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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by mahalomenehune

  1. is this the official fantasy bball league of club planet u guys are talking about?
  2. these chinese prospects are popping up everywhere. Most people dont kno about this kid, ha sun jin, who is supposed to be better then yao
  3. jeez over 30 million owed.........ouch
  4. lebron didnt improve at all. Only his team improved, and he has gotten more selfish
  5. so I guess the quiet London board has turned into the drug board
  6. I hear heroin is the most powerful, and coccaine is the most addictive
  7. u guys actually meet each other in places? i thought u guys never saw each other
  8. it is way to early. I mean do u really think the nationals will continue to hav the succes they have now? NO. And I wouldnt be talking about the yankees payroll is ur a mets fan, look at ur own
  9. well the jets will need some1 to fill in anthony bechts shoes
  10. i dunno maybe there have been threads b4 this but i didnt see it. Wut r ur thoughts, r u for it or against it?
  11. no offense, but the boston acquarium wuz awful. People said it wuz great, but it wuz way to crowded and not enough marine animals
  12. now what have i done to u....man u people make me sick, ur so biased against me
  13. o and this coming from a guy with an icon of french fries lol
  14. is a guestlist like a vip?
  15. yea i agree, u cant diss the city that never sleeps. Theres a reason why its called that
  16. i wouldnt be surprised considering he already took over new york..ROCK THE VOTE
  17. wuznt this message also in the london forum?
  18. or maybe u should choose a suburb of philladelphia, cherry hill in nj is really nice
  19. that link doesnt work. I dunno how u can impressive design if u didnt see it
  20. no, no we wont. We will be 12th worst, and there arent that many good players in the draft this year
  21. this is the healthiest drink possible. Just take juice from lemon, and drink it. It is very sour, but very good for u. I use it wen im working out
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