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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by lalate

  1. no. Thursdays is White Lotus (free cover for LAlate subscribers)
  2. tequiza - lol! diabolique --- great advice!! water is key!
  3. you rock weyes! everyone keep that advice coming.
  4. wow this thread needs a Sticky! lol. Let's hear some more advice folks. Keep it coming. Just great!!! Agree with everyone so far! And some great new advice we're seeing! Keep it up! Water a. --- Yeah -- the water is important. If you see someone who is feeling sick from drinking too much, give them water, and water, and more water, and have them stay seated. Within about an hour to hour 1/2 they will feel better. b. Beer. It's important to drink water if you're only drinking beer that night. Cuz unlike a mixed drink with ice cubes that melt, beer dehydrates you very badly. Water replenishes your system ... and well ... keeps your lips moist for kissing lol. Food a. Don't eat a lot of food after a night. You body doesn't really need it. Maybe just a little bite. But these people who go to diners after partying and eat a 3 course meal --- just not good for your stomach. Hot liquids. Forgot this one --- your throat really luvs some warm liquids after a night of gabbing and gabbing -- especially in windy, cool nights. What other advice do we have?
  5. lalate

    White Lotus

    Since when is dressing to impress bad? !!! lol
  6. Almost every venue plays mainstream. Not kiddin. If the venue is very popular it's playing mainstream hiphop. If you don't hear 50cents played twice per month, the venue doesn't have people in a line outside . lol
  7. Almost every venue plays hiphop now (even bars with dancing permits). It's the most popular format. The issue only is what type of hiphop --- mainstream songs, or not. (Dancing permits means permits for dancing. Not permits that dance themselves. lol.)
  8. hmm interesting about the food --- actually prefer eating before going out but also prefer NOT eating WHILE out because strange foods exponentially can bother a stomach.
  9. There is an artform to partying consecutive nights. Let's hear everyone's tips. Here are some: a) Drink water before you go to bed. Prevents hangovers. Get a decent, if not shorter, but decent amount of sleep. Don't sleep all day. Prevents sleep deprivation. c) Get sunlight the next day. Gets endorfs (sp) up. d) Do cardio the next day. Gets endors up. e) Don't eat a big meal after a night of partying. Actually one of the worse things you can do for your body. f) Stretching the next morning. Help relimbers the body after a night of dancing. g) Don't drink fruit-filled contrasting drinks like cosmos with apple martinis. What's everyone else's tips? Hey Weyes --- maybe this needs a sticky?!
  10. There is actually an artform to partying consecutive nights. Never realized that until recently when realized everyone else was sleeping the entire next day while some others were up the next morning at 9 am.... .... hmmmm maybe this is a good topic for a new thread! lol. Let's do it!
  11. while on that subject of spundae, weyes -- since I know you like spundae, do you know anything about that spundae party on a boat thats on wanttickets.com? Thumbs up? Thumbs down?
  12. lalate

    White Lotus

    FYI ... cuz people are always asking..... Yes, in addition to Ivar, Nacionale, Highlands, Cinespace, Garden, (etc etc) we got White Lotus for you at least one night per week, sometimes more ..... this week it was an A+ party with an A+ recording artist. Nightlife doesn't get any better than this! May has been a blockbuster month for us (thanks everyone)! Get those dancing shoes out folks. Here's to having fun - new faces, new love. Enjoy! Peace.
  13. Yeah the backroom needs some decore. (And to turn off ESPN from the flatscreens during a promoted night! lol) The front room has a great floorplan with different sections, skylights, loftlike VIP room with skylights to the sky. Very nice and packed packed packed.
  14. oops forgot one more (actually, not speculation but true): © For business owners, under the Bush adminstration, certain larger SUVs have a big tax deduction. Just do a word search on google for Bush + H2 Hummer + tax deduction and you'll see the info.
  15. We've got a few lists up in San Fran also (lol!). We'll check our database and see what we can find. Have some of that great food when ur there! Great restaurants there
  16. Look under "for those wanting tips"--- posting #1. Here at LALate.com, we have more venues, more events, and more subscribers than two dancing feet could handle in one week! lol!
  17. oh God dont let us get started on this topic lol. You are SO RIGHT. Our friends are ALWAYS taking about this thing. This thing --- with young males (18-24) driving tripped out suv's (not the cheap ones) with their bros in the driver's seat (only about 4% of the time with a girl with em) with the video in the head rest and the $$$ rimms up and down the sunset strip -- has been going on AT LEAST since early 2002. The guys are NEVER over early 20s. Here our some "theories", aka, speculation as to what is maybe going on --- a) GM leases. Not kiddin. You generally see this thing in the GM trucks. GM currently has a lease for practically nothing down and no payments for many months. They arent going to the clubs. If you go out a lot you will see nice cars at the clubs in the vip valet, but not these cars. You basically see an average mix of cars --- not all this tripped out SUVs. These aren't club owners, aren't promoters, and you don't see people leaving clubs getting into these cars.
  18. VENUE: REIGN LOCATION: BEVERY HILLS NIGHT YOU ATTENDED: SATURDAY PROMOTION: YES Decor: 8. Great flow of rooms. We love a venue with a lot of different rooms that aren't all square box. This place was nice. Not huge, not small. The floor we'd change! LOL. The white washed hardwood floors are nice for a restaurant but a little too nice for a club. The lighting was great ---- been SOOO tired of venues too dark you can't see people. People/vibe: 6. people are very nice, not that good looking. Ratios were great -- almost 1 to 1. Parking: 10. parking in the neighborhood everywhere. Best thing: music was very good, floor plan excellent, and drink prices very good. What would we change --- oh mannnnn --- a) the bars! You need more bartenders!!! Why don't venues understand that. Go to Red Rock and you see a guy pouring a drink every 30 seconds. Go to Reign and they pour one every 3 minutes. That's money lost! There was (after the open bar promotion) a 20 minute wait for a beer! (And they have 3 bars!) Hire staff- you're loosing money. Other thing - omg -- the restrooms --- ready for this, a big venue - with only two indivdiual restrooms for the ENTIRE venue! Yep. The restroom line was onto the dancefloor! 40 minute wait! Yep. Would i go back? yep. Had fun. (And for some shameless plug -- you could have gone to Joya that night and had open bar for one hour and drove down the street to Reign and have another one hour of open bar! lol)
  19. As of this moment, the TOP TOP club in Hollywood (based upon people's desire to go there versus another venue) is White Lotus, not Garden of Eden. We'll get you into White Lotus on Thursday and there is no picture neccessary! (Although a hug would be appreciated. )
  20. Oh I'd just love to go! Please add to the guestlist for this Thursday my group: Tweetie Sylvester and me (Taz) .............. A PICTURE to get on a guestlist? NO WAY! That MUST be a mistake. lol
  21. Everyone - stay away from "Magarita Jones" (near USC). Not safe. Enough said. peace.
  22. And for those girls that wanta strip their promoters OUT of their boxers --- there is always the VIP lounge available .... it's for charity! what a worthy cause! lol What a fun-RAISING idea lol
  23. seriously, actually, we should do something like this for a charity fundraiser once ... that would be cool! stipping for charity, here we come! who's in??? ! lol
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