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Everything posted by nyckitty69

  1. I have been to sf, roxy, and exit many times, not that I'm proud of it, but I went cuz I prefer megaclubs to be honest. They also tend to get the more popular dj's. As far as stereotyping, respectfully, I disagree with what u said and this is why: There is a difference btwn stereotyping african-americans, italians, asians...etc and stereotyping a clubber. If u'r stereotyping an african american, arab american, or asian, hispanic, etc... those ppl were born that way..they cannot change to another minority. That's a serious social issue, hence affirmative action, trent lott issue...etc They have suffered financially because of the discrimination and stereotyping. It's NOT a choice they made. If u stereotype a clubber so what, it won't affect your resume, or prospects for a career. Just leave the hard partying lifestyle and clean up u'r act. It may be hard, but you made the choice to begin with. This is not a serious social issue... drug use is, but clubbing per se isn't That's why I don't get so politically correct when I talk about clubbers. It's a choice u made. And I'm not closed minded.. if there's any minority that is being treated poorly and being discriminated against just because of their names or religion these days it's the middle eastern community, of which I am a part of. We can't blink w/out someone saying "it's anti american" or violating our civil liberties but that's life.
  2. OMG... from a 3rd person point of view...Roxy and SF seem so disgusting. What a fucking loser crowd. What a waste of club space. Ppl throwing their lives away and snorting coke from the floor (cuz she didn't want to waste it.. yuck). WTF is that? I never realized the crowd is that pathetic. And that girl who was dancing when she was pregnant? That's gross. She didn't look it, but what if she slipped and fell? WTF is wrong with these losers? They have no concept of the future and the consequences of their actions. What is wrong with those idiots? B4 they know it, life will catch up w/ them. They even look old cuz of the drugs they use. What's worse is that there are lots of ppl that live that lifestyle. On the + side, perhaps the subjects of the documentary will see it and change their lives. Clubbing is fun, but there comes a time where you have to grow up. You're only young for so long. this week is the new jersey 'how ya doin' crowd :laugh:
  3. yeah i'm surprised. I used to like real before mr overrated joined. M utd has played better than I thought without him too. the person who is making beckham who he is is his wife. w/out her, he would be your avg good player but not as overrated.
  4. oh.. and when george said "saddam hussein just double parked" :laugh:
  5. my fav is: "95% of the population is undateable".
  6. david beckham sux. he's so overrated. if he was so good, england would have won the bloody world cup again by now, instead of crying over the last time they won which was some time in the 50's I believe. beckham beckham everywhere... were it not for his looks, he would not be as big. he's not even remotely ok looking. doesn't he even have a fashion line? he's a money making machine. ronaldo or rivaldo can kick his ass any day.
  7. how much is it to install? what about a monthly fee?
  8. according to bbc news he tore a thigh muscle sux. They'll win any way.
  9. My New York Dolls cd's, i mainly listen to a "best of" one. glam rocked. My KISS cd's (stopping with Destroyer) I used to be in the goth scene a few years ago so I'll add a 4 song ep by Fields of the Nephilim and my best of Alien Sex Fiend cd. Girls Under Glass -- double cd I forgot the name of Madness - i think it's called 'complete madness'
  10. no way. i went to one of his parties, waste of $. there are better ways to spend that $. his parties are all hype and the crowd is worse than sf and exit.
  11. Does anyone have it or know someone who does? does it have a competitor? worth the $? opinions? i've been thinking about it for a while. i'm tired of supporting the artists and paying rediculous prices for vinyl, i pay enough club money already.
  12. what happened to that guy 'shook'? his posts were scary. did he get banned?
  13. i just read milan lost 1-0. who watched the match? how was it?
  14. in the film they said gatien, unless i misunderstood, died of a drug overdose. i read that alig is writing a film about his life, and that he is considered a legend now for the old schoolers. I watched the documentary about disco bloodbath on a&e and the film stuck to the facts. it seemed accurate to me. even the costumes were exact replicas of what alig and james st james wore. i wish i was older then to experience that cool time in nyc club history. it sux now. go watch the film!! it's really good
  15. 2 baseball teams: mets, yankees 2 american football teams: buffalo bills, giants what's the difference btwn the teams? why don't other states have 2? I don't watch those sports but i was talking to someone today who mentioned it and I wondered why. coming to think of it, why isn't it called "american rugby"?
  16. I just saw 'Party Monster' ...pretty cool film. the person from home alone is in it, and he did a good job of playing a gay fucked up club kid. The limelight seemed so cool then, the clothing, makeup... so much creativity. unlike today where most of the club clones see what stars wear on mtv and imitate it or shop at bang bang and amsterdam boutique. how times have changed.
  17. layali is a very rare male name. Very few men in the US are named layali. Be proud of your unique name! layali is a very rare female name. Very few females in the US are named layali. Be proud of your unique name! layali is a very rare last name. Very few last names in the US are layali. Be proud of your unique last name!
  18. According to BBC news: He was released from his AC Milan contract 2 yrs early cuz he didn't show up for lots of matches. I wonder which team will buy him, apparently Real Madrid and chelsea want him. More importantly, what's next for milan...
  19. oops, i meant Lactococcus acidophilus
  20. those girls got their information wrong. first of all, the cultures in yogurt are bacteria, and bacteria is DIFFERENT from yeast. Your female friends are not making sense. How can you get a yeast infection from bacteria? that's like saying you got alcoholism from drinking pepsi. where's the logic? second, bacteria in yogurt (Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lacococcus acidophilus) are used to PREVENT a yeast infection. So... if they were eating yogurt they most likely wouldn't have the infections. The girls u know got their infections from somewhere else, like some infected guy or poor hygiene or too many carbohydrates (yeast thrive on sugar) (btw guys can get yeast infections too, unfortunately they don't show symptoms much, and consequently may not know they have an infection, and spread it to females who do usually show symptoms)
  21. I go to GMU so I saw them w/ my own eyes. The phones have a huge warning on them referring to the Patriot Act, I think the library terminals may be under serveillance too but I haven't been there yet. The easiest ones to see are in David King hall right in front of the Johnson Center in the Psychology Dept floor.
  22. that whole street is filled with sub par places...Platinum, Home, Insomnia up the street. I have been to a few sub par clubs but those are beyond description. VIP has the potential to be a good club, when and if they bring some dj's that are not into top 40 music. Unfortunately, that's what the crowd wants to hear. Bad dj's ...which attract a bad crowd. Personally, I am willing to tolerate the crowd if the music was better. Demographics plays a large part in that too. VIP used to better (music, that is) when it was called Earth some yrs ago, at least they played International music. Hard to believe the good old 9.30 club was there. Nothing can compete on Fri anyway, since I read buzz was back.
  23. For any of you GMU students.. have you noticed they are wiretapping the telephones? At least GMU is nice enough to put notices on the telephones. Are they doing it at other campuses in DC? Too bad Gotti isn't alive to hear about this.
  24. This film is disturbing...mainly because it is a true story, and there are many girls in this city who probably led the same life / are leading and had the same bad parenting. All that and she was just 13!! Girls grow up too fast now and become corrupted so easily sometimes just to fit in.
  25. i always go by myself by necessity, not by choice. I like to come and go at my own time and not wait on others. I also don't want to deal with ppl who drink in my car. Sometimes it's lonely going by myself and walking thru the streets to the club but such is life. it's strange, when I tell guys I came by myself, they don't understand, they keep asking "Why?".
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