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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. I always get it from the same person (not many g connects) and i think it must be really weak, bc i usually do like 3 or 4 caps over the course of the night and im still fine enough to walk around and act somewhat normal...other ppl are telling me that they only need like 1...i should prob start getting it from someone else lol
  2. You can't go wrong with wearing a cute camisole underneath..
  3. ew...p diddy should just stick to producing...and I am so fucking sick of making the band 3...blah
  4. Is it just me, or did she gain a lot of weight recently??
  5. I was reading an article in Rolling Stone about it...he's getting RockStar Games to do it...should be cool if you're a GTA fan
  6. What artists would you consider to be strictly drum & bass?
  7. I hate Six Flags...they have too many glitches...their rides always break down...I was stuck at the top of a roller coaster and it broke down for like 20 min once...lol since that occasion, I haven't been on another roller coaster...they ruined roller coasters for me!!
  8. This is probably a stupid question, but how much G is too much? How many caps do you typically consume over one night?
  9. Mine's definitely caffeine...I usually drink at least three red bulls a day, combined with tons of diet Coke and I've been taking Xenadrine HI-NRG lately...lol I NEED it fo function though, I'm a zombie until at least 3 pm...
  10. please respond.....id like to leave in another two hours or so!!
  11. lol is there anything going on tonight, club or lounge-wise? I have the week off from work and I just got my tax return back and i feel like partying
  12. Yeah, I thought it would have an effect like that...I know its prolly corny, but I get MANGLED just by smoking weed after I eat pills, too.....
  13. was it a good combo? i like e and g...
  14. Ooh, I've been looking for this for a long time, too...can somebody please post the link or pm it to me?
  15. Nope, I was just saying hi to you
  16. spanx...i think im going to go with the pizza...wish me luck lol
  17. EXACTLY...alcohol is soo much more dangerous than weed, yet its totally accepted!!
  18. I'm kind of sick of everyone making out people who do drugs to be like criminals or something...alcohol is a drug, too, I know tons of ppl who abuse it at least two or three times a week. I very, very rarely drink alcohol...and if I do do drugs when I go out, three or four times a month maybe, I'm not hurting anybody else. My occasional partying has yet to get in the way of my life--I still get good grades at school, I still show up to work, and my relationships haven't suffered..I think that as long as you're not addicted, and your life isn't suffering, it's just as bad as alcohol, if not better, since you're not making a drunken fool out of yourself...lol i know everybody is going to disagree with this post, I don't mean any disrespect to anybody...but the answer to the question is, i do drugs to have fun when I go out and to enhance the experience...blah lol
  19. having cramps when you're fucked up is the WORST...when I first started doing e's, I would get cramps for a while waiting for it to come up, it sucked so much arse..
  20. hahaha sorry about that..."on the road" is another one of my fave drug books...I never really liked hunter s thompson, though, I couldn't get into his writing..
  21. thanks for the advice...are bad trips very common? has anyone on this board had one? it seems like ppl have less bad trips on shrooms than they do on acid...im thinking about trying these tonight...
  22. whats the street price of shrooms? any experiences? have they been overall good or bad? thanks!
  23. yeah, me too....im always staring at the clock for the last hour lol
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