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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. There's a dude on CP who always sends me PMs asking me where I get shit and how much for and bla bla bla....thank God I never answer....could narcs really use this stuff against us?
  2. I know what you mean....everything seems to be getting so much more commercial now
  3. oreos are loaded with trans-fat...the most fattening food ever
  4. I've never really understood the enjoyment of vikes...I can take three of them and not feel ANYTHING....I've tried like three times, and every time has just been a waste of moola
  5. If I go out on a Saturday night, it usually takes me until Tuesday night to fully recover...eating again, sleeping right, not feeling like ass...
  6. Go to Washington Square Park
  7. Ever since I dyed my hair black, I've been mistaken for Michelle Branch a few times..
  8. I love that Bob Sagit scene in Half Baked
  9. Yeah, orange juice and Tylenol PMs are definitely the way to go...
  10. lol thats hilarious....give my condolences to roz abrams' family
  11. I just spent my last fifty dollars on drugs for tonight
  12. The highest I've ever been was actually when I popped these number one pills a few months ago...we'd been getting shit pills for the last few weeks, so we decided to just pop two right away....I was absolutely blasted, and don't ask me what I was thinking, but like another hour later, I popped two more....this guy left his jacket that had black and white stripes on the sleeve on the chair in front of me, and I kept thinking that it was my boyfriend's pants, and I kept getting up and inspecting it for like five minutes and then sitting back down...I also kept hugging this guy in front of me who I thought was my bf, even though he was kinda passed out next to me lol...It was this really chill lounge and people were passing around blunts, too, and I think that I had maybe half a blunt...the whole night, I kept hallucinating that people were talking to me when they weren't, and I have NO recollection how either of us managed to get a cab back home...they were the strongest pills I've ever taken and I've never, ever been that mangled before...I don't think I'd want to, either...its too scary reaching the point where you have absolutely NO control of yourself or the situation youre in...
  13. I've been hearing stories of long-term K users who say that after a few months of using, they start getting really bad abdominal pains that don't get better...did anyone else ever hear of this? Scary...
  14. I never used to be into pot until I had to cut back on cash and couldn't go out every weekend anymore....not having money sucks arse, I need a better job lol....I'm sure once I start making more, I'll be back to doing everything else under the sun
  15. Amsterdam seems awesome to go to, I'm planning a trip next summer... The most I ever smoked was one weekend when me and my bf went through half an ounce over three days...I don't rememeber much of it, but it was an awesome weekend
  16. Oh and I also gave my guy Head in the Movie Theaters, at least boring movies are good for somethings!!! hahaha i did that too, during that borinnggg movie The Order...it was the only good thing to come of that horrible movie
  17. whats the craziest place you've ever had sex? Mine was at Washington Square Park, in the kids jungle gym (no kids in there obviously) at like 10 o clock at night
  18. What is your ONE favorite song of all time to get high to? Mine is "Hey Ya" by Outkast...I know its cheesy, but every time I was out and had an awesome time that song was playing, so I like it
  19. What's the highest you've ever been? On what drug by itself or combination? For me, whenever I do G AND smoke weed, I get blasted out of my mind...lets hear stories
  20. Whats the most weed you've ever smoked in one day or sitting?
  21. Does anybody know of any cool Thursday night parties in NYC that are either free admission or relatively inexpensive admission? Thanks!
  22. I'm sorry, but...GUYS WEARING PINK SHIRTS!!!!
  23. Oh, God....I probably spend around $500 a month, thats like 5 or 6 thou a year...insane, i need to stop lol
  24. Beer: Heinekin Liquor: Baileys Irish Cream
  25. I'm 20 and I'm about to move out in another month or two...ive been working and saving up for about two yrs....I am not immature and I don't actually do drugs in my parents house, hence one of my reasons for wanting to move out so soon...if we do smoke, we always go outside or take a walk or go to someoen else's apt...the reason I posted was the fact that I just dont like my parents to know that I do drugs or anything like that. Finding an apt in nyc is hard, and most people that I know are usually 21 or 22 by the time they get their first apt.
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