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Top 100 DJs listed. Vicious and Peters aren't listed

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Originally posted by danwilson

Tell me another DJ, that can get 3000 people every week to show up, when he DJs.

I bet i could get 3000 people to show up every week just to watch me gouge out yer eyes and skull fuck you.

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Originally posted by dr0ne

and to hook on to your flamebait "why isnt JV and JP on the list" well i throw a new one back:

'cuz unless you're a guido from jersey, long island or staten island, you've NEVER heard of them :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

now thats some funny shit!!!:laugh: obviously danwilson knows nothing about music.....

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Originally posted by danwilson

xtcgspot. I understand these are international DJs. But you didn't answer my question. Why is Danny Tenaglia listed as the number 3 DJ? He's mainly a NY DJ. The biggest DJ in the U.S right now, hands down, is Jonathan Peters. 3000 people are there Saturday and on Friday, when he's not there, Sound Factory is dead. I would put Vicious number 2.

What fucking planet are you from?

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ok Dan, for you, the truly ignorant:

the skill of a dj is not measured by the crowd he can bring in on a given night. how about considering:

- what other dj's think of him

- cd sales

- producing skills

- mixing skills

- how widely spun his songs are by others

would you care to argue that a professional wrestler is a better and more highly skilled athelete than track stars are because wrestling sells out in this country and track draws about 2 people?

did you happen to notice that DT's event at WMC was packed to the gills for 16 hours and JP had basically no following down there (i'm sure you didn't cause you would never go to an event with international dj talent). JV - not even sure if he spun cause he probably couldn't book a decent spot for the week with all the other talent there.

Why don't you check out the attendence figures for DT on the road vs. JP or JV on the road before opening your pie hole. People go to SF partly for JP and partly for the vibe of a party that has been going on for a long time. no denying his popular here in NY but wake up and stop being such a shit bag.

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Originally posted by danwilson

xtcgspot. I understand these are international DJs. But you didn't answer my question. Why is Danny Tenaglia listed as the number 3 DJ? He's mainly a NY DJ. The biggest DJ in the U.S right now, hands down, is Jonathan Peters. 3000 people are there Saturday and on Friday, when he's not there, Sound Factory is dead. I would put Vicious number 2.


ok, MORON, yes, tenaglia is from NY, his residency is in NY, but every yr he goes to ibiza, he throws a huge party at WMC, etc. he is INTL!!!! JP never leaves NY. ok, he goes up to boston once in a while and he goes upsate. big deal. he's not really known outside of ny/nj. same goes for Vicious. they stay around here almost all the time. both of them are great dj's but thats just the way it is

Tell me a bigger DJ then Jonathan Peters in the U.S. Tell me another DJ, that can get 3000 people every week to show up, when he DJs.

another quality comment.:rolleyes:idiot. i dont even know how to reply to this. ugh

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Bwahahahhaa Barvybe said "Piehole" :laugh:

Well Jules, that comment kinda doesn't count, because barvybe listed multiple qualifications, including what other DJ's think about him, QUALITY of DJing and QUALITY of production, all of which put DeVito somewhere in the lump of shit my dog just took in the neighbor's driveway.

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Originally posted by quoth

I bet i could get 3000 people to show up every week just to watch me gouge out yer eyes and skull fuck you.

You should get in touch with Moby, maybe he'll be interested in adding your act to his Area 3 tour next year!

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Well spoken. Plus, it is easy to list some U.S. djs that are better...Deep Dish, Chris Fortier, George Acosta, Hex Hector...

Originally posted by barvybe

ok Dan, for you, the truly ignorant:

the skill of a dj is not measured by the crowd he can bring in on a given night. how about considering:

- what other dj's think of him

- cd sales

- producing skills

- mixing skills

- how widely spun his songs are by others

would you care to argue that a professional wrestler is a better and more highly skilled athelete than track stars are because wrestling sells out in this country and track draws about 2 people?

did you happen to notice that DT's event at WMC was packed to the gills for 16 hours and JP had basically no following down there (i'm sure you didn't cause you would never go to an event with international dj talent). JV - not even sure if he spun cause he probably couldn't book a decent spot for the week with all the other talent there.

Why don't you check out the attendence figures for DT on the road vs. JP or JV on the road before opening your pie hole. People go to SF partly for JP and partly for the vibe of a party that has been going on for a long time. no denying his popular here in NY but wake up and stop being such a shit bag.

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

the list has nothing to do with talent, its just a bullshit popularity contest

I don't know if I'd go that far. It is difficult to argue with the top 10 on that list. They may be the most popular but that is because they are the most talented. Even djs like Sander and Ferry are much better than JP at the JerseyFactory. The one and only time I stepped foot into that place was for the master, PvD.

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Originally posted by danwilson

Tell me a bigger DJ then Jonathan Peters in the U.S. Tell me another DJ, that can get 3000 people every week to show up, when he DJs.

ok, let's see you stupid fuck. We have Christopher Lawrence, Kimball Collins, Diesolboy, Bad Boy Bill, Scott Henry, Junior Vasquez to name a couple which all blow away JP and JV.

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Originally posted by westsidenyc

I don't know if I'd go that far. It is difficult to argue with the top 10 on that list. They may be the most popular but that is because they are the most talented. Even djs like Sander and Ferry are much better than JP at the JerseyFactory. The one and only time I stepped foot into that place was for the master, PvD.

for the most part that list is popularity contest perfect ex. is tiesto i heard him at limelight,world and exit. every time he does nothing but spin one track to the next (mostly the same set in a different rotation too) and wave his hands goin nuts to the crowd, that is hardly any talent. some others on the list have plenty of talent. im no JP fan anymore but no dj i have ever heard (ive heard almost every top dj atleast once) can work a track like him, whether using loops ,samples ,accas or efxs. he might not be the same anymore but thats a fact. do i think hes top 100 no cause for one his style doesnt work in many places and like everyone else said hes only known in the NYC area aside from goin to cancun, vegas and sobe a few times a yr, hes also been to japan a few yrs back.

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ok, i almost resorted to cursewords and shit :)

for the record, i've been going to SF since before it moved to the "new" location at least 6 times a year and sometimes almost every weekend. i happen to have a great time whenever i go and agree that jp can do sick stuff to some tracks and there are few people who can spin for 16 hours. the 25 minute mix of sweet dreams and doom's night last year was a classic and blew my mind.

having said that, i wouldn't ever pay 30 - 40 bucks to see him anywhere other than at SF. i didn't bother going to roxy for JV for FREE all last fall cause i can hear what he spins on KTU whenever i want. I used to really like him from the old Tunnel days and stuff, but he's catering to a crowd i don't like right now.

i would pay that much for many of the DJ's on that list. i agree that tiesto doesn't have the pure mixing skills live as some of the others, but good trance dj's like him, pvd, sasha, etc. create a mood and an atmosphere when they spin. i don't go to hear them to admire their needle skills. for that, i'll check out breaks dj's and kids like kid koala and stuff.

being a great dj is a combination of stuff. a large part of that is taking the crowd and feeding it and feeding off it. some of my best sets / experiences ever (last year plus only for the youngsters) are:

howells labor day weekend last year

pvd at space WMC

hawtin and hawtin / vath at baktun

spacegirl at Amazura

mistress barbara at baktun

roger sanchez at skol beats rave sao paulo, brazil and rio brazil

hawtin @ guernica free show just after 9/11 with firemen chillin

timo maas @ centro first time he was there last summer

all of these events just had sick crowds where people were into the music (read not into chasing skirts and getting unruly drunk)

some of these guys got mad skills, some of them just hit a grove and a crowd on an awesome night.

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I was just at Roxy last week to hear JV spin and I had a sick time. That guy can fucking work it in a place like that for the crowd that Roxy brings in. The same can be said for JP @Sound Factory. You can't deny that these guys own their respective venues on the nights that they're there, but ripping shit down at Roxy on a Friday night is not the same as most of the guys on that list doing what they do all over the world. Club culture here in the states can't even come close to being copmpared to it overseas. I mean, go to England, Spain, etc...spend some time in the clubs over there and you'll see what I mean. so, for what they do here in NYC and in the states you got to give them the respect that they deserve...but comparing them to some if the Internationals on that list is kind of crazy.

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Originally posted by westsidenyc

I don't know if I'd go that far. It is difficult to argue with the top 10 on that list. They may be the most popular but that is because they are the most talented. Even djs like Sander and Ferry are much better than JP at the JerseyFactory. The one and only time I stepped foot into that place was for the master, PvD.

the only ones who deserve to be on that top 10 are digweed, tenaglia, and carl cox, that's it.....it's not a top 10 ever, just for 2001. that year those 3 are the only ones who deserve to be on there.

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