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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. I hate saying "I love you" at the end of the conversation on the phone when I don't feel like it and than the other person gets all upset and makes a big deal about it! I don't like when it becomes a routine! It makes a relationship seem so old... where everything you do HAS to end on "I love you" and eventually its just another phrase like Good Bye...
  2. I don't like all of those extra bagpocket cases... without them it looks like a normal CD bag...
  3. what if you've experienced real relationships, and that's all you've every done... I think there should be a time in one's life where you date different people.. not necessaraly sleep with them just explore your options...
  4. you can do better than that... i'm sure... and why are you still awake...
  5. Also I don't understand whats so great about Century Mall in LA? I've been there a couple of times and its kinda lame...
  6. you got the short skirt part right!
  7. in high school had teachers hit on me... in undergrad my dad was the professor in the school i went to so no, noone hit on me, but i had crushes on different professors but nothing ever came of it. (one of my little fantasy that's not going to come true)
  8. Rockaway Mall or Short Hills, I hate Garden State... its too crowded... too bubble gummy...
  9. that's a whole lot of reading material....
  10. For all the times that i've been there I keep forgetting to inspect the meters! But they once told me that were is a sign right when you get in to the island... there are so many freaking signs that i have to go 5mph just to read them all!!!! Also I think my jersey lisence plates have something to do with it... its all a big conspiracy against the northerners...
  11. Thank you Ante... Although it can often lead to people calling you poison Ivy...
  12. Any breed of the cat family... except the really sick little no fur kinda cats... from Austin Powers movies
  13. I keep getting tickets at Tybee Island in GA... so stupid... its around the clock meter parking only... and they keep telling you that there are signs that say this, but there aren't any!!!!
  14. Name: Ivy Age: 23 in August Location: Rockaway, NJ Occupation: Creative Director One word to describe myself: calculative
  15. I agree with you on that, I thought at first ruben was better and I loved his face expressions and smile... And clay kinda irritated me in the gay fashion and his facial expressions... but recently i heard them both sing without actually watching them and I definitly though that clay was better singer... I actually liked Kimberly, not Kimberly Locke but the other one.... I heard she was doing Playboy... which I don't think was smart to do right away, she could of waited a bit, since its a kids show.
  16. I've got an idea, how about we put our funds together and buy it and turn it in a club that it once was or at least a club we like to see be in the city... It'll be clubpanet nyc msg board owned club j/k.... It is sad, it was the first club i went to in NYC....
  17. I guess because its understood that majority of them have been that...
  18. Just wondering what would guys and girls pick.... I think I would rather be a dog... even thought I'm not 100% sure what that entails....
  19. i'm sure she didn't think that anyone was going to inspect her this closely... otherwise she probably would have waxed or bleached....
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