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omg this is a fucking nightmare

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I really don't know what to do right now.

sorry if this is gonna turn out to be kinda long but i don't know what to do right now.

Well I found out yesterday that my boyfriend of 3 years has been cheating on me for 2 months with a girl.

The thing is that for the past 3 months he has been changing for the better too. And ive even noticed it.

I thought our relationship was getting stronger and he'd say it too, and that he was coming here to be near me and we'd move in togehter and all that.

Then the other day i answered his phone and it was a girl, and she said who's this and i said his gf.

and she said thats weird cause so am i.

so thats how it all started. i actually talked to the girl last night for like 3 ours. they had sex and did everything.

and he'd say the same sweet things that he'd say to me.

it was all like a big lie.

he even admits that he was problems and that he lies alot and he doenst know what to do.

this has happened in the past and ive told him to go get help but he never has.

and on top of all this, i was addicted to painkillers for a few months, and he told me to stop, so i have and im going thru really bad withdrawals rite now, and coulnd't even sleep last nite, i havnet eaten anythign since yesterday afternoon. and if i try i feel like puking.

i feel so empty.

i have no one to talk to cause he was my only friend, actually my best friend,. and just the other day he said i was his other half.

last nite laying in bed i wished that i'd go to sleep and never wake up.

and i have no job and my parenst are away and im supposed to have gotten a job this week. and i have no urgel to do anything.

i cry and cry.

sorry for blabbing but i dont know what to do.

i care about him so much and dont want this to end this way.

its like all he ever said to me, he'd go back and say the same to her. it was all lies.

im traumatized, and im never gonna trust anyone ever again.

i have nothing to look forward to now.

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Originally posted by romy20

and just the other day he said i was his other half.

Well, I guess it looks like you're only his other 1/3. Get over it, kick him to the curb and find someone else, who won't cheat on you and lie about it. :aright:

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A. It's not right that he cheated on you behind your back

B. It's not right that he lies

C. HE obviously has some problems, and isn't capable of keeping a trustful relationship.

Just try and realize the truth about this all. No matter what, you guys did have somehting special. It wan't your fault, and remember that!

If i were you, i would seriously cut him off of all types of conversation for a week or 2. Let him feel some pain.

I hope you feel better :isok:

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Oh my GOD! I am so sorry. Please don't feel so sad.. I knwo so much of how you feel. I know u may not realize it now but things will get better. you will feel pain for awhile.. I don't suggest drinking or drugs of any kind.. they will imapir your feelings and face it you will have to comne down eventually.

No guy, no person is worth your life.

Your too good for soem guy that cheats on you and lies. There are so many guys out there. Good ones.. That are looking for a good woman.

I wish i could call you and make you feel better.

Listen we here are all your friends remeber that. and we all care about you. Plus a lot of us have been through all types of experciances.

hunny if people are making it after 9/11 you can make it through this.

and you will feel better.. you were you before him and you will live after him.

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That's terrible. I know someone who went through something very similar. It's a horrible feeling now, but just remember that it's not your fault. You're going to tend to put the blame on yourself somehow by thinking you weren't good enough, or if only I did this. It's important to try and eliminate this guy from your life. People like this don't change and they have problems that will linger on for years. Don't waste your time and energy on this one person. There are many people you can talk to (friends and family) and other things you can try to focus on. Stay away from the painkillers and drink a lot of herbal tea instead.

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Originally posted by irenegade7

Never answer a mans phone never go through his shit if you do anything

you hear or find is on you....Those are the rules of the game. Bet you will never pick up another mans phone.

Consider it a lesson learned....

what a retarded response

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Guest gabo

I am so sorry to hear that romy. I have been in your shoes before and the best thing to do when he realizes that he fucked up and comes crawling back to you is to shut him out! he fucked up and you are better than that.

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I was with someone for 4 and 1/2 years... Although she did not cheat on me... ( Well at least not to my knowledge )

Today seems like the worst day you could ever experience... But with each day you realize more and more why the 2 of you were not meant to be and it gets that much easier... And in the end you realize there are more reasons why the 2 of you didn't belong together then reasons why you should be together and it becomes a huge load off your shoulders... At least that is what I felt after some time... But please about the pain killers thing... Hang in there... That is the worst route to go. I knew a few people who were addicted to different things and even though you don't know me I am pretty good with handling that type of situation from past experience... Drop me a line...

Cheer Up... :isok::kiss2:

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Originally posted by irenegade7

Never answer a mans phone never go through his shit if you do anything

you hear or find is on you....Those are the rules of the game. Bet you will never pick up another mans phone.

Consider it a lesson learned....

are you for real? i cant tell by the way you talk that you dont know a thing about the "game",if you did you wouldnt say shit that makes you look such an asshole. i think the real lesson learned is that guys like you will continue to think that messing with peoples feelings is a game. grow up kid.

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damn romy..just keep ya head up....he's a complete dickhead if he cheated on u after being involved in a relationship for so long..damn..

i might regret sayin this...but us dudes r some selfish fucks sometimes...and him sayin the same shit he said to u to her...what a asshole...

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Originally posted by irenegade7

Never answer a mans phone never go through his shit if you do anything

you hear or find is on you....Those are the rules of the game. Bet you will never pick up another mans phone.

Consider it a lesson learned....

I Pity your MENTALITY...

Romy...Time will heal your pain...

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I just finished reading thru all you guy's resposes.

I know its not me that messed up, it was him.

I did everything for him, i put in 110%, and at times I felt like the only one in the relationship, which is sad.

He's a fucking sweet talker, and he's a fake, and people can see right thru him.

My dad has even told me that tehre was something he didnt like about him, and many other people have told me also, that he looks sneaky, and he is.

When that girl asked if he had a gf, she's like "who's romina?

and he was like "romina who?


omg wtf that is beyond cheating.

I still haven't eaten since wed afternoon, and the only reason i slept last nite was cause i took like 5 sleeeping pills and a xanax. and now i took a blood pressure pill so my anxiety is kinda going away.

thanks everyone for making me feel better and that im worth more than he will ever be.

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hey girl,

i read your post, and i have to say i really understand what you are going threw, ask bustaNut lol" few months back i was going threw hell, over something kinda similiar.... i thought i was gonna die, because this guy who was my life, ended up to be nothing more than a scumbag liar, who used me and never really ever cared for me.....

now i even feel like im in danger because he has been trying to come after me lately (Read my post in Dtourism,com)

and my life has been tured upside down twice.........

in the beging my world crumbled and i felt so alone, but in time hunny i realized that he was a fucking scumbag......and trust me hunny you will soon 2, once you realize that, it becomes alot easier to take his shit burn it up, move on out, and UP

and carry on your life, WITH OUT HIM

Time does really heal.....

please trust me, im still going threw it, but time is my best friend now.....and having to deal with myself, i have grown in so many ways... and i have learned from my mistakes....and you will 2.

stay away from the pain killers!

smoke tree's......and lots of tea!

Throw yourself into your old friends, or find some new ones on this board, i dont know you, but i will be here for you hunny!

all u gotta do is say ya need me.

go out, keep yourself busy! get that job!

and take one day at a time....

Halloween is coming and make that a focal point as something to look forward to....

pm me!




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Originally posted by romy20

He's a fucking sweet talker, and he's a fake, and people can see right thru him.

My dad has even told me that tehre was something he didnt like about him, and many other people have told me also, that he looks sneaky, and he is.

When that girl asked if he had a gf, she's like "who's romina?

and he was like "romina who?


Not to compare my situation with yours, but i knew a kid who was JUST LIKE how you described your b/f. He was a fake, shady, but i liked him cuz we went out to clubs and he liked to do stuff.

But one day, after not talking to him for a week, i IM'ed him, and he's like "George who?" as if i never existed.

I was so pissed i stopped talking to him. Then a month or 2 later, he starts trying to contact me as if nothing had happened. FORGET THAT! Im not going to buy into his lies anymore. He's a fake and a lier, and i don't need that kind of person as a friend. Nor do you need this kind of guy in your life.

When he DOES start calling you again, let him feel what he did. Let him feel hurt, and that you won't tolerate that type of behavior I still don't talk to my friend, and im doing better. So will you ;)

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