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Everything posted by captainbooty

  1. Ye`re amazin' laddie, how`d ye know it was th' Captain`s day o' birth today? I thank ya fer yer attention t' details then. Much obliged th' Captain be.
  2. Hardee har har, that be a good fer a hearty chuckle. I heard it before, but I thank ya anyhow.
  3. Yer name be Rachel? I was talkin t' yer tits ye know. I named th' one on yer port side Rachel. Th' other one be named Betsy. I love Rachel an' Betsy.
  4. Excuse me fer saying, I don`t be seein' th' point o' this thread. Boston be a fine place t' make harbor in, t' dine in, t' drink an' be merry in, an' th' city has some o' th' finest bitches in th' upper eastern seaboard. Boston bitches be loose an' sexy, an' that be th' way Captain Booty likes them. I'd nay say that Boston sucks, but I will say that th' bitches in Boston, them bitches do suck a mean dick nay doubt.
  5. If she were on yer dick, I`d say yer dick be flat by now. Aye?
  6. Arrrr, nay worries, matey. I be havin' th' skills t' overcome e'en th' unfunny among us. But still I like his greetin' an' well wishes. A nice lad he be, though his avatar be remindin' me o' th' evil clay gods o' Carnigus Isles, where I lost me leg t' a booby trapped booty chest. Or was that Canary Island? I can ne'er remember, what wi' th' amount o' grog I`ve downed in me travels.
  7. Arrr, than ye laddie. I`ll find out tonight what me mates an' me wenches be havin' gotten fer me. I`ve aquired lots o' booty in me career, but me birthday gifts be always a worthy surprise. I hope yer sister be up an' about fer partyin' wi' me tonight. Always fun t' chill wi', that wench be.
  8. Arrrrrr, reportin' posts are ya? Flogging round th' fleet, aya? A bringer of doldrums ye are. Arrrr.
  9. ye canna be limitin' yerself, lad. In me eyes an' loins, Raincry= x 100,000.
  10. Ugh. I hate Coke. A Dr. Pepper man I be. I wonder if Coke'd be good t' remove th' barnacles from th' hull o' me ship?
  11. Am I? Avast not wrong often am I, but I take ye word for it Mike, since ye be a fine, upstanding man o' y' word.
  12. Arrrr, git outta me way, yu sloppy landlubber.
  13. Tis funny t' meet ya laddie, fer me parrot`s name be Philippio too.
  14. Me port (that be "left" for ya landlubbers) eye, leavin' th' starboard (the right) eye as th' only one left. Strange, isn`t it, that me left eye be gone an' me right eye be left.
  15. Aye, avast I understand. But keep me in mind me dear, an' don`t despise me because ye know me t' be a scallywag. I`ll be here fer ye if an' when ye be ready.
  16. captainbooty


    Arrrrrr. Bloody disgustin it is. What if she farts as yer lickin' her spider web?
  17. What say you, Raincry? Make an old salt happy.
  18. I prefer me lasses t' be soft an' squeezable.
  19. Nonetheless, I think ye be a sign o' th' sea gods that me days o' cryin' in th' rain be soon t' be over. From seein' yer image depiction me crotch cannon be standin' up at a higher angle than before. I invite ye t' come aboard me ship an' dine wi' me, an' share a cup o' grog or a pitcher or two. We could dance a bit, ye an' me, though I be havin' just one leg an' a wooden leg fer th' other, we can do me own dance called th' Peg Stomp Boogie. What do ya say, lass? Ye an' me can make beautiful music together. An' then we`d be havin' hot an' steamy sex fer all th' night long, bare assed under a full moon. Ye shant be turnin' that offer down smartly, fine maiden, fer I be a passionate man an' a sexy beast who will aim t' please ye without end or tire.
  20. I be havin' nay fuckin` clue what this wench be babblin' on about. Speak correctly, ya funny soundin' wench, I canna understand ye!
  21. Arrrr, "goo slabbing". That be a funny word. A pint of grog to you, fair maiden, for being so funny.
  22. Th` cock at home be attached t` a proper man I hope, fer yer sake lass.
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