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Everything posted by lafemcaliente

  1. and morals if you met a celebrity and they wanted you? you're out, with friends, and you see them.. and somehow or another through a drunken haze you are enveloped in conversation and then it comes up.. leave together? what do you do? most people i think would do it, maybe even if involved with someone at the time, maybe just for the bragging rights. so what do we say? yay, nay.. not sure? and just for shits and giggles, just use your favorite actress/actor.. name them, and tell me if you'd just say fuck it.. and fuck it, lol
  2. lights - on or off ~ both, switch it up.. during the day or at night ~ all day, everyday.. On top or on bottom ~ bottom, but ill hop on top if he wants it.. tits or ass ~ lil bitta both.. suck or bite ~ suck.. lick or kiss ~ kiss.. standing up or sitting down ~ standing up.. (in the shower).. mmm.. moaning or screaming ~ i'll moan if its good, but i want you to make me scream.. whip cream or cool whip ~ strawberries & champagne.. wax or whips ~ anything kinky..
  3. gobble, that's 1. three strikes and your out. be forewarned.
  4. not going.. i like to remain a creature of mystery i had an interview on wall street today, and im shot, prolly staying local tonight.. and tomorrow imma be in the city to celebrate a few people's bdays.. gonna be a zombie by sunday
  5. when you hookup/have sex with someone without the relationship aspect involved, how long if ever can things continue that way until someone develops feelings? i dont think i could ever hook up with someone and not feel anything for them.. but according to guys (my guys friends anyway) sex can just be sex, and that's it. i think that's crazy to be honest, like, how could you be inside of her and not feel anything for her? i dunno, guys are weird i will never understand your gender. on the flip side, i was hooking up with a guy for a while, and i really really thought i loved him after a while, but looking back i might have been just caught up in the sex haze, and thought he was something more than he was. what do we think, is this possible.. hookup = no feelings?
  6. lafemcaliente


    when you're with someone its often that you'll find yourself kissing and hugging them all the time. but when you're in public, how far is too far? i know ive personally seen couple out, just kissing, and thought it was sweet. but other times ive seen people in a full out makeout session and its digusting. so where would you draw the line to an appropriate level of affection when around other people?
  7. had a same sex experience and was it enjoyable? ive played with girls before, and its been a memorable experience, but my males are where my heart is...
  8. do you have anything special, a signature move, a position, an act that you particularly like? and have you been able to ask you significant other, or lover to do it for you? i personally am a little shy when it comes to asking for something, i'll send hints at the most, but eventually after a while it ends up just the way i like it
  9. you are right on point. and its funny you worded that the way you did, because i thought something very similar to myself not long ago... something to the effect of seeing each other down the road, and what i would feel if this really is what i thought it was and it being too late. you are 100% correct, because if at least i say something, make some last stitch effort before throwing in the towel then i'll have closure. and that 'what if' thing would definitely haunt me forever. i really need to get the courage to do it though, i think i will. i really think there's too much to brush aside and pretend it never happened.
  10. you asked for it.. dont cry and beg me to have mercy on ya either tuff stuff
  11. imma make you proud mama poor boy will be suffering from exhaustion for a week after im through with him
  12. ride it like you stole it.... its on like donkey kong kid... only question is, can you hang?
  13. notta prob... ill be there between 9:15 and 9:20... be out by 9:23
  14. yea i go there on tuesdays sometimes cause its all outside... sumthin to do on a tuesday ya know.. not like out out, just whatever... oh, and i can probably be there 9:30...
  15. sounds like a plan to me, i was actually contempating bar gay last night... and no, sadly i did not see it either
  16. yep, so wherein lies my dilemma. you understand how i feel then. its crazy, either you put yourself on the line and it could be the greatest thing ever or you could be torn to pieces. thing is im wondering if taking the risk is better than wondering what if for the rest of my life. ive made the decision as of now not to say anything though. we talked yesterday and it didnt feel right. so im keeping it to myself, maybe forever... if it comes out one day then it does. i think ive been thinking too much about it and i need to get off it for a while, focus on myself.. maybe take stab at it later on. i kinda believe in if something is really meant to be then it will happen type thing, so im putting it on hold a bit.... we'll see.
  17. just trying to stay on course pop pop
  18. holy threadjacked. lets get back on track here, ASS.
  19. while back i was at my boyfriend house and he had people over, everybody was banged up on pills and shit. we went up in his room and his best friend and his gf were in there, and they were fooling around on the couch, we were fooling around on the bed. they started fucking and we watched, and we had sex and they watched... it was hot.
  20. not weird, the rape thing... soo hot. maybe im weird too though, i have always fantasized about a guy just taking me, and maybe fighting back and ultimately them having their way with me the way they want... oof shoulda included that sheeeettttt in my kinky thread
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