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Draper vs. DT

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Originally posted by deppnade

last time i went to vinyl was the B2B party like 2 fridays ago, hung out with SpikesNJ all night, it seemed like every 10 minutes security was throwing out another kid for drugs, so dont even start with that argument that draper has the drug crowd and DT's is only going there for the music........Exit has a bar, or many of them, does vinyl? the bartender, if u want to call it that, at vinyl, called the bar a "ROLL ENHANCEMENT BAR", exactly....

but it is true, draper can and does move a crowd, he has a large following, who cares who his following is, a person is a person, and he packs out a large venue over and over, if you like that fast style shit, go see draper, and u will definitely have a good time, im sure he isnt as good of a technical dj as DT, but then again, who cares, people like that type of music, so they go listen, this board represents a minority, not a majority, remember that......

also, taste in music?? everyone is entitled to his/her opinion, i personally am in love with the deep dark tribal tenaglia drops, but if a 19 year old girl wants to go out with her crew and listen to some hard beats, then who cares? is her taste worse than yours? not at all, some kids actually like to jump around exit for 6 hours a night, i used to be one, then i got older, more laid back, changed tastes, and now like to chill at vinyl and enjoy that scene, but i still like to jam to fast jams off my winamp, taste has nothing to do with it, that is a bad argument, it has to do with taste, end of story......

lastly, do you think factory heads go there for JP or for the scene that they have built? it is a given that every sat there will be juiceheads and hotties, that is just a flat out given, if they change djs on that night to vicious or PVD, or even Devito, do you think the crowd would move to follow peters? yes, there are those die hard fans that love his work, but the majority go for the scene....the juiceheads/chicks/drug atmosphere....the scene....

Someone who has a clue!! OMG! I totally agree with you.. Get over the fact that people like Draper! Is it that fucking hard to believe people like his style... Im so sick of this topic... you guys may not like him but you definitly have an obsession with him to make up all these threads.. :blown:

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Draper fans are misguided, pig headed, and blind......kinda like Draper himself. Just please oh please all you Draper fans just stay in Exit.

First of all...Wow Jon thats harsh and completely fucked up and i resent that... that is so not true! Holy shit why dont you people just stay out of exit, get over Draper and the fact that he has a following!

2nd-Like someone said earlier in this thread about how drapers following is all drug addicts....I dont think so.. Yes people do drugs but its a club of course they are going to.. I dont do drugs! So, stop generalizing! And,, um.. HELLO Vinyl has no alcohol you think DT's crowd there is sober...:laugh: I think not.. ALL DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd- Draper is in no way pig headed, blind and misguided.... he is the most down to earth DJ i have ever met. Hes such a friendly guy and so easy to talk to. I love draper as a person and as a DJ.. you guys are the pig headed ones b/c you cant accept that.... I dunno how many of you have talked to him and had full conversations with him (and im not showing off, just stating)... I talk to him all the time so i know this as a fact that he is not any of these things you guys say.. Example.. this past friday night.. draper was in teh booth before he was going on and i waved him to come down so i could say hi and we talked for about 10 mins.. i dont think most dj's would do that b/c they are such "great" dj's that they are high on themselves and too stuck up to associate with half of you!

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Originally posted by bebby6919

First of all...Wow Jon thats harsh and completely fucked up and i resent that... that is so not true! Holy shit why dont you people just stay out of exit, get over Draper and the fact that he has a following!

2nd-Like someone said earlier in this thread about how drapers following is all drug addicts....I dont think so.. Yes people do drugs but its a club of course they are going to.. I dont do drugs! So, stop generalizing! And,, um.. HELLO Vinyl has no alcohol you think DT's crowd there is sober...:laugh: I think not.. ALL DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3rd- Draper is in no way pig headed, blind and misguided.... he is the most down to earth DJ i have ever met. Hes such a friendly guy and so easy to talk to. I love draper as a person and as a DJ.. you guys are the pig headed ones b/c you cant accept that.... I dunno how many of you have talked to him and had full conversations with him (and im not showing off, just stating)... I talk to him all the time so i know this as a fact that he is not any of these things you guys say.. Example.. this past friday night.. draper was in teh booth before he was going on and i waved him to come down so i could say hi and we talked for about 10 mins.. i dont think most dj's would do that b/c they are such "great" dj's that they are high on themselves and too stuck up to associate with half of you!

what you are saying is true, however u fail to realize no one here is judging him as a person, im sure he is a sweetheart like u said he is , and yea ur right alot of the djs may not be friendly and stuck up, however once again we are talking about him as a dj and not as a person, two seperate things hun...

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Originally posted by apotheosis

Regardless of opinions, Draper packs 'em in 5000 strong every Friday. As opposed to DT (which alot of this board favors) who does not.

Next Step: IF DT were to play a venue that big, yes the first night or so would be packed as a "special event", but i doubt would keep its attendence.

I officially crown thee Drama Whore... OMG this post alone was sufficiently hysterical ... but after reading all the responses I'm absolutely rotflmfao... :laugh2:

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Originally posted by apotheosis

YES, someone finally got it. DT / TD = total opposites in everything. Venue, style, crowd, ect

I gotta admit, I just wanted to see where a thread with this subject would go :D

Looks like your fucking blind, why not look just 5 posts above yours to what i wrote before you start with stupid comments.

Well, well now.. MY FUCKING BAD.. I was just too overwhelmed with your ORIGINAL post that I replied before I read it all the way through. That's my bad. Sorry. :( I knew you were better than that..

However, no need to get all LOUD. :rolleyes::tongue:

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Originally posted by stonedcl

This guy has to be Asian..

Exit is the WORST club I have ever been at!!

Tunnel 97-97 at 5 AM you could not move..

Originally posted by stonedcl

Dude last time I went to Exit on Friday when Draper spun There where Asians spraled out drooling and buggin out all over each other it was Nasty..


you need to to stop making assumptions.

there are all types of people that "drool and bugout" at Exit, whether they are Asian or not. on top of that, not all asians like draper. did you have a problem with Twilo too b/c of the Asians there? give me a fuckin break you racist fuck.

you are the exact type of person with your bigot ways that needs to be removed from NYC clublife, or Earth (no pun intended), for this matter. the beauty of clubbing is its diversity, whether a club be filled with asians, trannies, gays, or aliens. it's called acceptance and tolerance.

before you start bashing on the asians at exit, why don't you learn how to type?

"Tunnel 97-97"? ok there buddy. lay off the crack will you? :rolleyes:

on top of that, you contradict yourself; one post you say Exit is the worst club, then the next one you say you were there for Draper. hmmm, strange. it's the worst club b/c there are people like YOU in there.. not the Asians you punk bitch.

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Originally posted by progressive2

what you are saying is true, however u fail to realize no one here is judging him as a person, im sure he is a sweetheart like u said he is , and yea ur right alot of the djs may not be friendly and stuck up, however once again we are talking about him as a dj and not as a person, two seperate things hun...

I know what the thread is about sweetie.. but if you read what I quoted that djjonstephen wrote you will see he said

"Draper fans are misguided, pig headed, and blind......kinda like Draper himself. ".. which means yes he is talking about Draper as a person NOT a dj! I know what I am talking about....

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Originally posted by bebby6919

I know what the thread is about sweetie.. but if you read what I quoted that djjonstephen wrote you will see he said

"Draper fans are misguided, pig headed, and blind......kinda like Draper himself. ".. which means yes he is talking about Draper as a person NOT a dj! I know what I am talking about....

Who'se to say a nice, sweet person can't be misguided, pig headed and blind though?

That's hardly a counterargument.

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Originally posted by xhead247x

If this is a fact then its also a fact that you arent too smart, because if you can give people drapers next hit then why dont you:rolleyes: Why arent you spinning at any clubs then, and why arent you making money djing if you can:rolleyes:

. . .listen . .I think what you're missing here . . and a point that alot of people who've spoken out on this thread can't quite find the words to say is:

. . . There is a difference between Success and Greatness . . The former is accessible to just about anyone . . the latter, well . . that takes a special person to pull off . . and Tony Draper aint it . . .

. . That is the final word . . .

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Originally posted by apotheosis

Regardless of opinions, Draper packs 'em in 5000 strong every Friday. As opposed to DT (which alot of this board favors) who does not.

Next Step: IF DT were to play a venue that big, yes the first night or so would be packed as a "special event", but i doubt would keep its attendence.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

u have go to be shittin me :blown:

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Thats comparing the King to the Pauper.

Gimme a break Mikey. Draper fills Exit with a bunch of unknowing partiers. They dont know what *quality music* is.

Everywhere Tenaglia goes to around the world is packed in to the fullest. The man knows how to throw parties. Does Draper hold an infamous 14 + hour set every year at Space??? No, not that I know if he most certainly doesnt.

We waited in line a good 45 minutes to enter Space at WMC and that was at 5 in the MORNING! Give me a break! I cant believe you'd have the nerve to try and compare the two.

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not comparable... u should bhe banned from ever posting on a website ever again... u should be banned from the internet period...

ur trying to compare tallent to no talent...

its like this... would u call a honda civic a better car then ANY model bmw? no... even though people buy more civics??? like... how can u compare the 2...

just cause more people go to exit dont mean shit... exit is a larger club.... and the crowd is NOT real club people... last time i was at exit there were a bunch of frat head abercrombie and fitch boys, and cowboyhat girls (like after the whole cowboy hat thing went outa style)

they are 2 differntd venues...

exit packs the place, cause everyone there is 16-18 and new to the scene... not to mention 700-1000 promoters... the club holds 4500 people i beleive at one time (fire code). now... vinyl has only but a few promoters... mainly distributors..., and the space is smaller, not to mention its way down town... exit is in midtown, and a whole lot easier to find, and happen to just walk uppon if ur a tourist.

they are 2 differnt parties... there are more kids out there who dont know music then there are who do. just like there are kids out there who buy a civic, put 13,000 worth of work into it and call it "cool"

there are also people who buy bmw's, spend the same ammount as that idiot who put the 13gs into it, and leave it stock... the bmw will still out perform the shit car... not to mention look better. (stupid fucking 3 ft tall spoilers...)

people who follow the masses dont know any better (hence the overcrowing of exit with a shitty dj, and the high sale of a shitty car like the civic)

people follow the flock... didnt u ever notice how stupid people are in angry mobs??? always the smaller group of peopel that are smarter...

only few people enjoy the better things in life... and just cause more tickets are sold doesent mean the place is better...quality over quantity.

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There is a difference between Success and Greatness . . The former is accessible to just about anyone . . the latter, well . . that takes a special person to pull off . . and Tony Draper aint it . . . . . That is the final word . . .

All im saying is that people talk shit saying they can do what draper does, so lets see it. Some people are saying they are better then draper, so if they have the greatness then lets see the success. Until then people shouldnt say they could make drapers next hit, because theat jsut sounds dumb.

That is the final word until i hear drapers next hit by someone on this board.

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Codica: cool

Klohe, and Kittie, you disappoint me, really.

It shows that your replying without reading at least what *I* replyed along the thread.

Folks: this board is always going back and forth pro DT, bash TD.. (we all know this) So Finally I decided to see where an actual "vs." thread would go, that was it.

btw: great thread!

and in the end.. they BOTH make $$$ . Ha.

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its not hard to be a producer... computor programs now a days do 50% of the work for u... try somehting like learn 10 instruments... i laugh at kids when they try to tell me i dont know music... thats why my life was set on being a music major, and i learned al those instruments... i dabbled in electronic music produccing, and i made a few songs... just dont have the right equip to enhance the sounds. i ALWAYS hear fucked up and outa key notes in the backrounds of PLENTY of club songs, and i EXPECIALLY hate djs who dont mix in key... fucking going from B to B flat... doesent sound good.... kids are jumping on the mixers, and buying "reason" and "fruityloops" and dont know dick about music... learn an instrument first, train ur ear, then jump into REPLAYING someone elses music...leave the music to the music makers, and when somone who know WHO KNOWS music offers u a suggestion... take it, cause ur 2 month mp3 dj career does NOT compare to 10 years of being mucially fluent...

i don know drapers musicality outside the elecronic setting, but it really and TRUELY honestly does not sound like he ever played another instrument... not do ahlf the djs out today.

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Originally posted by ReginaP

ah..ahaha...dyanna I'm totally with you rotflmao...and I still need a fix!!! :D Are you coming out this friday...and I mean for DT ;)

I wish- I need a Danny fix like you would not believe- but I'm moving on Saturday!

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Eh, they both suck. :D

Seriously, if you flipped things around, how many more people do you think would go see DT at a club that has nice decor and serves alcohol? On the converse, how many loyal Draper fans would follow him to the dump we call Vinyl? Many certainly would, but it's still a factor more of the club that the DJ. Look at Webster Hall for chrissake. When was the last time they had a decent DJ there? Last I can remember was Taucher about a year ago. Anyway, they wised up and realized that they can fill that place up with more people than Exit and Vinyl combined just because it's huge, people know the name, and people are willing to drive from Jersey and Long Island to get there. They don't need a big-name DJ, just a big name.

Either way, if I was a club owner, I might actually prefer having Draper spin. He's cheaper, and he draws a crowd that drinks more (and thus spends more inside the club).

Someone wake me up when one of these places has a breaks DJ spinning there....

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Originally posted by sierafoxtrot

its not hard to be a producer... computor programs now a days do 50% of the work for u... try somehting like learn 10 instruments... i laugh at kids when they try to tell me i dont know music... thats why my life was set on being a music major, and i learned al those instruments... i dabbled in electronic music produccing, and i made a few songs... just dont have the right equip to enhance the sounds. i ALWAYS hear fucked up and outa key notes in the backrounds of PLENTY of club songs, and i EXPECIALLY hate djs who dont mix in key... fucking going from B to B flat... doesent sound good.... kids are jumping on the mixers, and buying "reason" and "fruityloops" and dont know dick about music... learn an instrument first, train ur ear, then jump into REPLAYING someone elses music...leave the music to the music makers, and when somone who know WHO KNOWS music offers u a suggestion... take it, cause ur 2 month mp3 dj career does NOT compare to 10 years of being mucially fluent...

i don know drapers musicality outside the elecronic setting, but it really and TRUELY honestly does not sound like he ever played another instrument... not do ahlf the djs out today.

I couldn't agree more

learning an instrument is way harder than becoming a DJ it took me a year to learn violin 3 years to learn sax and a life time to sing and with out practice all my abilty in all of those have gone to shit. I know music, and obviously this kid knows music.. Being a Dj is more than just matching two beats matching Key is well KEY not many people do it even the greats fuck up the key. Building a set where the key the beat the rythm the movment the meter and the body of the over all sound are over all perfect is near impossible. and only a few Dj's I have seen do this Danny tenaglia is one of him and thats why I love him. Tony draper doesn't thats why his mixxing "style" just isn't good enough for me.

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Originally posted by bebby6919

I know what the thread is about sweetie.. but if you read what I quoted that djjonstephen wrote you will see he said

"Draper fans are misguided, pig headed, and blind......kinda like Draper himself. ".. which means yes he is talking about Draper as a person NOT a dj! I know what I am talking about....

Deb, no offense but you are aiding me in my arguement here......and I thank you personally for proving my point.

I didn't make an attack on his personality cause I never met him. I made the comment based on perception of flow, musical ability, creativity, etc. and his fans basically have no clue thinking its the greatest music in the world when actually its bottom of the barrel material. Remember now, I am not talking about style of music, I never talk shit about someone's style, I am talking about the skills.

Try understanding what someone is saying before you reply.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Try understanding what someone is saying before you reply.

But she's a Draper fan, what can you expect.. :D

JUST KIDDING DEBBIE!! I just had to say it though, he left it wide-open for me!! You know I love you girl, Draper fan or not, you're a good person!! :D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Deb, no offense but you are aiding me in my arguement here......and I thank you personally for proving my point.

I didn't make an attack on his personality cause I never met him. I made the comment based on perception of flow, musical ability, creativity, etc. and his fans basically have no clue thinking its the greatest music in the world when actually its bottom of the barrel material. Remember now, I am not talking about style of music, I never talk shit about someone's style, I am talking about the skills.

Try understanding what someone is saying before you reply.

well if you won't I will his style of music is a genre that has pretty much deteriorated from the next best thing into a trashy genre with cheesy vocal piss poor production catered to an audience that know little to nothing about music. I miss good hard beats but frankly all the hard house that has come out has been shit ass of late 99 IMO.. the music he spins is shit and it doesn't have to be rough to be hard. hard house used to be smoothly produced seamless.... Integrated now Its choppy rough un massaged.. Basically the producers just shit the stuff out.

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chinese people ruin exit? that has to be the stupidest comment ive heard on cp. figures it would come from a draper fan. seriously racism is fucked up. all i can say is that i know some chinese kids that can outdance anyone on this board whether it be breaking,popping, liquid, raving with glowsticks or any other dancing. completely off the topic of draper that comment shows how ignorant you are.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

Regardless of opinions, Draper packs 'em in 5000 strong every Friday. As opposed to DT (which alot of this board favors) who does not.

Next Step: IF DT were to play a venue that big, yes the first night or so would be packed as a "special event", but i doubt would keep its attendence.

Mike, I can only imagine that you wanted to create drama here with this thread.

The majority of opinion on TD is that he is at best an average DJ whose sets are heavy on the dairy product (cheese).

I can't imagine that you really believe it is better to have this guy at the decks than the rotation of International talent that Exit2 was going with for awhile.

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