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mr mahs

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Everything posted by mr mahs

  1. She is a hero just by her putting that uniform on..
  2. What will the dems say? Initial jobless claims for the week ended Nov. 1 sank to 348,000 from an upwardly revised 391,000 the week before, the Labor Department said. Economists were expecting claims to edge down to 380,000. Also, productivity rose to an annual growth rate of 8.1% in the third quarter from an upwardly revised 7% in the quarter before, the Labor Department said. Economists surveyed by CNBC and Dow Jones were looking for a preliminary growth rate of 9%, but today’s number is still the highest in 10 years. A second-straight month of job addition would reassure investors that the struggling labor market is finally catching up with the rest of the growing economy. Businesses across the country saw stronger job and wage growth last month, MSN Money Columnist Michael Brush says here
  3. If the WHOLE world agreed he HAD/HAS WMD but disagreed on HOW to DISARM him.... How can a conspiracy theory of WAR FOR OIL apply? Let me ask you lefty conspiracy peaceniks a question... Do you think al-qeada dropped the WTC or did we to start a "war for oil"??? This should be good...
  4. Why would give that rat Arafat an inch of confidence, he will crack down on terrorism? Don't you realise that the longer conflict exists, the longer he retains power. Also don't forget his unsatisfying hunger to embezzel more from palestinain aid to add to his billion dollar net worth...
  5. Making the US look like a fool was the main objective as soon as the water started getting hot for Sadaam. He was threat and had to be removed, EVERYONE is better off now.
  6. Did you see clark blaming bush for 911? That's got "Clit-on" all over it.
  7. This number is partially factored in to this market from the recent run up off the lows betting on a second half rebound. People knew the 3rd quarter would be strong the market is looking to the 4th quarter now that's why you don't see 200 point rally occuring right now but on the flip side if the number had come in weaker then expected then we would have been in trouble.. Did I mention this? BUSH IS BULLET PROOF IN 2004
  8. FAWKING DISGRACE We should pull funding and boot those yellow cock suckers out of NY...
  9. :laugh: Yeah keep telling yourself that.. Do you beleive in the Easter bunny too?
  10. Technology has improved immensly over the last decaded, resulting in drastic improvement in productivity.. The 6% rate of unemployement isn't that bad compared to other ending recessions I say ending because rememeber employement is the last to recover. The GDP numbers out today for the 2nd quarter show a 3.3% with the 3rd quarter expecting a higher number due to increased capital spending. Weekly jobless claims fell to 386k well below the 400k mark. We are on our way to a recovery, not what was experienced in the 90's that was fantasy land that got us in this mess in the first place....
  11. Me and Igloo doubled you're daughter while you're MOTHER TURBO BLASTED her self in the corner... Stop doing acid library boy it's rotting you're brain...
  12. The life in poverty is hard correct but noone can say that the means of bettering you're situation doesn't exist because immigrants come here every day and SUCCEED. The promblem is ambition and confidence, the MAJORITY not all but the majority beleive they are trapped or oppressed but every day a self made millionaire defied the doom sentiment and made it, thats America for you.... Professional jobs? I didn't know anybody to get my "Professional job" I went to school (haven't finished yet) sent my resumes out , showed up to the interview, presented myself like a human being not something from a rap video and I was hired. Now to say people don't have the access to the education to better themselves is incorrect because if you are poor enough you can go to a community college for next to nothing that's not enough? If that's not enough then the first point I made of lack of ambition or drive is correct.
  13. My best freind came out of the Marines as a PFC and walked on to the TSA making 40k because of his miltary service. He could have walked on to cutsoms which payed even more but decided to join a FDNY he is even closing on a house with a interest free mortgage all this occured because of his miltary service.
  14. Normal.. When my nuts were on you're daughters chin where was my cock? :laugh: You are such a LOSER
  15. Who said anything about them leaving it's aboutbtime they get off they're hands and do something it's just the job that they're doing that I am questioning...
  16. The armed forces perks are outsatnding and the experience is a stepping stone into a career that can be lucrative,why do you think when applying for a govt job they asked you if you were in the service ... They have balls of steel and my hat goes off to eevry one of them that's why they deserv every last thing they get like a better job either in civil sevices or governement or a federal home mortgage at 0% to name a few... DON'T PULL THAT REBUTTAL FROM YOU'RE HAT... I am talikng about people who blame they're poverty on this country instead of themselves.... This isn't a dess rehersal and every situation is diffrent but the tools and resources are out there especially if you are poor so don't give me that it's their life make the best of it....
  17. THAT'S YOUR DAD AND YOU'RE UNCLE... The best part of you fell out of you're mothers ass pipe....
  18. Yeah if the slaughter of thousands while they're there intervening I hope they stay out of Iraq...
  19. No I never said that.. BUT if youmlive in the greatest country in the world anf don't take full advantage of that edge then yes you have issues..... ie. Normal & that other Tool.
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