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Everything posted by thrillfire

  1. I don't like H&M... I went to London and they had one there, than a month after I came back they opened the first one in New York on 5th and 50th st... and now its on every block! And they never have my size 0-2... I like that its all color coordinated but still...
  2. Armani.... I lost my Gucci watch... was very upset.. so now I keep my armani watch in a jewelary box. and use my cell to tell time.
  3. aaaaah.. its 7am... so nice to see the sun come up for the third day in a row... only two more hours before i have to be at work... roddigga - that's a really crazy story... hard to believe that your parents would just leave you in a forest by yourself...
  4. Another thing, i don't think that you should set up a date and have everything planned because it puts too much pressure... Just take it easy and maybe ease in to it... so that both of you are comfortable being with each other and another person. You got all the time in the world... no need to rush
  5. I've been to the usual Europian countries... England, France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany... Been to a few post USSR countries, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia... Canada and all over usa... Not much compare to you. But I hope to get some more under my belt before I get married. Right now I'm actually in Savannah, GA finishing up my masters/phd... And I'm going back to nothern NJ after I'm done. Where are you moving to? And how do you get the money to travel? Also you don't seem to be the clubplanet type, meanign you're not an avid party person... i might be wrong, just an impression i got....
  6. Yes, i have been there for a month during white nights... quite surreal when you're standing on the river walk and see all of the bridges coming up at midnight... its amazing... I know the rest of russia doesn't like moscow people that much.. and understandable... I mean all the money goes toward the capital and people are stuck up... don't have time to stop and relax. Its very unfortunate but all of my friends possess those qualities.. as does my family. But I think it something that comes from being born and raized in a big city, I've noticed the same thing from new yorkers, parisians and not so much but still there london... And I agree the airport wasn't in best condition than cause sooo many people from the little nations that broke off from ussr were immigrating to other countries.. and they had all their belongings with them... yeah, i didn't like it, but now its very wierd... its empty and they got a lot of guards with handguns... but its clean! How do you manage to travel to so many places for a long period of time?
  7. I'm from Moscow, Russia... Yeah, it wasn't very nice and for some reason most of the people I meet who have been there, been there at the worse time which is 92 to 94.... I go back there every year for a month to take care of my apartment and summer house... But I'm pretty ignorant to the rest of russia since I've only been to St. Peterburg and outskirts of Moscow... And sometimes when people start talking about russia, I base everything on just my life in moscow which doesn't compare to the rest of the country. What were you doing there, caucasus mountains?
  8. When? I hope it was after '94, the year of 92 was the worse... Where did you stay and for how long? Another location but I think its too close to action is Turkey... How about Argentina... You can just spin the globe, close your eyes and point a finger...
  9. Vietnam... haven't heard anything about SARS from there... Russia....
  10. thanks for your advice and comments! You might find me on here in a couple of weeks with a post saying "I just broke up" but hopefully that won't happen and everything will resolve its self.
  11. I'm a bit weary of being single, haven't been in 6 years... but I might have to be... soon...
  12. I like the one in morristown better than the one in Montclair... The high ceilings and the second floor, nice... I can't go back to The Office in Montclair anymore.... have a bad drinking story with that one....
  13. I was trying to take a nap today and you know when after fidgiting you finally fall in to a deep sleep... well, i was in that deep sleep for two seconds until my landlord rang the bell and wanted to show the apartment to some people... can't you call first... so I had to get up that instant wake up my roomate and start cleaning the house as fast as possible... but since we're moving its kinda hard cause there are boxes everywhere.... still no nappy or sleepy .....
  14. Sorry, i'm lacking sleep severally... and I'm getting more and more aggitated... so im venting.... It seems that every day I have additional work to do and less time to do it in... now I have less than a week to make a fuckin DVD... learn how to program it and have it done by the end of the week... yeah... right.... grrrrrrr, nope, no sleep for me... not this time... And since I don't have the nessasary software i have to do it in a lab! In addition to two websites... yeah, sure I have them done... they are all ready to go... no they're not ready to go because i was working on other things that you told me to do first!!!! Oh, and you want me to color correct as well as make video antialias when the original footage was lost!!!!!! No prob.... I can do everything.... Oh, yeah and a Flash game! Right... script it and be sure it works fine... ok... will do.. have some lasers shooting and things moving and etc and etc and etc.... Ok, i think i'm done bitching for now. I hate mondays.... I just hope I'll be able to get all of this done on time! somehow...
  15. I'm so sorry you're sick!!! :( that sux!!! I hope you get better soon!
  16. I have no idea where you got that from!!!! I guess I can't even mention a single event that shows usa in a bad light cause suddenly i support the terrorists and blame america for everything! Talk about McCarthyism....
  17. The people of Iraq were abused by Saddam and now they will be manipilated by uSA... I mean look at the museum looting.. I know people here could care less about precious artifacts but it was their history and thanks to US their history has been robbed... Yes. I'm aware that it was by their own people... but when they've got no jobs anymore, their however fucked up system has been destroyed so there are no more laws that they've known, no more security they are going to try to find ways to survive and get money! Another thing, I am surrounded by army bases where I live and I've met a lot of people who have been fighting or have been in Iraq recently, they now dissagree with Bush's policies on Iraq after coming back.... there are a lot more vivid stories that come from their mouths but it would take too long to summerize them. Let's hope that America will gain something out of this war because if it has to pay the consiquences for its actions we'll all be bitching and moaning. And we'll be worse off.
  18. I'm sure everyone has a shopping regret where they wanted to buy something but opted not to and than when they came back it was gone. I went to Short Hills Mall because I had an hr to waste between my classes and tried on a pink Versace bathing suit. It fit me perfectly!!! It was amazing... i like the James Bond type of bathing suits and I haven't been able to find them but this was it!!! Since i didn't bring any thing to pay with I just decided to come back the next day, it was a bit expensive and my boyfriend basically talked me out of it!!! I came back a week later and it was gone. Of course... I'm still regreting not buying it to this day!
  19. two more weeks... grrrrrr :mad: :mad:
  20. thrillfire

    Even fuglier!

    very sad.....
  21. away massages are ooooooooh so SEXY :laugh: j/k
  22. I'm just wondering for how much longer will the rest of the world take usa bullying and colonization... not good for foreign policy... But i don't think bush ever cared for foreign policy to begin with since he doesn't even know geography... also the only benifit i've seen so far that came out of this war for americans has been in GA the prices for gas has been dropped from 1.55 to 1.30, I heard in NJ its still the same. But besides that I don't see any yet... maybe other people do, and I would like to hear what they are, the benifits for americans right at this moment?
  23. thrillfire

    jealous mates?

    Very nicely put...
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