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Muthafuckin Pet Peeves...Post em here!!!!!..Please Vent

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Shit i have tons!!

A few of mine definitely gotta be:

-hair on the soap(its only hair but YUCK!)

-Slow ass gas attendants (what the fuck motherfucker, i'll get out and pump it myself jesus!!)

-long lines at the DMV ("go to window 1..then wait to be called for windows 2 and 3")

-No ketchup or maple syrup on the table at a diner ("Yea hi, people tend to use maple syrup on their pancakes and ketchup on their home fries fuckface")

-Asshole fuckin young punk kids on their Nextels in the movie theater ("Hey asshole, you paid $10 as well as me to watch this film so turn off your fuckin phone and watch it")

-When my neighbor's dog shits on my lawn ("That fuckin dog shits on my lawn again, im gonna grab it and staple its ass shut")

-The way Katie Couric and Matt Lauer interview people. ("Jesus christ they can ask some of the most DUMBASS questions")

-the fact that Mike Tyson can go and rape a woman and still come out and make $17 million to loose a fight ("Guess what mike, your iron has melted RE-FUCKIN-TIRE already")

-Hearing RAPTURE 24/7 on KTU ("Hey assholes, stop fuckin playin the song cause every dj had that fuckin track before it was even a hit")

-My mom's terrible fuckin shopping skils ("You know i eat fuckin Bisquick pancakes everyday, yet you buy the mix and not the eggs?")

-Do I sound like a complete neurotic bastard yet? Keep reading! =)

-AOL ("Every fuckin time you get on line the service gives you a time out, like i'm some 6 year old that needs to stand in a corner because I have misbehaved. Well im droppin you soon enough anyway AOHell")

-people making out in the movies ("WTF!! I PAID $20 to watch you two hit puberty?? OH HELLLLLLLL NO!!)

-Vintage Vinyl for no longer carrying Alec Empire-Generation Star Wars ("You people fuckin carry Charles Manson-Live from San Quentin but you don't carry Alec Empire??")

-Cashiers who cant count fuckin change right ("Hello there ::readsnametag:: AMY, I just gave you $20...the total was $10...why did you give me a $5 bill back?")

-QVC ("If i flip the channels and see Richard Simmons selling porcelain dolls again..im gonna flip")

-People who drive with brights or 4 lights ("Is it REALLLLY that fuckin necessary that you must blind me with your lights because YOU yourself are blind?")

-women drivers ("They simply have just THEE worst fuckin judgement on the road")

-Spoiled friends ("It sure would be nice if my father bought me a fuckin Lexus IS300 and a now a Mustang GT Cobra for graduation...yea 2 cars is JUSTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT what i need")

-TELEMARKETERS,TELEMARKETERS,TELEMARKETERS!! (::hangsupthephonebeforetheypitchtheirproduct:

-People who chew gum like a fuckin asshole ("If i wanted to see what it looks like when a goat eats hay...i'd go to the zoo")


-Bosses who think your job is your life (Boss:C'mon we gotta hussle Me:No i don't...i get paid by the hour")

-When people hang the toilet paper so the end of it hangs down behind the back instead of over the front ("That shit pisses me off, and then they get pissed off that I corrected their evil ways, and I hate that even more!")

-It really fuckin pisses me off whenever i go to the store I always manage to get in line behind someone that is paying by check or has 8 billion double coupons they want to use when they have no more than $50 worth of stuff in their basket!! ("CAN YOU PLEASE CUT YOUR FUCKIN COUPONS AT HOME AND NOT ON MY TIME??")

yea...im very neurotic. i need help.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

mike get some sleep

Bro...this medicine is buggin me the fuck out im not even kidding!! i been up for 4 days straight!! major side effect of it is INSOMINA and INCREASED APPETITE...shit is makin me :shake::worry::shake::worry:

back to topic though...

anyone else?

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-eople who don't say thank you when I hold the fucking door for them, yeah like I really want to wait for you dumb ass to go through

-eople who can't hold the fucking door, come on now it isnt that hard

-uckers who bang dumbells together, it isnt doing anything to smack them you fuck(sorry the meathead in me)

-he old fucks in the gym locker room who walk around naked, and have conversations with people naked, yeah I want to see that shit put some clothes on

-People who never ever buy you a drink, but are always there when you are buying

-Fat girls in spanex and half shirts, come on now

-Just ignorance basically

And there are sooo many more, just try and block them out

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people that use more than one screenname (there are exceptions, barmenace for example)

wearing ties

company coffee wagons keeping coffe scalding hot so i burn my tongue every day

breaking in new pairs of shoes

medicine side effects: I get allergy attacks a lot. I usually get dizzy, headache, sore throat. So my doc gives me claritin and tells me the side effects. Guess what the side effects of taking claritin are? Dizzyness, headache, and sore throat! :biggun:

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Originally posted by quothispooh


-the way quoth takes shits

-the way quoth wipes his ass with his hands rather than toilet paper

-the way quoth gets drunk from 3 beers

-quoth's attempt at telling me i should get over my EX

Fuck You Douchebag

I'll muthafuckin drop yer ass so help you god if i see you.

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-slow ass muthafuckas who take their sweet fat ass time walking up the stairs

-slow people in your way on the subway

-fat asses that take up two seats on the subway

-fat and slow people

-fat people that cop an attitude at Blimpie's cause there are not enough onions on their tuna

-fat house wives that think they are better than everybody when they go shopping

-fat old people that want more money for sitting on their asses

-slow old people that complain about kids these days

-fat people that fart on the elevator


-fat people that pick their nose while your trying to eat your lunch

-slow ass retards that stutter and shit and feel its necessary to hold a conversation at a high volume on the subway

-people who consider Draper a good dj and are fat or slow

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guys who wear sandals!!! i know there is some joke or something about a certain sandal rockin male poster....but that's what reminded me.........i FREAK when i see this fashion VIOLATION!

i can't think of the rest right now.....but....who is this character quothispooh.....seriously?????

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Originally posted by misk

i can't think of the rest right now.....but....who is this character quothispooh.....seriously?????

Its that fuckin kid, mark (blowflyii,tillyskarma,markloves pooh etc etc). The boy literally has like 2,000 fuckin CP sn's cause dave keeps banning him...and like another 2,000 seprate email address so he can keep makin names as dave bans him.

just ignore him and he will go away or back to his old sn of tillyskarma.

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Originally posted by misk

guys who wear sandals!!! i know there is some joke or something about a certain sandal rockin male poster....but that's what reminded me.........i FREAK when i see this fashion VIOLATION!

i can't think of the rest right now.....but....who is this character quothispooh.....seriously?????


whats wrong with the Jesus Sandals? ;)

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-People who air their personal drama on messageboards NOBODY FUCKIN CARES!!!!! :idea: :idea: :idea:

-People who take this messageboard shyte seriously.

-Messageboard toughguys

-Music snobs

-People who bash clubs because their existence revolves around clubbing

-People who use way too much Ice Spiker

-Friends that end up in K-holes everytime you go out

-Corny people

-Midgets and anything related to midgets.

That's just a sample. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by £ddie

-People who air their personal drama on messageboards NOBODY FUCKIN CARES!!!!! :idea: :idea: :idea:

-People who take this messageboard shyte seriously.

-Messageboard toughguys

-Music snobs

-People who bash clubs because their existence revolves around clubbing

-People who use way too much Ice Spiker

-Friends that end up in K-holes everytime you go out

-Corny people

-Midgets and anything related to midgets.

That's just a sample. :mad: :mad: :mad:

I LOOOOOOOOVE U!! lol.....motherfuckin midgets.....pet peeve nah......LIFELONG FEAR!!!!! haha......and DEFINITELY these messageboard peppers.........

*people who post like they are hot shit but in reality are some big fucking geeks who couldn't get ass if their life depended on it

*people who only have friends on the messageboard and constantly post all personal shit and think this makes them look cool and like they actually have a life....when in reality everyone knows they are a waste of space!

sorry i am venting....and this is not directed towards everyone who has friends or fucks around on the boards....love some of u......but some others........PLEASE!

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