee to try to figure out how to keep the people that go in the summer there all year long.
  13. Looks like you have quite the fanclub going, go shook!
  14. The comment directed towards you wasn't meant to be comedy, it was said in the belief of truth. If I wanted a weak display of comedy I'd make some correlation between you wanting to suck Shook's cock and all that beast porn you've starred in.
  15. The amount of denial you're in impresses me. You see that shook? The girl definitely wants to slob your knob. Go get her killer!!
  16. Why don't you just offer to suck his cock, like you want to, and get it over with?
  17. You just figured that one out?
  18. I think you should get back to sucking that horse cock.
  19. Who the fuck cares, it's all worthless KTU cheese anyway. Go out and get an education, then send me a memo pal.
  20. And you are just like a human, with less brain cells, n sh1t...
  21. I admire your tenacity. Maybe, and this is just a suggestion, you should focus it on more productive things, like getting a clue about music.
  22. Somebody's getting some. Congratulations!
  23. It seems like every year about this time, the Con Edison guys setup shop outside my house and stay all summer. I don't necessarily mind it, but one thing does irk me. They've got like 5 guys in the truck, and undoubtedly one guy spends his time in the lift all day fixing whatever pork project they're working on at the moment, while the other four just sit around the truck. I notice this kind of thing in construction projects as well. 15 guys on a site, 3 are working and the other 12 are staring in shocked amazement. Here's my question: Do you notice this kind of thing happening around your neighborhood? It seems to me that this kind of stuff only seems to happen around the Tri-state, but that could just be my perception.
  24. I think you all need to calm the fuck down.
  25. Everybody doing today? Good?
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