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missing: blueangel (Remember-2001 re-post thread)


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missing: blueangel

[Administrator's Note: Casey is missing following the WTC attack. Her family and friends are still hoping for news. Please be aware of all the personal feelings involved and read Brandie's post.]

our casey died in the world trade center collapse.

excuse me if someone's already done a thread paying tribute to her, but i had to put one up on my own; i hadn't seen one and i had to speak about how much she meant to me, though i only met her twice.

casey is the reason why i know my clubplanet friends. she organized dinner and drink meetups that got people together who'd never met. she helped me get out of my "always going out alone" rut and helped me break into new territory. if it hadn't been for her, i never would've met some of my very closest friends ever - not just my closest CLUBPLANET friends. seventy strangers would come together one night and leave as members of a family. after that meetup i ran into people i had met that night for months, and by the time of the next one in april, it was like a grand reunion. it takes a very special woman to bring people together like that.

i can't think of what else to say. at this point all i can see is her, laughing that first night i met her, as everyone who knew her rejoiced in seeing her again - and i will always remember her that way.

i hope that she can hear me thanking her now for everything she did for me; she couldn't've had any idea of what an impact she had on my life. thanks, blueangel, and rest in peace.

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i was about to post a "one year later" memorial post, but you beat me to it :) . what i want to say about casey was said above, still holds true, and always will :heart: .

i was in my pm screen recently and hit a button by mistake that took me to a menu i never knew about. it listed the only message that was never picked up: one to blueangel called "are you ok?". she last logged in at 8:11 a.m. on 9/11, less than half an hour before the attacks. i like to think that we were all in her heart and mind at the time, and that she may have been laughing at something really silly that was on the board :D .

my very best to you, casey, always :) .

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Originally posted by weyes

i was about to post a "one year later" memorial post, but you beat me to it :) . what i want to say about casey was said above, still holds true, and always will :heart: .

i was in my pm screen recently and hit a button by mistake that took me to a menu i never knew about. it listed the only message that was never picked up: one to blueangel called "are you ok?". she last logged in at 8:11 a.m. on 9/11, less than half an hour before the attacks. i like to think that we were all in her heart and mind at the time, and that she may have been laughing at something really silly that was on the board :D .

my very best to you, casey, always :) .

wow... that juss gave me chills

RIP :(

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I met Casey a few months before September 11th. She is the reason that I am here on Clubplanet as well. I met her because she had organized a Clubplanet trip to Ibiza and a spot had opened up, and I had decided to take it. It just seems so ironic that I was actually on a plane at the exact time that the first plane hit the building, on my way to JFK airport to meet everyone, and head to Ibiza. That day Casey was at work because she had started a new job at Marsh, and couldn't go to Ibiza.

I had the chance to talk with Casey quite a few times on the phone in the months that I met her and had a chance to meet her when I went to the ICE Bar meet-up that she had organized. She was a very nice girl, she had this easy way about her. Very beautiful girl, that helped to bring people together.

Today is a very sad day, for some reason I have been crying all morning, sometime not even knowing what exactly I am crying about. I think I can put my finger on one thing though, it is the fact that so many innocent people died that day and for what? I feel very powerless, like I wish that I could more. Or that my life isn't really that important anymore. I don't know, just a very immotional day today all around.

Remember everyone who died that day, god bless...

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i have had a knot in my stomach all week adn have been getting shivers. It took me so long to get ready for work today.. bc the tears kept streaming down my face when i was putting on my make up ~~ for the childhood friend that i lost on flright 175 and for all the lives that were lost that day , and of course for all of their families.

I never met Casey but i rmemeber reading her posts. and from reading all the threads on here and on vip, just brings even more tears

my heart and prayers and thoughts go out to everyone today

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Originally posted by nycchic24

i have had a knot in my stomach all week adn have been getting shivers. It took me so long to get ready for work today.. bc the tears kept streaming down my face when i was putting on my make up ~~ for the childhood friend that i lost on flright 175 and for all the lives that were lost that day , and of course for all of their families.

I never met Casey but i rmemeber reading her posts. and from reading all the threads on here and on vip, just brings even more tears

my heart and prayers and thoughts go out to everyone today

It's so weird because I have been getting shills every time I think about it too, it's very weird...

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Casey, I know you're out there smiling down upon us, watching over us as you did before. Thank you for everything. Our paths crossed for a reason. Much love to Mitch and the Cho's.

Miss ya Casey...


p.s. - Though it might not be at lunchtime, I'll have a shot of Petrone with ya. ;)

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Rest in peace, Casey. Unfortunately I never got to know you well, but I'll always remember that smile that simply exuded positive energy. The world needs more people like you, not one less. You'll always be in the thoughts of many of us down here, your spirit lives on forever.

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