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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mahalomenehune

  1. why would u say that? u just joined today, u dont kno anything. Spend some more time on the boards, then u can talk
  2. i wuznt being sarcastic in my messages
  3. is that james cameron in the middle?
  4. ok guys, my messages were never that bad. Give me some credit
  5. ur here to win the psp to. Dont worry, u will be welcomed warmly, i suggest now u improve ur messages
  6. why wuz he executed 7 years after? why that long?
  7. ur saying the longer the war ur saying the longer the war the more it would of saved lives?
  8. what are most people republican here? should i of not said that?
  9. the cardinals also had an explosion of offense yesterday. 9 runs in the 9th inning
  10. is this a mistake in the box score? He wuz a basket away from a double-double
  11. i dunno ive never see them, could u give a link to them?
  12. they are so not worth it for 260
  13. for some people it really doesnt, u hafta use the right techinque, otherwise ur doing work for nothing
  14. everything, its gta san andreas. Anywhere from gambling, to playing pool, to playing bball, to skydiving, its all there
  15. do u hav any pics of her?
  16. yea like if u live in rodeo u wouldnt say that but if u live in a cheaper area u might say that
  17. do u guys have dunkin donuts over there?
  18. u can never have enough u2....becuz it wuz a beautiful day! get it?
  19. looking at all the forums, id hafta say miami and new york are the most active forums
  20. i tried joining, but my computer wouldnt let me. Weird
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