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Everything posted by fresinha12

  1. yea, from lsac.org,just cant find the way to keep myself seated for too long....the only hard part is the game questions....but ur right alot of stuff to catchup...r u taking any prep classes?? i'm thinkin of,dont know of any good places though, dont want to goto kaplan...
  2. lsat...aye, I am givin mine in oct too, i havet even started preparing yet...where u located??
  3. I hear ya bro....after a couple of $70 first dates, thats it I'm outta this biz, too expensive. Above all, waste of time, hearing the same garbage again and again. I mean even the conversation is so fucking retarded.
  4. i think the US players were scrwing around with the hot greek mamacitas the night b4 and were just wornt out to play....
  5. interesting review....glad u seem to have a nice time, though I wonder why u paid for parking???theres plenty of free pking on 10th. somehow, my experience has been quite the opposite, each time I went there (I am not sterotyping or anything) but the place formerly known as (exit, exit2, black etc) is usually packed with asian partygoers, and somehow they all tend to stick to their own group, just sitting there or standing in the middle of the dance floor, I guess they are not too much into socializing with others or for that matter dancing. though when the place used to be called exit, it had a nice mix, but nowadays its mostly an asian affair?? I guess the place is booked by asian promoters or something...
  6. silverbull...i'm impressed.....langston, now how come u know about that one??? thought that was a bklyn kept lil secret...
  7. intresting thread, my advise go for the kill, but kiss her on the neck first...then make ur way upwards......most women are nervous on first dates and hesitate on any moves.
  8. thts cause u run indoors on a treadmil, if u run outside, its a totally dif experience, u'll actually enjoy it, infact i dont even start to warm up until I have run a mile.....and above all try running with a partner, that'll push u to run as well.
  9. when jesse ventura won the governorship in minnesota, the people of MN had a new slogan, "our governor can beat u up", well when arnold schwazneeger became governor of california, calfornians had a state slogan "our governor can terminate u". WEll after the mcgreevey scandal, new jerzians have comeup with the slogan "our governor can be a pain in your ass"
  10. Mcgreevey met his recent lover (golan chiepel) in isreal during his visit in 2000... u should watch the chris matthews show, I think hes got a full story on this one, or u can read the asbury park press.....but this controversy had been going on since 2001 when mcgreevey hired the man after the 9/11 attacks...
  11. we'll let the FBI decide on this one.....
  12. Yeah look whos talking, u castro cuban agent......lol son, I was born and raised in the US of A.....i can actually run for the office of president when I turn 37.....
  13. Yeah look whos talking, u castro cuban agent......lol son, I was born and raised in the US of A.....i can actually run for the office of president when I turn 37.....
  14. thats right phatman, the guy's name is golan chiepel, he is rumored to be a israeli mossad agent, when the fbi did a backgound check on him, he did not get security clearence, but mcgreevey insisted on him being the homeland security director, after a lot of controversy the governor finally gave in and hired his lover as the "jewish liason" officer on state payroll of $110,000/yr. when some people pointed out that the guy is not even authroized to work in the us, mcgreevey used his contact in the state dept to expediate the guys residency status....
  15. but u do realize loosing to iraq....that is funny...
  16. He did'nt resign cause he was gay, there had been rumors he was bi for a long long time. He resigned cause the gov in violation of US federal/state laws hired his lover, an isreali mossad agent as the head of homeland security. When the FBI did a background check on the guy, there was a lot of controversy here that the guy was not qualified (which meant he could not get FBI security clearence). Mcgreevey than hired his lover as the "jewish liason" officer....guys I am not kidding on the state payroll. When there was a lot of hue & cry abut this, Mcgreevey got the man hired in his private law firm. THe luver is threateing to sue mcgreevey for not keeping him on the job as Homeland Security director. THE fbi is investigating the lover for extoriton and espionage for a forgien govt. THe lovers name is Golan Chipel.
  17. Nader speaks the truth.... Nader vs. the ADL By Brian Faler Thursday, August 12, 2004 "Washington Post" -- Ralph Nader, that master of controversy, has a new bete noire: the Anti-Defamation League. The independent presidential candidate has become embroiled in an ugly exchange with the Jewish organization, after he suggested that President Bush and Congress were "puppets" of the Israeli government. "The days when the chief Israeli puppeteer comes to the United States and meets with the puppet in the White House and then proceeds to Capitol Hill, where he meets with hundreds of other puppets, should be replaced," Nader said earlier this summer. That prompted an angry letter from the league, which complained that the "image of the Jewish state as a 'puppeteer,' controlling the powerful US Congress feeds into many age-old stereotypes which have no place in legitimate public discourse." Nader is not backing down. In a letter to the group that will be released today, he reiterated his arguments, challenged the league to cite a recent example of when American leaders have pursued a policy opposed by the Israeli government and pointed to Israeli peace groups that he said share his criticism of that country's leadership. "There is far more freedom in the media, in town squares and among citizens, soldiers, elected representatives and academicians in Israel to debate and discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict than there is in the United States," Nader wrote. The longtime consumer advocate's willingness to criticize Israel may win him some votes, since both Bush and Democratic nominee John F. Kerry strongly support Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. But not if Abraham H. Foxman, the national director of the league has anything to say about it. "What he said smacks of bigotry," Foxman said. The Road to the Hill Catching up with congressional elections this week: In Georgia, Tom Price, a former state legislator, defeated fellow Republican Robert Lamutt in the state's runoff Tuesday. He will go directly to Congress, since Democrats there were unable to field a challenger. Price will replace Rep. Johnny Isakson ®, who is vacating the seat to run for the Senate. Connecticut voters picked Democrat Jim Sullivan to challenge Rep. Rob Simmons ®, in a race Democrats consider one of their best chances to unseat a GOP incumbent. Meanwhile, both parties are still waiting to see who will face Colorado Democrat John Salazar for the House seat of retiring Rep. Scott McInnis ®. Salazar is the brother of Attorney General Ken Salazar, who is the Democratic candidate for Senate. Two of John Salazar's GOP rivals were separated by just a few hundred votes and were waiting for election officials there to count provisional ballots. The district -- the state's third -- is considered a tossup. © 2004 The Washington Post Company
  18. hey mursa, u hear that...first the greeks and now the iraqis...man portugal sucks.....lol!!
  19. girls no undies guys as much covered as possible...
  20. Ma basement.....all girl on girl action is welcome, I could be the stunt dick if u'd like....
  21. Hey got an idea y dont well all PM him at the same time, say 4:15pm EST....it would b like that last crazy thing that was popular in the city, it was called flash crowding, where thousands of ppl show up at a place unannounced!
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