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Everything posted by captainbooty

  1. Arrr, lass, I`d like t' be seein' th' fine quality o' them bulby D`s. Could an old scallywag buy ye a drink?
  2. A fine collection o' wench bosums ya be havin' thar. I might be havin' t' polish me pistol after seein' that.
  3. Oh fuck! I went dancin` th` other night an` mixed it up wi` th` ladies. We were` doin` th` Peg Stomp Boogie, an` I set out in me goal t` land me some hot juicy beaver. But by th` end o` th` night th` only beaver I found was th` damn rodent chewin` on me wooden leg. It wasn`t th' kind o' beaver I was seekin' but it had t' do fer th' moment. So I had sex wi' it. Nay as good as th' kind o' beaver I normally sack up wi', a proud buccanneer will be havin' t' admit that t' ya`s.
  4. Blimey, I be hatin' th' double posting. Damn annoyin' th' buggers be. But sometimes ya canna help it, as this board be so slothlike that ye don`t know if yer sent post was registered or nay. Th' bloomin' ser'er gnaws at me arse it does.
  5. One hundred dollars fer a gay man t' watch me wank me feathers? Me question'd be, what does he plan t' be doin' wi' his own penis whilst ye be wankin' yours`.
  6. Pamela Anderson be so hot I don`t be seein' how she hasn`t melted her own tits. But I don`t fancy a shot at wooin' th' likes o' her. That Tommy Lee`s clipper ship ship makes me penis look like a dinghy.
  7. Aye, matey, but Old Scratch believes in him too an' it won`t help him a bit. But I haven`t lived th' life o' th' lord niether so I`m sure t' be seein' ya down thar eventually. I`ll brin' th' grog, be havin' th' chips an' pork ready fer me an' th' boys.
  8. Avast, me nose be runnin` like me mates t` th` bathrooms after a port o` call in Honduras. But me beard an' moustach be handy fer stoppin` such annoyin` nasal leakages.
  9. That be quite a mastery o' words ye be havin' thar.
  10. Might I be one t' suggest th' Scarlet Buccaneer, Tiger o' th' Se'en Seas, or fer some light comedy, Th' Muppets Booty Island. Quality entertainment right thar.
  11. oh come on now, didnt t... 01-05-2005 11:37 AM Isn't true that the majority of pirates are all gay? Kind of like Mimes...Inquiring minds would like to know ~phatman~ attn captainbooty 01-05-2005 12:29 PM Why does ever Captain have a "cabin boy" to take care of his every need? That's pretty gay Ye scallywaggers be fuckin' wierd! x100,000,000,000,000,000,001.
  12. I don`t care what ye`re called or how it`s spelled. All I care about be them gargantuan fuckin' tits in yer signature.
  13. Shiver me timbers! T`world be a lesser place without her tits t' greet th' day.
  14. I know th' pain, especially th' time I used me hook fer th' clisting. Whene'er I clist me ears wi' a Q-Tip, I always stand away from doors lest someone barge in an' slam me arm into me ear. Arrrrr-eeeeowwwwwww!
  15. Arrrr, me know what a eunuch be, a testical-less lesser-man. But th' boy has stated time an' again that he has balls but nay penis. That be what I referred t', bein' what he said o' himself. So nay need t' correct me, but be sure t' correct him. Arrr.
  16. Aye, but that be a risk worth taking, boy.
  17. So sayith th' puppet master himself. LOL.
  18. Where I come from, laddie, doin' a half-assed FSN be only half-assed an nay worth doing. By th' way, what be th' meanin' o' "FSN"? I had come t' think that it referred t' FamousAmos an' meant "Fooled by Some Negro". Be it meanin sumthin' else?
  19. What a vile ha'en I`ve stumbled upon, filled wi' th' legion o' scum an' villiany. Poor lad, Eunuch, ye dickless wanker-wanna-be. Be havin' ye tried attachin' a hook where yer cockstock used t' be? A hook'd work well fer ye bilgeboy. I be havin' one meself but I also still be havin' me penile extension. Howe'er sadly, tis be hard t' jack off wi' me hook hand. Too often I aim t' rub me balls but end up hookin' me asshole in th' process. Tis dasn't feel good I assure ye, an' it be might embarrassin' when me first mate has t' help me pull th' blasted hook out o' me anus.
  20. Sorry lass. Tis be th way I talk. I was raised with no mammy or pappy so's pirate speak came natural t' me. I be tryin to speaken gooder for yu m' dear.
  21. captainbooty

    Need some help

    Arrr, Evan. Yu don't need that sort of grief in your life. Y'said yer was 9 months in a sober house, but with her ya went back to using. The stress from her can't be helpful to your desire to stay clean, if you be desiring that. I be worried that with her around you'd be more inclined to go out and drink again, and sabotague the 9 months you accomplished in Sober House. Run lad, run far away. I'd be pleased to steal her away and have her walk the plank out at sea. If she enjoys being in the closet such a long time, she will adapt to Davy Jone's locker easier than it takes for her to come out of the closet. Holla if ya need me services. Arrr.
  22. Aye, a treasure worth dying fer, me thinks.
  23. Originally Posted by misk ...maybe if she wasn't such a fucking loser telling stories to her cyber friends...she would still have a job.... Word, matey. As if we wankers don`t spend too much time on this board when we`re supposed t' be working. Th' servin' wench wasn`t doin' a Playboy pictorial in her uniform, she just posted a photo o' her at work. Big fuckin' deal. Th' airlines be havin' t' pull th' corn cob out o' the'r bums an' lighten up a wee bit. P.S. Arrrrrrr!
  24. I agree wi' Runner t' a point, that t' disresespect th' uniform openly cannot be tolerated, but thar be a fine line between what one lackey perceives as disrespect an' another sees a swabbie talkin' about her life an' lettin' blog readers be seein' what they's do fer a living. I hold that th' company has a right t' tell her t' remove th' uniform photo from her blog, but that it must give fair warning, an' go by th' blog writer`s 3 rules o' expectation that she wrote above. Arrrrrr.
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