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Everything posted by lafemcaliente

  1. lady thats awesome, to be with your first and im sure your first love my experience sucked badass. i was 14, and for some reason i had it in my head that no boy would ever kiss me cause i thought i was ugly. so this kid showed interest and i was so excited. we hung out like twice, and we snuck into my parents basement when they werent home. i french kissed for the first time, had a guy touch my boobs, see me naked, finger me, the whole nine. i never even saw a dick til then. i remember being amazed and wondering why it was sticking straight out lol. so we tried to have sex but it wouldnt go in, tried and tried and tired for about 20 minutes maybe. then it finally did, and omfg it hurt worse than anything i ever felt in my life. i screamed cause i couldnt take the pain and my parents at that point came home and heard me... they both ran downstairs, my dad screamed at this kid to get the hell outta my house and my mom slapped the shit outta me. lol. never saw him again btw.
  2. when did you lose your virginity, and was it a good experience? discuss.
  3. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    blame canadaaa blame canadaaa
  4. no no, not a groupie... i want the tribal beats to fuck me
  5. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    what the eff is rowww about anyway? i think i was too busy putting your pillow in the sink,
  6. i fantasize about raping boris for his music
  7. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    yea alright there sparkie, lets get into a tiff over it
  8. ive seen this discussion turn quite heated... to each his own i guess, i think she's gorgeous
  9. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    love your smilies!!
  10. i appreciate the imput everyone, thank you.. BB- ive noticed since ive been talking about this that its a hell of a lot easier giving good advice to people we care about, but quite another trying to actually put that advice to good use ourselves.
  11. nah you're dead on. i wasnt going to say anything at all, i was going by that theory thusfar... i was waiting to see if he came back to me. but its been a while and im starting to wonder if i should just see myself and try and move on or leave it be... and it really sucks letting him go completely, but its like if i dont ever try i'll kick myself the rest of my life. but you're right in the fact that if its possible to feel that way about one person, it could happen again. we'll see, it all comes down to whether i really have the guts to do it in the first place i think..
  12. there's a certain someone that i used to date, and there's still ridiculous amounts of feeling felt, and im wondering if i should make it known or keep it to myself. im thinking if i dont make the effort to say something or hint soon then i may never get a chance to later. so its either say something and chance getting hurt, or not do anything and always have this in the back of my head... neither one seems very appealing to be honest, ugh
  13. 5,6,7.. i dont remember, it was insatiable. i couldnt keep count, it was just bananas. sometimes the right person just knows how to hit all the right buttons... oooof
  14. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    lol.. im trying, but your sorry ass wont stop begging me to stay
  15. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    no can do toot toot... im getting deporteddddd
  16. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    frodo wannabe and gobble down the shore... this should be interesting,
  17. yea, its one of those things that doesnt need to be done.. its more of a judgement call as to whether i should stick my neck out and take a risk, and make something happen or not. worst that can happen will be pain, but pain goes away... wondering 'what if' doesnt.
  18. dont you corrupt my thread you weenie
  19. ibiza is bananas... my friends went 2 summers ago, rented a villa... stayed a week, went everywhere, and the end of the week they all started contimplating not coming home. its crazy, i just saw pics and a wild on ibiza on tv but im all about going... the entire islands economics are based on their tourism and travel, clubs, beaches.. craziest party in the world imo
  20. im sure everyone has had this dilemma, when your head tells you to do one thing, and your heart another. can drive you crazy sometimes. more than likely your head will tell you to take the most logical course of action, while your heart tells you what feels best, and maybe theres no reason why it feels a certain way but it does. which do you ignore, which takes presidence? im torn, and there's no easy solution sometimes, so what to do? is it better to follow your head or your heart?
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