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Are you a violent person or do you walk away from...

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conflict? People have been pissing me off all day, for odd reasons. I am not a violent person, but I really feel ready to beat the shit out of several people today. Is it wrong to act on impulse and give someone what they deserve or do you just walk away and hope karma kicks them in the ass?


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If someone gives you a present and you don't accept it, then they are left with it right?

Same thing goes for insults, negativity and all the other BS people like to shovel.

Don't accept and leave them with it so they can carry it around. Let it blow by you like a breeze behind your back.

You won't waste your time, your energy or your mind. Life is more how you take it than what you make it. It's all in the mind.


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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

99% of the time I walk away from it cause I know its not worth it but there are times when someone just pushes you over the edge and you have to do something......:mad:

same... im the bestfriend you could ever have but then rub me the wrong way (takes a lot) you got your worst enemy... from one extreme to another...

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I'm by natured very hot headed and 99% of the time I will not back down. It usually dosn't get as far as fighting (usually because my friends all know how I am and break it up before it gets that far lol)

It does prove to be a problem when I'm working in clubs with managers/door people who think they are god gift. Perfect example- I'm pulling up to a nameless club in a 'suburb' north of NYC recently. There is a parking spot about halfway down the street from the place at a meter, i pull over and put my directional which i was waiting for the old bag to pull out of the spot. So while i'm waiting one of the door people comes over and went something like this:

'bro you cant park there'

Me:'and why not'

'the promoter wants to park his car close to the club'

ME: 'thats nice, so do I, and since I got here first you can tell the promoter to go and find a spot around the block and he can walk'

'i hope you dont think your getting in tonight'

ME:'its funny you say that, because actually I will be there tonight, and not only that, but after I take his parking spot your boss will be PAYING me to be here, so watch who you fuck with.

He just walked away very disgruntled lol. Thats the kinds shit I deal with all the time, most people wont fight back and will just shrug it off, fuck that not me- always up for conflict :) So needless to say my co-workers just love me, because its always an adventure working with me lol- and I can say things and get away with it that they never could because my boss is worse then I am!


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Im the same way....i have the worst temper. Amazingly i do not fight alot, but i do get in some crazy conflict situations. And dont even think about cutting me off or messing with me while im driving. Meanwhile...i am seriously one of the nicest, most polite persons you will ever meet.

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Originally posted by clubbhoppintg

Im the same way....i have the worst temper. Amazingly i do not fight alot, but i do get in some crazy conflict situations. And dont even think about cutting me off or messing with me while im driving. Meanwhile...i am seriously one of the nicest, most polite persons you will ever meet.

im with you clubbhoppintg :)

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75% of times I am peaceful and walk away from confrontation, but sometimes you just cant help it. I have been in many fights in my life and I can clearly say that non of them couldve been avoided. Sometimes the falure to communicate is stronger than the desire to preserve peace

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I actually don't get into many conflicts with people and when I do it never escalates into anything violent. It must be that whole "I'm out to have a good time so forget everything else" attitude...never let anyone ruin your night with their negative bs.

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I don't initiate shit......If I'm outta line, I admit it and if someone else is outta line, I tell them. Bring it to me though and its not like I'm gonna be a pussy.

I used to go off a lot more then I do now, now it takes me a lot to get heated but on the other side of the coin if someone fucks with one of my boys or females.......its almost instantaneous, someone's face is gettin broke. I get a lot more pissed too if its someone bigger tryin to pick on a smaller friend of mine or something......like they are too much of a pussy to bring it to someone their own size.

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i have THE worst temper in the world, and there are plenty of times that ive wanted to knock someone the hell out, and theyre plenty of ppl now that i really want to beat the shit out of, but i know its not the right thing to do. i need to keep my cool. its better to walk away from it. ull feel better in the end knowing u didnt do something stupid

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kinda like djjon - almost never get upset enough at something that gets done to me to get into a fight. however, mess with my friends or gf's and not only do i have their back, but i'd take steps if needed.

most of the time, shit just ain't worth getting into a fight about.

on the other hand, sometimes you need to get angry and let shit out cause its not healthy keeping everything bottled up in side. i'm kinda the bottled up kind which is dangerous cause when i do wig out it gets UGLY

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Originally posted by barvybe

kinda like djjon - almost never get upset enough at something that gets done to me to get into a fight. however, mess with my friends or gf's and not only do i have their back, but i'd take steps if needed.

most of the time, shit just ain't worth getting into a fight about.

on the other hand, sometimes you need to get angry and let shit out cause its not healthy keeping everything bottled up in side. i'm kinda the bottled up kind which is dangerous cause when i do wig out it gets UGLY

I have seen proof of UGLY barvybe. It is damn ugly, but i'm pretty sure i can be uglier.

Like Jon and Barvybe said NO ONE fucks with the people i care about.


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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I don't initiate shit......If I'm outta line, I admit it and if someone else is outta line, I tell them. Bring it to me though and its not like I'm gonna be a pussy.

I used to go off a lot more then I do now, now it takes me a lot to get heated but on the other side of the coin if someone fucks with one of my boys or females.......its almost instantaneous, someone's face is gettin broke. I get a lot more pissed too if its someone bigger tryin to pick on a smaller friend of mine or something......like they are too much of a pussy to bring it to someone their own size.

gotta agree with what john says. i used to get into ALOT of fights, but not anymore. i used to fight just because people looked at me funny or said something. i have an insane temper when i get mad, but i dont get mad anymore...not really anyways. but its a whooole different story if i see someone being picked on. i usually step in even if the bully is bigger than me. most people dont really know how to fight, they just think they do, or they think because they act hard or "thugged" they can fight. i always used to beat up "wiggers", you know those whitekids that walk around with backwards hat saying "yo nigga" to other fake ass white kids. that was always the best, they think they are the shit till someone kicks the shit out of them. for the most part ne beef i had was because some white kid tried to act hard around me. when i hear white people call each other nigga or act like theyre from the hood i just wanna smack them, but i dont anymore. theres nothing i enjoy more than kicking someones ass,except for maybe xtc, but i havent done either of those in aloooong time. i seriously think pot mellowed my temper (not to mention my reflexes)

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people piss me off all the time, but 99% of the time, its a battle of wits. b/c for me...i would rather be beaten up physically, than be beaten verbally.

but if u fuck w/me or someone i love, u better watch out! "i dont know karate, but i sure know kaaaa-razy!" :D

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i would never get physical with someone unless they started with me 1st... never been in a fight like that before and im kinda hopin i never have to... but people have hurt me and ive been tempted to just go nuts on them... but.... id never hit someone.. its just not my nature... but come at me 1st, and ur fuckin in for it :tongue::punch:

and im usually good at controlling my temper... ive had many opportunities where ive had to defend myself and let someone know they were wrong... but i usually keep my cool and do it maturely.

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