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Danny vs Danny review....GREAT and bad...

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You looked like a lady on a mission....didnt want to interfere.

Next time bring us with you...or come back later....were not shy...and two tall goons like us...were hard to miss.


Originally posted by snoozi8

HA! oh my gosh I saw you and Eric two times :( next time don't let me go sit down....

oh and MIKE SOPRANO I couldn't find you when I came back from the bathroom...I saw Gianni but couldn't grab him...

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i really didn't think there were that many druggies there, what about u? Maybe i just didn't notice it, but i thought the crowd wasn't that bad. I think one or two people asked me for something and that's it. I'm used to 10 or so. I did see some real fuct up guidos from jersey though. I might be wrong though, they could be from long island. What's the difference though really?

did anybody see the shirtless guidos battle dancing at around 6:30 to the right of the dj booth. I thought that was good/funny.


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My first time @ vinyl...I guess I picked a good night to go :eek:

I had an awesome time....I am quite sheltered I must say. This was my first time at any NY club. I am a dj from Rhode Island, and needless to say, we don't have anything like this.

I had such an amazing time! The 50$ was a shock...but definatly ended up being worth it. I was there from 6am (touch me was on when I came in) and I left early on into Howell's set.

The drugs were definatly evident. From what you guys say, it was a little heavy sunday huh? I didnt know what to expect, but yeah, every where I looked, I saw some FUCKED UP peeps. The guy with the glowsticks bent into DT's initials bugged me out a little...but someone say this guy is NYC "folklore"

I will definatly be back down to Arc/Vinyl on a Friday, I heard Danny REALLY rips it then.

>I stayed in front/left of the dj booth, kinda near the bar. I had a black bucket hat on...I stepped on a girls foot by accident, and I turned and apologized. She said it was nice of me to apologize...is this not normal in NYC? And in case you're out there girl whose foot I stepped on, it was nice meeting you ;) <

I can't wait to go back to Arc/Vinyl

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Originally posted by tastyt

That's the one thing I don't get... I was sober, so I was able to clearly see how fucked up everyone was... but I didn't think it was any worse than your average night out... :confused:

yea i agree. i actually commented last nite on how it didnt seem like THAT many ppl were fucked up. ive seen it a lot worse at other places :cough:exit:cough: where there were more ppl sprawled out all over the place all drugged up. arc wasnt that bad, if ppl were that fucked up, alot of them were good at hiding it.

i think seeing ppl fucked up is just something u need to get used to when ur out in nyc :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by djwhitemike

The drugs were definatly evident. From what you guys say, it was a little heavy sunday huh? I didnt know what to expect, but yeah, every where I looked, I saw some FUCKED UP peeps. .....

I can't wait to go back to Arc/Vinyl

dood. i still think that PUlse on sunday mornings is faaaaaaaaaaaarrr worse than arc. lol :)

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Originally posted by djwhitemike

My first time @ vinyl...I guess I picked a good night to go :eek:

I had an awesome time....I am quite sheltered I must say. This was my first time at any NY club. I am a dj from Rhode Island, and needless to say, we don't have anything like this.

I had such an amazing time! The 50$ was a shock...but definatly ended up being worth it. I was there from 6am (touch me was on when I came in) and I left early on into Howell's set.

The drugs were definatly evident. From what you guys say, it was a little heavy sunday huh? I didnt know what to expect, but yeah, every where I looked, I saw some FUCKED UP peeps. The guy with the glowsticks bent into DT's initials bugged me out a little...but someone say this guy is NYC "folklore"

I will definatly be back down to Arc/Vinyl on a Friday, I heard Danny REALLY rips it then.

>I stayed in front/left of the dj booth, kinda near the bar. I had a black bucket hat on...I stepped on a girls foot by accident, and I turned and apologized. She said it was nice of me to apologize...is this not normal in NYC? And in case you're out there girl whose foot I stepped on, it was nice meeting you ;) <

I can't wait to go back to Arc/Vinyl

Ahhhhh, first time to the city. Bro, I'm from RI too, no shame in that. Only, first time I hit up a city club I was 19.......big difference from the Rhody hang outs that close at 1:00 (yeah thats right, they close at 1 in the morning on weekdays.....weekends 2am).

Who do you know up there that spins?

And yeah, Pulse on Sunday mornings is nothing but cracked out peeps.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

im always the last one to reply to these review threads cuz i dont work on weekends, so therefore i am not online until monday.

anyway...$40 to get in didnt bother me too much. DH was droppin some sick tracks when we first got there at like 2. i wish there was room to dance, but there was absolutely none. everyone kept askin me if i was alright, i guess cuz i was just standin there. but i really was..i just couldnt move. but i was havin a blast just listenin to the beats and takin it all in. i also couldnt breathe outta my friggin nose all nite though, which was botherin me. my allergies were actin up, prolly cuz i mowed my lawn that day and musta had grass and dirt up my nose. lol.

after idk maybe 2 hours packed into the corner...i went to the chillout room. i stayed there for the rest of my nite just standin around. i left at 6. i had no desire to stay anymore.

it wasnt the club, the ppl, the music, or anything else but myself. i just wasnt into it. i didnt wanna dance, i didnt really feel like hearin the music. idk... i just wanted to go home and sleep. i guess everyone has an off nite...and that was my off nite. i wasnt in the mood to go out, but i didnt wanna miss DT vs. DH. im glad i experienced a few hours of it, but that was enough for me. im gonna be takin a few weeks off i think to save money, etc.

good seein everyone though of course. and good meetin a few new ppl like gmoneyjive, his friend, sexxyme (who lives up to the name) and i think that was it.

good seein carl again too..its been a long time bro


Hey, Nice meeting you too :) and thank u:tongue:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

yea i agree. i actually commented last nite on how it didnt seem like THAT many ppl were fucked up. ive seen it a lot worse at other places :cough:exit:cough: where there were more ppl sprawled out all over the place all drugged up. arc wasnt that bad, if ppl were that fucked up, alot of them were good at hiding it.

i think seeing ppl fucked up is just something u need to get used to when ur out in nyc :rolleyes:

i didn't think there was too many drugs floating around either and everyone i talked to who was rolling didn't seem out of control (like i have noticed on other occasions). i certaintly noticed less k and g than i have seen at vinyl before.

but i really don't care how many drugs are in a club as long as the people are cool, and i thought they were on saturday. i am glad arc does not have a liquor lisence.

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Too crowded , too hot, but I fucking loved every minute of it. Howells break set was absolutelyyyyyy ridiculous!!!!!!! I ned help on a track ID. I think Howells droppedit at the end of his first set, I'm not too sure, but it's a male vocal. He says all these famous DJ's names and then right before the breakdown he says Danny Tenaglia. It may have been DT who dropped it I'm not really sure. DT also played it at Space. Anybody know it???????

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i didn't think there was too many drugs floating around either and everyone i talked to who was rolling didn't seem out of control (like i have noticed on other occasions). i certaintly noticed less k and g than i have seen at vinyl before.

but i really don't care how many drugs are in a club as long as the people are cool, and i thought they were on saturday. i am glad arc does not have a liquor lisence.

its an odd comment, but i agree.....a drug crowd is much more mellow than a drinking crowd...bump into someone on pills or k and its whatever....especially one of the shirtless guidos that you CP heads all fear so much:laugh: but bump into a drunk and its fightin time:box:


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yeah bro i definately agree that the crowd was mad cool compare to a place that has a bar cuz there are a lot of fighting words and staring and shit... but ARC the last 2 weeks has been a lot different than where i have usually been like EXIT but only cuz NERO was there did i put up with a lil shit...lol... the corwd at ARC is a lot nicer than everywhere so i dont know what all the other crackheads are sayin about us.. i guess they dont like us on their turf so to speak... lol... but my missions were all completed last night and i cant wait to see DANNY HOWELLS at the end of this month cuz he ripped it up all night long... all the people that closed it know what i am talkin about

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Originally posted by egoiceman12

oh yeah there was definaltely not a lot of drugs in ARC last night...lol

I was approached by some NARC there, or some sort of undercover. I'm walking around near the bathroom and this goofy Opie looking motherfucka comes up to me and says "Do you know where I can find some Extacy pills, you know E-pills?"

I just looked at him like he had two heads (funny thing was, he did!). Then he was like "Come on man, I'm here with my brother. I wanna have fun tonight. Can you find me some Extacy?" Then he grabs this marine looking corn-fed Hoosier.

I was like "Go walk around the room a couple thousand times, you'll find some. I'm not a dealer"

P.S.........hey police people, if you're gonna get some undercovers in there, it helps if they don't look like they just came from the rodeo.

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Originally posted by snoozi8

so YEAH damn this thread is long..... anyway I slept from 3:30 yesterday afternoon till 11 am this morning... WOW...my legs aren't speaking to me right now...hehe...Melissa we gotta hang out more so wow how do I make this short...

yes, for everyone who didn't close it out...you missed "IT" I call it that because it was undescribable

TO MY CRAZY MOFOS---Robin (how's the back? I went to my chiropractor today)

wow again to the sense of unity I felt before close 11:30 PM to 1pm the next day the night will go down in history in my thoughts all the sweat was worth it, even the lone train ride home....made all my pain disappear for some hours

My back is shot. I need to get to my chiropractor tomorrow hopefully. Definitely a great time. Glad we could all experience it together. :)

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Originally posted by dznyc

Too crowded , too hot, but I fucking loved every minute of it. Howells break set was absolutelyyyyyy ridiculous!!!!!!! I ned help on a track ID. I think Howells droppedit at the end of his first set, I'm not too sure, but it's a male vocal. He says all these famous DJ's names and then right before the breakdown he says Danny Tenaglia. It may have been DT who dropped it I'm not really sure. DT also played it at Space. Anybody know it???????

If its the track I am thinking of, I have it, but I got it off of Filetopia...so I am not sure how correct the name/artist is.

What i have is called ARENA-John Creamer

If u have a cable modem, Im me at imurdjwm (aim/aol) and I will IM it to you, if you'd like, I'd email it to you

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Originally posted by djwhitemike

If its the track I am thinking of, I have it, but I got it off of Filetopia...so I am not sure how correct the name/artist is.

What i have is called ARENA-John Creamer

If u have a cable modem, Im me at imurdjwm (aim/aol) and I will IM it to you, if you'd like, I'd email it to you

Cool deal, I will hit you up a little later.

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I think Howells droppedit at the end of his first set, I'm not too sure, but it's a male vocal. He says all these famous DJ's names and then right before the breakdown he says Danny Tenaglia

It was Howells that dropped it. Very hot track

Jay J & Chris Lum- Roots Roll Call (Peace Division RMX )

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I was approached by some NARC there, or some sort of undercover. I'm walking around near the bathroom and this goofy Opie looking motherfucka comes up to me and says "Do you know where I can find some Extacy pills, you know E-pills?"

I just looked at him like he had two heads (funny thing was, he did!). Then he was like "Come on man, I'm here with my brother. I wanna have fun tonight. Can you find me some Extacy?" Then he grabs this marine looking corn-fed Hoosier.

I was like "Go walk around the room a couple thousand times, you'll find some. I'm not a dealer"

P.S.........hey police people, if you're gonna get some undercovers in there, it helps if they don't look like they just came from the rodeo.

. . . Dude, I think I got hit up by that guy too . . . :laugh: . .

Total hit ups in Vinyl: 12

Total hit ups in Centro: 5

Total Offers in Vinyl: 0

Total Offers in Centro: 1

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