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Everything posted by nyckitty69

  1. if you're in pain 24-48 hrs after, your muscles may be out of shape. From my knowledge you're supposed to be sore for a while but not for 24-48 hrs after every work out. That's lactic acid i think. [qoute] Why is decreasing weights preferable? Why do you think that high reps will lead to more "definition"?
  2. You don't need a fake id to get in. I use my real id and they insist it is fake I use my old fake id and i get in no problem.
  3. b/c diff people have diff taste, so I would go anyway, only to realize that you all were absolutely correct. i honestly don't know how some places are still in business unless their investors are their patrons.
  4. thanx for all your club / lounge advise. whenever you all post bad reviews about a club, it almost always is (according to my experience), and when you all say it's pretty good you're again right (according to my experience). i'm glad there are people whose opinion i consider reliable should i need it. thanx a lot!!!
  5. here's something i find utterly disgusting: people who wear the same gym clothes day in day out & sweat & don't wipe the equipment. so there is a build up of sweat and odour. are they too poor to buy just 2 shirts? the cdc should quarantine these disease reservoirs. people who wash their shirts but not their shorts. when every guy w/ a tattoo has that *same* stupid barbed wire tattoo, in the *same* place. people who won't get the living fuck out of my swimming lane and splash all over me. i hate it when bally's (they gym I go to) shows some halfway attractive people in their commercials and I never see anyone remotely close to looking like them.
  6. when you're sore, it's mainly due to the build up of lactic acid (mainly for people who didn't work out in forever and their muscles are deteriorating.) unless you mean the good feeling after a set: first of all: you are not supposed to go up in weights. you start out w/ a higher weight and gradually go down. it makes a world of a difference 2) use low weights with high reps (ie 25, 30) to get the def'n you want for 2 or 3 (best) sets 3) it may depend on your diet. if it is a heavy carbohydrate diet, it makes sense how nothing is working. read the book "the zone". 4) i agree w/ the suggestion that you should vary your workout. ie don't use the same leg press, don't follow the same routine i hope that helps
  7. water. those drinks are just salt and water. it replaces the sweat you lost. i don't need the extra salt, nor the carbohydrates
  8. yes yes yes!!!! i so agree!!! that is hysterical here is another one of mine: the locker rooms when it is the heat of the summer and the air condition isn't working especially in the locker rooms so it smells like algae and fungusy tennis shoes hairy fat sweaty guys that wear strings and teeny shorts. ew! people who go overboard on the time limit for the cardio machines. when your 25 min are up get the fuck off. can't you read? people who won't get off equipment when there is a line waiting or they take all the time in the world. old cranky broken equipment that the gym owner didn't replace yet. my fav machines that are broken and it is always those thay take the longest time to repair, while the stuff i never use is fixed the next day. deliberate drama queens people who's form is sooo wrong have the nerve to tell me MY form is wrong. WTF? i've been doing this for 6 yrs and have muscles to prove it, i think i know what i'm doing by now. morons. i think i posted a ton on another thread. it's always nice to see a thread like this.
  9. i am, mainly for geoffrey rush. He was brilliant in "quills". simultaneously, i prefer not to see summer blockbuster films, but i love him too much to miss.
  10. what else other than centrofly? that place is on my list, & discotheque any regular club nights that are decent? that cp update list of clubs and events is so unbelievably empty now...and this is NYC. I saw him already. i'm waiting for felix da housecat now thanx QUOTE]Originally posted by crystalmethod Centro-Fly tonite. John Digweed. Nuff said.
  11. what's left on fri, sat? i used to go to exit, sf, webster hall, roxy. I just want an idea of what to expect before i go to the clubs. thanx in advance for any advice.
  12. for a girl to still be a virgin (i know it is for some guys)? if it's not a big deal, say so. Please be honest guys, i need to know when the inexperience should end. thanx
  13. right on. of all the annoying things at a club, that is the worst, especially if the guy has an erection. yuck. 1. i hate those stupid loser guys who try to show off by taking off their shirts at the club, like they're the only guys on earth with muscles. they can't even dance. next time shave your chest. my eyesight is already bad. 2. people who will follow any trend even if they look silly. sheep. 3. people who drink on the dancefloor and make a mess 4. people who go to clubs to sell drugs. i'm sick of clubs being shut down for drugs 5. fake people who think that driving an suv makes them look rich and go in first to the club (vip status) but have major credit card debt and are still paying for their cars. 6. girls who are fat and try to fit into size 2 lowriders and do that booty dance or whatever. wtf? lose some damn weight. 7. fake bi girls 8. tony monero guys. ... ...
  14. i love that film!!! it's not your avg holocaust film, it seemed to cover all aspects. i saw it twice and adrian brody is absolutely beautiful in it, great story, direction, screenplay, wonderful film i think it's more of a girl film, i don't know if guys will like it i must buy the dvd
  15. i don't understand that either. some of my fellow students speak that way and come from rich families. i never know if it's the slang of todays world or a white boy trying to be ghetto. in either case, i see they haven't learned anything in terms of their education.
  16. mine would be lola lola from "the blue angel" 1930? with marlene dietrich b/c she's a strong female w/ men crazy after her. she makes a fool of them & always gets her way. or the girl in the godfather part 1 who marries al pacino and gets shot b/c she marries al pacino and dies young.
  17. what abou the non eric morillo nights? what are those like? same crowd? thanx
  18. clubs only. i avoid raves since from what I saw: far more drugs and more ppl < 21. raves usually have more arrests, security checks, hassles. ravers usually have sloppy dirty clothing and they dont' take baths. all that plur this plur that...yet they break into peoples cars and steal from them...hypocrites way more glowsticks i like some form of hygeine and proper clothing.
  19. <------ Layali stress on second syllable lay as in lay a as in at li as in lee
  20. i love love love that place!!! i agree, the other rosa's pizza's aren't as good. some have old pizza that is beginning to look plastic or attracted insects and people still eat them.
  21. oh good..another gym thread i hope there will be another one i don't like going to the gym for any body part. after 5 yrs, it becomes something one must do for vanity and health reasons vs something I once enjoyed. 1. Legs best 2. abdomen 3. Arms /shoulders worst 4. elliptical cardio, back of quadriceps thing my absolute fav thing to do in the gym is swim.
  22. during the semester it's usually: my final exams OR how much worse the economy can get other times its this: why men are either attractive or intelligent, rarely both
  23. is there any decent place in astoria? or just stick to the city?
  24. how is this place? opinions? i'm hoping it's like centro-fly thanx
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