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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. i'm a bit nervous at changing my hair color to brown, but I'm already dirty blonde/light ash brown so I figured its a happy medium. I think i'll go for brown late in the fall.
  2. Thank you, you're very sweet...
  3. arrrrggg... this is so retarded.. usa has no intentions of reconstructing iraq.. the only country it ever reconstructed was Japan... Of course they want to take the sole control over oil, I understand the mentallity, we said fuck you to UN and took over Iraq ourselves so now its our right to that oil! I think anyone could take over Iraq.. they had almost nothing to fight with... So I'm taking now usa is going to say fuck you to UN again for wanting it to have a part in reconstructing it. Its a very tricky situation because USA, England put down the money and troops for the take over and now UN wants to get on the bandwagon and possible profits... although France and mostly Russia are getting screwed since Iraq's debt is pretty big... and there is a possiblity that they aren't going to be payed off.... one of the reasons why they were originally opposed to the war to begin with... This whole situation is messed up and its just getting more fucked up with each second.
  4. Sorry, you're right its called Party Monsters and not the club kids.. Well, the guy who killed the drug dealer was hired by Peter to set up and promote parties until he fired the guy after his coke addiction got out of hand. They had a special about the case on City Confidential... And than they arrested Peter and wanted Micheal to testify against him... obviously he didn't make a very good witness after the body of the chopped up drug dealer was found... But I thought there was another more recent movie being made about Peter Gatien.... maybe i'm wrong... oh well.... They should, they did one about Studio 54.....
  5. oooops sorry for the double post:spin:
  6. me with my roomate in San Antonio, I'm on the right.
  7. me with my roomate in San Antonio, I'm on the right.
  8. If they do stop fucking with third world countries that can't protect themselves than where will american economy be and their status as most powerful country in the world? Gotta get what america needs... needed oil... well... look Saddam is evil and its a small country, should be no prob to invade and distroy... only took two weeks too!!! There are so many countries in the world who have leaders as bad as Saddam, but they do not hold any financial gain for usa. I'm sure another country that held as much power as usa does would most likely do the same thing. Unfortunetly power can be abused and missused... its just a matter of how much missuse the rest of the world can take. I know most of the world sees what usa has done as illegal based on international laws but they are powerless until they unite. which is difficult to do. And I might sound selfish when i say this, but i don't want to see them unite and start taking actions against usa because that would mean my life will be more difficult than it already is... Unfortunetly the actions of the government directly effect the people of this country.
  9. Unfortunetly only time will show people whether the actions of the government were right or wrong and we'll be paying for them. it might come to bite america in the ass with the rest of the world finally uniting and hurting america financially. It will be bad for everyone who lives here... but than again it might not and after we're done paying taxes for this war if another one with n. korea doesn't start that will cost another several billion $ coming out of our pockets, our grand grandchildren can enjoy the prosperity of living of other countries. this is just an opinion... what goes around comes around....
  10. yes, that one the "club kids" is out with Culkin but there is another one, that deals mainly with Peter that suppose to be coming out sometime soon, i read about it in some magazine with his daughter interview.
  11. he's originally from Canada, and there was suppose to be a movie about him coming out... the movie "Club Kids" partly dealt with him since most of the things occured in his clubs. His daughter lived in NYC... I think she was one of the people who worked on the new film about him. I know he had to sell all of his clubs in nyc but does he own any clubs in Canada? or other places?
  12. good girl here.... Upstanding How refreshing that there are still people around like you, who respect society and the law. Your Grandparents would be proud. You have a good knowledge of the law and a good public spirit, or you have rarely left the house… Either way - keep it up old fruit! Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: Years in prison: 1 Potential fine: £5000
  13. well, my question is this, you design a navigation bar and everything you have is in cell structure, not frames because I did everything in Fireworks... now if I need to have an outside page from a different source appear within my page but still keep the consistency and the navigation bar at the top, how do i do that? I know that if i use the frames than my navigation bar at the top will not be visable when pulled down. so i need to find some way to keep the navigation bar clear and in the same place throughout but also be able to click on links (from other sites) and have them appear not in a seperate window but within the main page. help!!! to see what i mean go to http://www.cleanenergy.org/new_site/ the navigation and the logo at the top have to stay there but the contents in the middle have to change with info from other sites.
  14. he broke up with her... they never officially broke up he just stopped returning her calls.
  15. that's pretty good summary of Bush's doings....
  16. not sleeping here Liqidtouch, are you pretty good at websites? cause I have a slight technical difficulty with one i'm designing right now... and i'm trying to find people who are good with navigation in fireworks and dreamweaver. SACE website
  17. i like United colors of benneton for suit wear. And sometimes Express has some decent suits
  18. Giving up my virginity just so i can get some sleep... it was with my ex after 4 months of dating... he was very determined, And I still didn't get any sleep after that.
  19. I guess I shoud trust him, I just know that he's cheated on his ex before. I guess payback isn't a good term to use. And I haven't asked him to not hang out with her. Because I understand that I can't just tell him what to do just because it makes me feel better.
  20. i know what you're talking about, and some people have this sexual vide that sometimes is overwhelming - everything they do and say. Unfortunetly i do not possess such talent only when i'm buzzing or drunk. But i think i'm going to try doing what you've suggested above next time i talk to someone and see what the effects are.
  21. I have tried to break up with him, but than he told me that I was over reacting and too sensitive... and the whole thing about how he loves me and that only a few weeks left till i come back... that we're going to have a wonderful time and stuff... grrr And i know that if i was there i would be able to control the situation but I'm not... and he knows it upsets me... but he keeps saying they just friends, well, they haven't been friends for 4 years why all of the sudden...Also I don't think being in your room, on your bed with your ex playing exbox constitutes as friends. I don't know, and also that he's doing this to me during my last days of school, when i have proposals and decertations due! Also I still love him very much so its very hard to ignore him. Maybe i'll try it... thank you very much for your response!!!!!
  22. thrillfire

    Ex gf dilemma

    My bf of 4 years... suddenly decides to start hanging out with his ex, they havent spoken to each other for 4 years and he kept telling me that he hates her... so now they are suddenly best buds, going to movies together, shopping, to his house to play xbox! And its every weekend, I can't do anything to stop it because i'm in GA finishing up school. I have been down here for almost two years and when only a month left until i come back he decides to start seeing her again. She also told him that she would kick my ass if she ever met me!!!! wtf!!! So I'm pretty upset and I feel powerless...since i'm far away there isn't much i can do. I just wanted people's advice on how to handle this situation, and I was wondering if anyone had any creative ideas for a payback. Thanx :( :(
  23. That's what my ex said, but than again i was 17 at the time and he was 27. I let my bf wax me several times, but now I go and pay 50$ for a brazilian. I must say he did a better job.
  24. I much rather see kids grow up with same sex couple that loves them than grow up in with a family on welfare with 20kids already without any propare care so they just become criminals when they grow up, or worse get thrown out in to the street or in to trashcans. As far as gay marriage concerns I don't really care as long as they don't go making a big deal about it, and as long as it doesn't interfear with my life.
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