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Everything posted by nyckitty69

  1. :laugh: : yeah whatever!!!!! :laugh: According to BBC news: "The United States are bidding for victory at the 2010 World Cup, and believe it is a realistic aim. Ivan Gazidis, chief of Major League Soccer - the USA's equivalent of the Premiership - believes the team's display in the 2002 event was merely a precursor to greater success. " keep dreaming. If football is not in u'r blood, forget it. stick to baseball american football and basketball chump cuz that's what's in USA blood. comparing MLS to the Premiership? are u on crack? :laugh: my stomach hurts from laughing so hard........ nice joke of the new year.... What do the rest of u guys think?
  2. not like it was full anyway. that place sux so fucking bad->fat ugly girls and ricky martin guys. LI crowd. Every time I ever went there that's what I saw. good riddance to that space. it has the potential to be cool. thursdays were their best nights
  3. darn!!!!!!! i missed it!!!! they better repeat it, cuz the ads made the jersey people look way dumber than those sf clowns. so this is better? Excellent!! there is someone more of a loser than k-smooth? smooth with the ladies, yeah whatever shrimp. wiseguys in my neighborhood can beat up that clown with their little finger.
  4. worst club in the city? there are way worse clubs in nyc and if you travel out of the city, exit seems like paradise.
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! it was hip hop now it's gay? what a waste of club space. i would rather have hip hop
  6. r u saying that cuz jr's gay or is it now mainly gay men? say it isn't so. PLEASE!!!!!
  7. well then when is the next time he is spinning?
  8. i know that has nothing to do w/ sports, but since beckham is a football player... Luckily according to BBC: "England have missed out on being one of the top seeds for the Euro 2004 finals in Portugal next summer. As expected, England are among the second group of seedings, along with Italy, Spain and Germany. The group of top seeds comprises of reigning champions France, hosts Portugal and Sweden and the Czech Republic, the two countries with the best records from the qualifying campaign. Holland, who crushed Scotland in the play-offs, are in the third pot, alongside Croatia, Denmark and Russia, who got through at the expense of Wales. The final qualifiers, and tournament underdogs, complete the list - Bulgaria, Switzerland, Latvia and Greece. " so much for beckham's star power....
  9. i think milan will lose but they're still the best always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (at least in my opinion) they'll be back!!!
  10. i don't know what the names are but 1 of them had a nice sig about virginity and not selling cheap. i think 1 of them may have been a guy coming to think of it. did anyone see the virginity documentary on mtv? every girl should see that.
  11. nice that someone has a sense of humour! :) :) when exit was still around, it seemed the avg was at least 100. every single guy i met said "i don't know... i lost count" what a waste of super yummy eye candy. i hate thinking about it... oh... like we won't get tired of fucking u? i can tell u one thing for sure... i was only w/ 2 guys... just 2: i got tired of blowing one guy i was with after a short while. i got the experience i wanted and left and he said wtf? how can u be so cold / cruel? the same w/ the other guy i was with, got some new techniques and left. same old...wtf? how can u be so cold / cruel? the power was in MY hands. i don't do that anymore. 2 is enough. i got what i wanted. oh, and there are 2 other girls on cp who are still holding out. i'm not the only one
  12. ARE U FOR REAL? that is the most fucked up sexist thing I ever read. No a guy doesn't have to unless he is an absolute loser like you. you're so fucking ingnorant. women don't have to hold out. The only reason why girls like me do is cuz there are too many dirty scumbags like u around. rija'an...arjook PLEASE DON'T BREED. we don't need anymore pricks like u around. stronger? are you on crack? you are such a fucking moron. can u be anymore of an ignorant sexist idiot? no it doesn't get stronger. don't bother arguing with me cuz I have a degree in biology. it's equally gross when for both guys and girls to fuck around. the more women, the more dirty your penis is.
  13. IMO: when i meet guys that have been with many many women, it's so disgusting. I hope they don't have some disease. It makes me think: get a life clown, there's more to life than sex, ppl aren't names and numbers. u can get the hottest guy and it will still be a turn off. diseases floating all over the place. this thread makes me feel so fresh and so clean! my official talley is still at .......0!
  14. how original...we both have 69
  15. did u guys see that picture? yuck i saw it at the news stand today. i actually believe it cuz constant touring and her smoking take a toll on u, and of course she's rich enough to afford amazing photographers and makeup artists who retouch and adjust lighting the things $ can buy...
  16. ppl are going to lie about it. i think once u pass a certain # u'r just a dirty player. ppl who have been w/ way too many ppl is such a turn off, so guys say it is more, girls say it is less i'm going to say 20 for guys 10 for girls
  17. i do as well if the guy is cool, it's actually enjoyable and i make an effort.
  18. didn't the advert's say the nj 'how u doin' episode was coming on tonight at 10? wtf? it's not on my guide. mtv.com didn't list the nj episode at all. they're putting of some britney garbage instead that's strange. I could have sworn they said thursday at 10 pm
  19. THURSDAY AT 10 PM!!!! It's going to be hilarious!!!!!!!!! It repeats sat morning if u miss it. I hope they visit temptations!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: princessofsf: i see what u mean, u'r point is well taken.
  20. hmm.. that's what bbc news said they gave the first and runners up some teams still have play offs like i think switzerland and russia as long as italy makes it i'm happy. and if the other teams make it i'll be even happier cuz those teams put on good matches IMO, never a dull moment so no one watched france destroy germany i wonder if habibna alba6al Zizo was zizo playing. represent!
  21. are u serious? exit is back? i thought that joint is now a hip hop place? junior at sf..! that is going to be wicked! so he's going to spin there regularly?
  22. France won 3-0! Yes!!!!!!! I'm shocked to see such a result when Germany had a decent performance last year. If france is in bad shape now, germany must be unimaginable, unless france improved, or did they not care since the would make it regardless Did anyone watch the match? If so, how was it? ..and Spain, Italy, Holland, and Croatia made it to the euro 2004 qualifiers!!!! I can't wait for this!!
  23. because Italy is my fav football team. I've always liked all things italian. i put my country's flag in a flagpole outside my balcony.
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