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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. I liked Nicole Kidman in that one... and Val Kilmer's lips were yummy
  2. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Hmmm... sounds like you guys are quite the buddy buddies, do you hang out and do everything together also the three musketeers of Denville Oh... echostar, you forgot to metion a good sushi place....
  3. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Than you probably know how the school system is? My sis is 9 and currently lives in Westfield but she'll be moving to Rockaway in a year so I was wondering if its best to put her to private school or if public was ok. Its good to know there are some party folks living in this area cause its incredably suburban especially Denville on Saturday afternoons
  4. Let's see Friday = worked Saturday = Studied Sunday = worked/studied I can't even remember if i went out of the house at all...
  5. thrillfire

    Rough Sex..

    I second that!
  6. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    I'm takin you live around there? Thanx for all the tips... definitly helps out. I'll make sure to contact you if I have any more questions about the area.... The Thai place is closed on Mondays and I think they start serving dinner at like 5...
  7. thrillfire

    Rough Sex..

    haven't had rough sex in a loooonnnng time... mostly due to the fact that I have been down in GA for two years and my man is up in NJ... have less than a week left and counting...
  8. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Yeah, i remember the quick check, isn't it by Shoprite... Unfortunetly all of those diners you mentioned close late and not 24hr... I was on a mission one time to find one that's open at 4 something... and I had to drive all the way down to East Hanover on route 10 to find one that was still open. That was when i still lived in Sparta... I have yet to check out the park on the other side of Denville with a lake... Looked really nice when I drove by it. I'm just babbling... Also, have you been to this Thai restuarant in downtown Denville... on the side street next to the grociery store? I was wondering if it was any good...
  9. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    There is a 7/11? I only know downtown Denville pretty well... but I haven't seen any 7/11s there... there is a diner right of the exit to Rockaway but I think it closes at 2am...
  10. thrillfire

    Rough Sex..

    Good for you! A little bit jealous though.....
  11. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Also one thing that I don't like about Rockaway/Denville is there isn't any 24hr anything! Everything closes so early.
  12. thrillfire

    Rough Sex..

    They? How many people does it take??? Sorry... lack of sleep....
  13. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    finishing up projects... thesis... I hate doing websites!!!! Have to present it tomorrow for a client. And I'm nowhere near being done.. Talk about Red Bull overdose ...
  14. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Why are you up so late?
  15. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Yeah, that's pretty much what i have been doing everytime I come back home from school...
  16. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    Sparta... but I only lived there for 4 years... I guess than you know where to hang out and what is there to do cause I haven't had a chance yet to explore the neighborehood...
  17. thrillfire

    attn: thrillfire

    I actually live right on the border of Denville... on the Deville side of route 80... Its closer for me to go to Denville than to Rockway downtown... How long have you lived in Denville? I just moved to Rockaway about 6 months ago...
  18. i told my bf three times in three different cases that his friend was hitting on me and he just started to create excuses for them.
  19. I like hats i just don't think it matches her outfit... she still looks good of course...
  20. being brunette definitly fits her better but what's up with the hat?
  21. I'm not talking about ex gfs, i'm talking about current ones... and than even if you mention to your bf that his friend hit on you, he's not going to do anything because its his friend.
  22. i think some guys didn't get the memo...
  23. Personallity wise Scarlet O'Hera from Gone with the Wind... only personallity wise not situation...
  24. thrillfire

    Code of Honor?

    Is there such thing as a code of honor between guys regarding their girlfriends? Meaning the guy friends can't hit on their friend's gf?
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