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Everything posted by lafemcaliente

  1. i think i may be going to toronto for a week, anyone know whats good out there? i might need a tour guide too, i dont know my way around, lol helppppp
  2. that's nuts... people are getting all voyer-esque with the camera phones,
  3. yea it sucks. i was having this convo with someone a little while ago, and thing is i have everyone and their mother offering to 'help the cause' lol, but i dont wanna just get a piece from some random whoever. i want it to mean something, so that makes me a loser, whatever. when i do get involved with someone next the poor boy better call outta work for a week, cause ive got some SERIOUS pent up energy i need to release
  4. lafemcaliente

    attn: gabo

    gobble gobble gobble
  5. try 2 months and counting.... anyone who would like to come hump my leg is welcome... i think this is why ive been so fucking moody lately
  6. lafemcaliente


    clean it you biatch...
  7. lafemcaliente


    oops... i spilled my coffee, i think i need to be punished, lol
  8. i will be making a cameo at crobar tonight also booty btw - holy threadjacked.. sorry bull
  9. lafemcaliente


    hmm im currently unattached, but im thinking i should snag myself a boyfriend so i can be bad so i can make up for my mistakes lol
  10. yea, and im sure it'll be 18+ to get in. a lotta hip hop. boris would never be resident there, why would he? after labor day the shore is DEAD, they'll never ever be able to pull even half the number sf did, and city is where he belongs anyway, he's like the king of new york now. besides, factory had its glory days, but they ended a long time ago. i personally partied there enough for 6 lifetimes, and i have some of the most ridiculous memories ever. not gonna pay obscene amounts of money to get into an oversized kiddie playground down the shore.. you want boris? try cro cute concept though, ill say that. cept i dont plan to be in dark dirty clubs every weekend when im 25, ick. 2006? if i hear anyone i know from factory days going there i'll personally shoot you
  11. bump for skeeter... fetish talk, stoked surfer
  12. listen, this isnt how every girl thinks, this is just me, and wtf do i know... but i will say that this is how ive come to regard the whole flirtatious lounge/club scene and how things work in the real world. ive com across arrogant schumcks and then when a nice guy tries to talk to me i immediately assume he'd be the same. and whether he is or not, its my own chartacter flaws by sometimes taking risidual pent up angry out on someone who doesnt derserve it. i have been that bitch, you rolls her eyes, laughs to her girls and really never made the effort to see what your about, and ill admit that isnt fair. but i think you just hafta lay it out on the line sometimes, because you never know until you try, and just like how all guys arent assholes, all girls arent snotty stuck up bitches. ive made an effort to change my perspectives over the last few years, so personally im not this stereotypical 'club chick' anymore. main thing i think is to base everyone in themselves, first impressions and indivuals.
  13. you gonna head up the festivites mama
  14. im up in your neck of the woods all the time, gotta lotta friends in cranford, westfield, clark, garwood... was up at the office few days ago actually..
  15. ok, reread what i said. i said most guys (NOT ALL) are scumbags trying to get laid. and its true. but of course there are good guys out there, and it does suck when someone is really just trying to be genuine and they get treated unfairly because of how other guys are. you shouldnt stereotype, and everyone should be judged by themselves, indiviuals, but sometimes girls just get burned so many times that its hard to trust the words of one guy and then another and figure out whos real and whos a shithead.
  16. no i can understand where you are coming from. im sure it is hard, i know how i usta be towards guys and how my friends are and you never really think about it from the opposite end, it takes balls to go up to a girl, and it really wouldnt kill us just to be polite instead of snobby and an instant shootdown. i dont really have the guts to go up to a guy if i think he's attrative, so i can only imagine what it'd feel like if i do and he acted like how girls do. on the other hand, you hafta understand what its like being a fem, going out, and having guys be extremely forward and persistant beyond anything reasonable. very agrressive when the hint that you arent interested it clearly there. thing you gotta understand too is that (not all) but most guys approach us because they want ass that night. they probably dont want to get to know you, spend quality time.. they wanna get you drunk and hit it. and we know this, so please understand that when once in a blue a real genuine guy talks to us and we blow you off, its because we just got hit on by 15 other scumbags and the trust factor is gone. dont take it personally most of the time.. just how it is,
  17. central-ish jersey.. lil more on the north end, how about you sir?
  18. i live for summer nights like this.. nice night for the beach,
  19. the both of you shut it. gobble = gabo and watch it little schtuffs, i dont wanna hafta get rough witcha
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