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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Yep.. I'll be there. Birthday weekend for me. It's monday actually... but let's just pretend it's tonight. Monday sounds cool. Georgina's been bugging me to hit you up about it. She wants to come too.
  2. Why are you so angry igloo? Marksimons is trying to have a discussion. Chill out, dude!
  3. Might as well... Hey Kirsh, when are we going to have lunch in the famous world bank cafeteria? I'm practically right across the street from you.
  4. I don't find this funny at all.
  5. Ok... How bout... Long Jane!!!! I like that... The adventures of Long Jane and Thermo boy!
  6. Crikies! Are the grammy's tonight?
  7. I'm sure you can name a democrats all day long..but when have they ever said that they hope the economy is in the crapper? Please! That's like Bush saying he wishes there is another terrorist attack on the US so he'll be able to hold onto the presidency.
  8. That's bullshit! Who do you that know says "Gee, I hope I get laid off as well as thousands of others so someone other than Bush get's elected"?
  9. Mississippi, eh? Yeah, this new place called "the KKK Hole". It's some kind of a wierd white party where everyone shows up in costume. DJ Grand Dragon Wizard is supposed to be on the 1's and 2's this saturday.
  10. Don't they divide up dental hygene and healthcare?
  11. What are you talking about? Krugman, rocks!!!
  12. Werd! I got mine on today and I'm nice and cozy walking from the metro this morning! I feel like a super hero wearing these things.
  13. The angry right Those of you out there that consider yourselves conservatives; you're not just conservatives, but angry conservatives. In an op-ed in last Sunday's (April 23, 2002) New York Times, Paul Krugman wrote about the similarities between Jean-Marie Le Pen's upset victory in France, and the Bush-Gore election of 2000. Here's what he says: "A slightly left-of-center candidate runs for president. In a rational world he would win easily...But everything goes wrong. His moderation becomes a liability; denouncing the candidate's pro-market stance, left-wing candidates-who have no chance of winning, but are engaged in politics as theatre- draw off crucial support...Above all, there is apathy and complacency among moderates; they take it for granted that he will win, or that in any case the election will make little difference." So folks, if you consider yourself a conservative, be aware that you are a "deeply angry" person. Krugman says that if "all this sounds like a post-mortem on the Gore campaign in 2000, that's intentional. But I'm actually describing Sunday's shocking election in France..." So this guy is comparing George W. Bush's victory to the victory of this so-called "rabid rightist." Now President Bush is certainly conservative, but rabid rightist? I think not. Hell, I'm not a "rabid rightist" and you don't get much more conservative than me. And as for Lionel Jospin being "slightly lef-of-center." Jospin is a socialist. And trust me, socialism is waaaay left of center. But, believe it or not, Krugman wasn't finished with his enlightening commentary. Here's more: (full article)
  14. God help me if you ever get a picture of me.
  15. Of course!! Check it... (Click here)
  16. I really don't care either way... let em fry or let em get 50 years of ass spee lunkin.
  17. Why didn't I wear you this morning?
  18. Insulting the moderators with profanity is sure quick way to get banned. Keep it up.
  19. I can't wait to see her make out with the kansas boy tonight!!
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