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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. while working as a cage dancer wore a whole lot of short short little shorts that could almost be considered underwear and sparkly bras... but that was two times when airconditioner broke!!! it was like 105 degrees packed with people sweating
  2. thrillfire

    Euro Trash

    I'm sorry you had such bad experiences with Western Europians... I have a few friends from western europe and they don't smell and very polite and mannered... they always bitch about americans not being mannered... I never had an encounter with a rude west europian, (except for some polish guys but they're from eastern europe) but i think it comes from their background. I think if you take a family of scientist or some other respected profession people tend to be more cultured and mannered because they have to deal with people on a professional level. How old was the guy?
  3. I'm in need of some aderol right now!!!! I built tolerance for Red Bull...
  4. Wel, they have been allowed to do it and several times at that... So i don't think they'll be stopped any time soon. It seems that the world just turned the over cheek like it does to almost everything. I don't remember a case where USA has changed international stratagy just because un or nato thought it was a bad idea and or is illegal by international laws.
  5. Total Recall, I liked True Lies when it first came out... Twins T2 Conan... less than the others but still liked it
  6. I just remember the last episodes with Amenda and her constantly getting remarried to Peter, I missed the very last episode... so i have no idea what happen at the very end of the show.... but no biggy... reruns on Style Network at 6
  7. need to find a sugar daddy.... but seriously being broke sux especially living in NJ... where there are so many temptations
  8. Alcohol is considered a drug.. you don't drink either?
  9. thrillfire


    i know... i mentioned them above "healthy and energized"...
  10. I like for the most part to be sober, but once in a while... drunk or stoned sex is very good!
  11. I almost hit on my gay hairstylist today... how desperate.....
  12. thrillfire


    But when you start out really thin and stay really thin and than just gain a few pounds and think that maybe its because its not healthy to be that thin so its ok to stay with these few pounds on... because i still look thin... so I don't have an emmense amount of motivation from looking in the mirror.. but i think i would like to do it more to just get toned... and be healthy and energized!
  13. I like both... red caviar i think is more common... with black one i keep forgetting how it tastes like, cause the taste is different from the red...so it takes some time getting used to but i love it!
  14. thrillfire


    i went to a gym two times... but i think the moment i get back to nj i'll sign up for some fitness classes at a local gym... I think the fact that i'm paying for it will be motivation enough to go.
  15. ok, i know this will sound gross to some people... but i can't help it... black caviar sandwiches... its very rare that i get to have them at night but when i do, i'm in heaven.... other snacks... rice with soy suace... I usually have mid-night tea instead of snacks...
  16. wow, i'm the only one who voted for blonde and light eyes...
  17. i'm pretty cool when it comes to talking about sex with my mom and my dad... more so with my mom of course... but my dad did sit me down at age nine with an educational book (pics and all) and explained to me in detail how babies are born. I have no idea why he had that talk with me at nine and not when i hit puberty...
  18. why did you do that? I would like to go somewhere but I'm working so I can't go anywhere... grrr... maybe during x-mas time or something. Maybe I'll have a little road trip to New Orleans or a weekend in Vegas... who knows...
  19. good job! ok, another thing the left lane is for people who can push the gas paddle, i know its a hard concept to understand but come on, and when I flicker the high beams its not because I like you, its because I want you to move out of the fucking way. I've pull the slowdown boxed method quite a few times... because of it.
  20. I don't know, my first real bf was ten years older than me and I was 17.. but it was really nice and I definitly don't regret it, I much rather at that time dated an older person than some freshman in college. I think it all depends on how mature you are. And if you can mentally handle the situation.
  21. I completely agree with you! Its fine if they move a bit but when they just banging you full blown with that thing like they fucking your pussy... oh, and grab your hair like its a steering wheel :mad:
  22. I was thinking about going to a tanning salon, but now I'm not so sure about it....
  23. plane's bathroom - just because it's sooo small, in a dressing room in Short Hills Mall, I don't know something about dressing rooms... the rest is a secret. Most romatic - in the heavy rain at dusk somewhere in the deep woods of UpState
  24. You've got good point but, I mean if you gotten in to a fight or an arguement and you don't feel like saying it... it doesn't mean that one stopped loving another... so i don't think its something to make a big deal about... and create more arguements just because "I love you" wasn't said.
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