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Everything posted by lafemcaliente

  1. i bet those bruises are still noticable from when your asses ate my donkeys mofo pimp juice
  2. mannahatta, cielo, hk, or ruby falls..
  3. i should come to taste to celebrate this occasion
  4. i would look exactly like that girl is i had my boob job, cept my face is on point
  5. i once went absolutely crazy with a guy, like.. full throttle off the handle insane animal sex.. and it was great, but i felt like i had lost my innocence after that so i never called him back *note- i have engaged in sexual acts previously and will in the future of this nature, however the specific circumstances required that i not speak to the male again..
  6. i personally hate hair, so i got nuffin going on below the belt... on my men i like it trimmed or shaved.. either or, long as it looks sexxyy
  7. wow.. this dood sounds like he needs it more than i do... wheww
  8. yea, this was a few weeks ago, i was actually going to hit up lucid if i went.. didnt pan out though. it was a family thing anyway so i may end up rescheduling .. i'll letchu know.. thanks btw
  9. how's everyone? ive been mia for a while... what did i miss?
  10. i may hafta stop in, thats a nice lineup.. def gonna hit up surf the next day for boris too
  11. lil tiny itty bitty baby we got here... club mix 93 eh? dunno 'boutchu but i was 12 and still innocent with my barbie dreamhouse and my little pony think imma hit up HK friday and if things pan our the right way then swing by spider... ugh, weekend is coming, i dunno if im ready for another one..
  12. some games (ways of dancing around answers and not coming out too much to fast) and be fun... thrill of the suspense, but if you spend three months with someone and then you get to know the "real" them three months later... not exactly my dream situation. and it happens, a LOT of people are fake.
  13. balls.. or a really nice set of ta tas
  14. who you calling old timer?? unless you arent legal to drink you arent that much younger than me kiddo...
  15. nicely put flippy.. it is very true, its hard for most people to really be straight forward, they feel the need to mask emotions and actions with adversity maybe due to inexperience, shyness, or being afraid. it takes balls to be honest, most people cant hack it..
  16. just to be clear, i am not asking this question looking for specific answers to my situation. i prefaced my questions with my little low down of my situation because it tied into this due to the guy waiting three days to call and then hesitating to ask me to hang out two days in a row. im good to go, if i like you... im going to call you. if i wanna see you and you ask... i'll say yes. only real rule i have is that if i call you and you dont return the call, then we will never speak again. i refuse to call someone again without a callback. if you are interested, you'll call... im not desperate, if i dont hear from ya then ciao. (not to inply that he didnt call, he did)
  17. depending on how rocked you are when you get there i would suggest it... i went last friday and got there at 4:30 and they werent serving alcohol anymore. so i did the night sober, which i dont mind.. just gets aggrivating that you're jumping around for 3 hours on nuttin but stackers and coffee good times though
  18. (for tstelkhuni) i met this guy on thursday night, we talked, everything was going well... he called me saturday and asked me to come out but i ended up falling asleep and staying in. i eventually got the time and called him tonight. on the phone he was like "wow, never thought id hear from you again". we hung out tonight and when i was leaving he told me that he was free tomorrow night and friday night. i told him we could probably do something tomorrow, to which he seemed surprised and said "yea, that'd be great, i didnt want to seem to eager or forward." now my question to you is, when you meet someone and everything is there, good conversation, attraction, chemistry, the whole nine, do you wait and if so how long to call the person? once you hang out with them, if things are continuously on the up and up, would you put off calling them or trying to see them? it personally boggles my mind why people expect to wait to talk to someone they are interested in, and why putting them off seems like the smart thing to do instead of just being honest. i guess you could say you dont want to get involved too quickly, or that you dont want to seem desperate, but what if you put off the phone calls, put off spending time initially and three weeks in you realize that this isnt someone you'd want to be involved with in the first place? seems like a waste of time to me, but thats just my opinion. so what do we think? waiting or just playing it by ear and doing what feels right?
  19. just went through this tonight.. he just kinda swooped in when the mood felt right, and it clicked. very nice.
  20. the swimmers have INSANE bodies, i have been watchng them in the olympics like its going outta style. insatiable. gymnastics arent too bad either... yum.
  21. not that this is something i really wanna get into detail about, but my period always stops when im in the shower. and a little while after also. couldnt pull a scientific explaination outta my ass if i tried, but this holds to with me anyway....
  22. i had my birthday last year at deep.. basically the deal with that place is that the setup was very nice, and it was decent for a minute. it had its 15 minutes of fame for about 3 months and then once everyone heard about it it turned very trendy, and jersey. when i went (december last year) it was good, expensive though, $1200 bar tab. but i have no clue what its like now, and i wouldnt really suggest going if you are underage. just my 02.
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