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Partying sober...how the hell is it done?

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First off let me clarify...when I say partying sober, I mean partying all damn night sober. As in showing up at like 1 and staying til the place closes around 9.

Now I have done this a few times, but it is extremely difficult for me. I think I always end up ODing on Xenadrines and Red Bulls and sort of become a zombie who cannot focus on anything. When this happens it is difficult to even hold a conversation because I cannot focus on the words. It is kind of like the same slow brained feeling you get when you are coming down off a roll. Only it is much easier to hold a conversation when you are coming down off a roll.

Now I need to figure out the right way to do this sober thing. This zombie shit isn't working. I had to ditch Vinyl at 6:30. Sure it was techno, and that will knock you on your ass a whole lot quicker than other types of music, but still, I never leave that early. So if any of you sober ppl out there have any pointers for me, please let me hear them.

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Originally posted by roha3000

First off let me clarify...when I say partying sober, I mean partying all damn night sober. As in showing up at like 1 and staying til the place closes around 9.

Now I have done this a few times, but it is extremely difficult for me. I think I always end up ODing on Xenadrines and Red Bulls and sort of become a zombie who cannot focus on anything. When this happens it is difficult to even hold a conversation because I cannot focus on the words. It is kind of like the same slow brained feeling you get when you are coming down off a roll. Only it is much easier to hold a conversation when you are coming down off a roll.

Now I need to figure out the right way to do this sober thing. This zombie shit isn't working. I had to ditch Vinyl at 6:30. Sure it was techno, and that will knock you on your ass a whole lot quicker than other types of music, but still, I never leave that early. So if any of you sober ppl out there have any pointers for me, please let me hear them.

Try taking a nap before going out......

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I just did it last night for the first time (not first time partying sober, but first time until 10:30 -- after the after-hours!!) and had the most amazing time!

I'm not sure what to tell you beyond the red bulls -- but yeah, i took a nap before going out, then drank two kmx's and a sobe adrenaline before going out...and three more spaced out through the night -- didn't get tired until 10:30AM...had no idea those things were so powerful!!!

Anyway...good luck!

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its just pure adrenaline for me. i honestly dont know how i do it, but i dont have a problem staying out all nite and being sober. its so much more fun for me. id rather be sober and know exactly wuts goin on, and be able to actually listen to the music, than bein all fucked up and oblivious to the world, and not remember most of the nite the next day.

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Oh, I forgot to mention, I got home at 6:30 and I have been so hopped up on caffeine that I haven't been able to sleep yet (its fucking 2:00 PM). I even took a melatonin and it did absolutely nothing for me. It is much easier to sleep after a drug night. I am not liking this too much.

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Originally posted by roha3000

Oh, I forgot to mention, I got home at 6:30 and I have been so hopped up on caffeine that I haven't been able to sleep yet (its fucking 2:00 PM). I even took a melatonin and it did absolutely nothing for me. It is much easier to sleep after a drug night. I am not liking this too much.

Take a nap and dance away...I've never seen it as too hard of a thing to do.

If you don't get rest though, you'll likely end up worn out like me. Note I'm not too talkative at clubs...

And I'm still up too. Had some breakfast and a cup of coffee... Think I need some lunch now...

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Originally posted by roha3000

Funny you should mention that. I think last night was the first time I ever saw Quoth sober. And I have seen the kid out many times.

yeh i was sittin next to him when u saw him prolly..ehehe..i had the white short sleeve shirt on with blue n yellow on like the shoulders

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Originally posted by xpander

Take a nap and dance away...I've never seen it as too hard of a thing to do.

If you don't get rest though, you'll likely end up worn out like me. Note I'm not too talkative at clubs...

And I'm still up too. Had some breakfast and a cup of coffee... Think I need some lunch now...

This is all easy to say once you've been scraped off the remains of the chill room at 7am by the big burly bouncers!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think that was the funniest sight....seeing XPANDER walking outta the chill room all crooked and sleepy eyed! Haha....I was gigglin' to myself in the corner.;)

(( u thought no one saw that, didn't ya!))

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Originally posted by marcid21

This is all easy to say once you've been scraped off the remains of the chill room at 7am by the big burly bouncers!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I think that was the funniest sight....seeing XPANDER walking outta the chill room all crooked and sleepy eyed! Haha....I was gigglin' to myself in the corner.;)

(( u thought no one saw that, didn't ya!))

I'd like to plead plausible deniability...

Besides...I said I was worn out (no nap missy...)

Besides, it was just half an hour...


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Originally posted by xtcgspot

its just pure adrenaline for me. i honestly dont know how i do it, but i dont have a problem staying out all nite and being sober. its so much more fun for me. id rather be sober and know exactly wuts goin on, and be able to actually listen to the music, than bein all fucked up and oblivious to the world, and not remember most of the nite the next day.

yep! couldn't have said it better

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1.) disco nap it

2.) frequent breaks in dancing, unless you have the body of a marathon runner or summat

3.) no more than 2 stackers/xenadrine

4.) dont chase the stackers with a red bull, cuz it makes you just get one charge then knocks you on your ass

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definitely take a good nap before you go out. try eating a good meal beofre as well, and take a multivitamin with it. drink lots of water, and take lots of breaks

and when youre on the floor, just try to follow this: "dance till it hurts, dance till you cant feel the pain, then dance some more"


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i party sober when i feel like it....it really doesnt bother me at all as long as the music is slamming...like this past fri for vicious the beats were ridiculous and kept me dancing all night.....

sometimes i rather go sober then drunk

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. . . The people that I've known that have always partied sober are usually more physically fit than their drug using counterparts . . I knew a girl down in CFL that could break with the best of them, completely sober all the time . . . Girl was in perfect physical condition and could out dance and out last any crackhead in the joint . . .

. . I guess you have to make a decision . . . cause it CAN be a mind over matter thing . . . I mean, you can will yourself to stay up all night without any enhancement, but It's sure easier if you're used to taking care of your health . . .

. . . I take the other route . . ;) . . .

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the best clubbing experiences i ever had were when i was sober-when i say sober, no E, alcohol, or anything illegal. ever since i worked at starbucks, i have an incredible tolerance for caffine, and a can or two of red bull doesn't do much. just being there and continuously dancing keeps me going, after all a body in motion tends to stay in motion. let yourself get taken in by the music and set yourself free-i know that sounds very cliche-can keep a person going the whole night.

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whenever you see me dancing like a lunatic, dancing so hard that i forget to drink or sit down or even catch a breath... whenever you see me rolling my eyes to the back of my head or squeezing them tight with a huge smile on my face, throwing my hands in the air and bouncing my butt clear across the dance floor... whenever you hear me whoop or scream or yell whilst rolling my eyes, smiling, throwing my arms in the air and bouncing my butt across the floor for 6 hours straight and hugging everyone in sight...

... you'll know i'm sober. 'cause i can't even remember the last time i didn't dance sober. i enjoy it far better that way. i feel *more* connected to my body, to what the DJ is doing, to the music's progression, to my fellow dancers. i know a lot of people are quite the opposite -- and to each their own, as long as you're safe and so are the people around you ... i've done my share of substances but just not in a club setting necessarily -- but so far the only downside to being 'high on life' is that some people seem to act disappointed when they ask me if i'm rolling and i say 'no'. i can't figure out why. *shrugs*

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oh and just fyi for you red bull-ers...

more than 3 red bulls or their equivalent

in a single 24 hour period is very much

Not Recommended.

it's not like being the average middle aged

blue collar worker drinking 6 cups of coffee

(which is still too many) over the course

of a workday... it's much much worse.

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I party sober EVERY WEEK. I mean, No stackers, no xenadrine. maybe one or two red bulls....THATS IT. I am at the club before 12, and don't leave till 8 or 9 every friday. Let me advise you. NAPS ARE A BAD IDEA. unless youare napping WAY before you go out, you'll never be energetic enough by the time you get there. You need to leave at least 3 hours between the time you wake up and the time you leave for the club. DO NOT EAT RIGHT BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Think about when you are trying to fall asleep in yourbed, and you are starving. You just can't sleep, becuase, of course...you are hungry. Hunger keeps your mind off of being tired. Munch on chips or candy in the car, but nothing too filling. Carbs make you sluggish, though...stay away from bread and doughy things. REMEMEBER WHY YOUE THERE. Obviously, it's the music that drives you. Drink lotsa water, sit down when youre tired, and then DANCE YOURE FAWKING ASS OFF!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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