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Look what a top dj said about the nj scene..

Guest saleen351

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saleen351 I total agree!!!, even long island trashes jersey alot meanwhile they are a suburbs just like us. Once, I almost got into a fight at roxy fridays back in the day with some girl b/c she was from LI and I was from NJ and she asked why I was there, i said " honey, doesnt it take you about 45 min to get here" she said yes, I said " within 20 min I am in the city with no problem."

Almost all the Phat parties thrown at NYC clubs are NJ based promoters. I think the music is somewhat commerical and maybe directed a certain way but not all the time. NJ maybe mocked b/c were are right next to NYC and have something to live up to but why is it whenever we go to temps or especailly Surfclub - why is it fulled with NY people. If you hate it so much and mock it then why do they keep coming back. I feel the Hamptons CPI"S, Life and Neptunes and there music is good just as seaside, but you dont hear me bad mouthing it. We get the best music right when it leaks, all up to date before anyone else. Jersey takes alot of heat and I dont know why or where it started for, but I will always back Jersey up.;) ;)

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stiffler, how could you put joe giorgio in the same sentence as rydell and tsettos? what were you thinking? there are many dj's that can "do there thing", and giorgio is far from the third name i would post to defend my point. as far as macaluso goes, nice guy, good mixer, good producer (far from sick), but certainly not a good dj for nj. we do have a mixed crowd in jersey, its new york. your forgetting some things here. maybe the dj thats playing the so called cheese, like too. maybe that is his style. your comparing way too many factors in this post. ny offers clubs that close when jersey dj's wake up from dj'ing the night before. macaluso can only play to a drug crowd, and sorry, no places to drop in jersey, because they close too early! your posts are saying that dj's doing there own thing, want to play tech house. sorry, but this is untrue. not entirely though. a lot of house dj's like to play hard. if they do, go to the city....much easier said then done. here's a question for you mac people....if he's so good, what residency's does he hold?

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Originally posted by salgo

stiffler, how could you put joe giorgio in the same sentence as rydell and tsettos? what were you thinking? there are many dj's that can "do there thing", and giorgio is far from the third name i would post to defend my point. as far as macaluso goes, nice guy, good mixer, good producer (far from sick), but certainly not a good dj for nj. we do have a mixed crowd in jersey, its new york. your forgetting some things here. maybe the dj thats playing the so called cheese, like too. maybe that is his style. your comparing way too many factors in this post. ny offers clubs that close when jersey dj's wake up from dj'ing the night before. macaluso can only play to a drug crowd, and sorry, no places to drop in jersey, because they close too early! your posts are saying that dj's doing there own thing, want to play tech house. sorry, but this is untrue. not entirely though. a lot of house dj's like to play hard. if they do, go to the city....much easier said then done. here's a question for you mac people....if he's so good, what residency's does he hold?

i can name a bunch of djs who are great and dont hold residencies anywhere in the tri state area, as i can name a bunch in just nj alone who blow who have no business having residencies. alot politics in the business not just about talent and what u can do anymore.

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good for mike and that comment that he made. at least he is speaking his mind and how he feels. personaly i agree with his comments 1000000000000000%. he is a sick dj's who's sets just have unbelievable energy at all times. not one second to catch your breath. anyone who knocks him doesn't have a clue. you guys act like he was hiding what he was saying or something. MIKE MAC FOR PREZ!!!

p.s. not to mention he is a class act.

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1. I think NJ and its crowd are more commercial than say, VINYL or SF.

2. Why does NJ have to be NY? I mean NY is not the UK!And the UK is not IBIZA!

Go where ya want, love who your with! I love everyone everywhere as long as we are jumpin' around like idiots.

Teneglia at Abyss was less than impressive as far as numbers go!

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and as far as djs being"sick" and not having residencies and those having them and not deserving them its all a matter of opinion, but most of those who have them started somewhere small, In my opinion there are too many guys mastering their skills in their basement or bedroom waiting for the "big room" residency they feel they deserve based on their skills without paying their dues opening up or doing a small room. Just my opinion.

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Mac doesnt have a residency cause he has been working really hard on starting his own record label.. He is one of the nicest DJ's i have met in the industry and i wish him the best of luck.. people still know of him cause of the final chapter.. thats what made him.. but he is nothing like that anymore.. if u mention that track to him he will probably get pissed off.. lol.. his label just put its first release out.. which is Lights Down.. great production and the remix by his partner Peter Bailey.. watch out for Mac in the future.. he is definitely no joke

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

I think all of the DJs in NJ cater to the crowd.

To a degree I also agree. I have seen some NJ residents rip shit up in other staes, things they wouldn't pull in NJ, but that doesn't make them a bad DJ. They know what the crowd wants, and they give it to them so they come back for more.....

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Originally posted by gregwhite007

To Say that about Jerseys Clubs really doesnt make whoever said it look very smart...for a very long time Jersey has been on the map as far as club reputation and DJ quality...for a long time MANY internationals who knew the industry and were visiting NYC would flock to Newark just to hit the Zanz and hear Tony play, it hasnt been that long since he was ranked no 1 in the world among club djs..but lets put this even into a better light - Clubs, both Large and small; for example: The Loop, Hardcore, Docs, City Gardens allways were centers of diversity and non-commerciality both in reference to live and recorded music

Greg alot of what you said went over peoples heads because they are uneducated in the underground dance scene and to its evolution.

Zanz will always be know all over the world and to the true heads of the scene.


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tribecca of all nj clubs, is expected to be commercial.. but they let me play whatever i want and i must say within the last 3 weeks nj has reponded is amazing they actually love the underground, u jus have to paly it right n keep the momentum goin

its not about what u play its about how n when u u play it

a nero

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I think Macaluso is right on with his statement. He is btw a very talented producer who has transcended the NJ scene and now sees clubbing on a global level not just state to state. Honestly I think the more I learn about the dance scene in places like the UK and Portugal and Spain etc... the more dissapointed I am with the local scene in Jersey. To think that NY and NJ are literally 5 minutes apart from each other and yet the scenes are so very different. There is something immature about the NJ scene. Something just hasn't clicked yet.

I think part of the problem is that most of the club owners are in it for the money. I know that probably sounds obvious but there was a time when club owners truly loved the music and how the music affected his patrons. Now it's all about the money and how much you can pull in at the door and the bar etc...

It's going to take very stubborn DJ's that love the underground and that are in it for the right reasons to get things going properly. Guys like Richie Rydell, Nero and all of the new and old DJ's who have NEVER gone commercial just to play at a big NJ club and who eventually will get the respect that they deserve for helping to build a proper scene here. Guys that love the underground and know that given some time they can take what is mostly a musically uneducated NJ scene and turn them into true lovers and believers of the music.


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the best of both worlds is having a good ny dj in a jersey club..... the crowd sucks when the music is commercial... they are not there for the music it seems like they are only there to get ass... my take on it is its fun to go out look good and all that, but whatever happend to going there for the music.... I think the jersey crowd lacks that......nero played great music last sat (no cheese) and the crowd went NUTS... it made me feel there is still hope in this state... lol

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  • 1 year later...

i really didnt read all of the post in this thread but i really do not believe the statement about top nj djs being told what to play. i heard a few of NJs top djs play what they want to play and where they want to play it. richie, richie, denny and more play what they want where ever they are. thats just my two cents. maybe they are told to play a certain track selection but everytime i hear them, they play the same style and never let down and always play there style. if i was a dj and got booked at a club and was told to play a certain style then i wouldnt spin. i have two good friends that are djs. dj david quest and billy mantani. i tell them both to spin what they spin best and never take a booking if they are told to spin something differnt. these guys have talent and should be booked more. so should many djs around the area.


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Well since there are sooo many different arguments on this thread because of one argumnet, I thought i'd give some opinoin of my own based on his statement.

1. I would agree with him 1000% percent being i spin every friday in NJ, and i spin in NYC 3 times a month.. and there is no questionable doubt that NEW JERSEY simply doesn't appreciate good house music anymore. I mean how many radio stations do we have accessible to HIP HOP when we are traveling in our cars as oppose to House Music (XM Radio excluded)

2.Very Few & Far Places in NJ i have been too where i don't hear a DeeJay Caterign to a crowd by throwing a familiar accapella you would hear on ktu over some good beat or Classics just to get the crowd to stay moving or on the dance floor to that matter..! (Simply Pathetic Compared Top Back In The Day)

3. If I were playing in some spots where bailey and mac played i wouldn't want to play in NJ myself, because lets just face and i DO COMMUNICATE with all dj's and they tell me how much this scene has just gone in favor of HIP HOP and they have to play it as well just to keep money flowing in their pockets. What DJ trying to expose themselves for a specified type of music they can build a crowd too has to play Hip Hop also.. you will confusing a crowd if your not the (Sizzahandz or RIZ "ShowCasing DJ's")

This is just my opinion coming from what the scene was and is in todays times.


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IMO a friend of mine was right when in conversation i said something about "the jersey club scene" and she said " since when did Jersey actually have a scene".

I think the difference between NY and NJ is that in Jersey a lot of people who go out aren't "clubbers" they are just people looking to have fun. So if you are playing hard underground house they aren't going to have as much fun as the avid clubber. Jersey was always a lot of commercial house, vocals, and anthems because people can get up and dance to it. Also relate to it. Since clubs are playing more underground stuff these people turn to hip hop more. If clubs in jersey were playing more mainstream commercial tracks that people wanted to jump up and dance to clubs would get more packed again.

NYC has so muhc diversity because of the amount of people in the area. you can find a place that plays the sole type of music you are looking for. So large rooms can handle all the deep hard house that they play. I just don't think hard tribal beats in jersey cater to everyone that would actually go. If club owners are in it for the money. Good for them. everyone might have fun going but to them it is a business not a charity.

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I believe that you have to do both at first. I like to start off the night playing music that I like...and that's house music..love it, can't get enough of it, but unfortunately alot of NJ lacks musical knowledge....I'm sure that I'm not the only DJ that gets this question during your house set..."when are you going to play hip hop?"....after restraining from choking that person, I continue to finish my set and than play a little for the crowd. It gets them going and drinking, and once you accomplish that, you can return to playing the music that you like.

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People know what clubs play what music and what scene is where so people go where they want to go.

I think people analyze all this stuff wayyyyyyyy too much, like who knows what about music and "underground" and all that. I think it's a choice the customer makes and if they want to hear a certain kind of music they know where to go. Some people are all about the music others couldn't care less and just like to get out with their friends and have a good time. Different strokes for different folks. I don't think people should be criticized for what they like to hear.

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i dont think NJ tries to be NY in anyway....just because a NJ club might have a ny dj doesnt mean a thing.....in fact the NJ clubscene is what it is and the NY scene is what it is.....so i dont think a comparison should even be brought up.....how can u compare the two...mmmm u really cant....when talkking about capacity no nj club compares to nyc.....yes nj might be to commercial but u know what that is what NJ wants so people go to their favorite venues that they enjoy....if not people have their choice to go to NYC....yes Maculuso has talent and if he really thinks NJ is trying to be like NYC THEN DONT SPINNNN IN NJJJJJ>..................

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irght dudes…. please…..

this thread is pathetic makes me want to vomit for real..

I never seen such a bunch of DJ obsessed closet fags in my life…

you actually think that pussy cares about this topic...... NJ nightlife blows….ok then ……what club in the city lasts more than 3 week these day if that….

the only people who care about this discussion are DJ’s that are Obsessed with other DJ’s………………. and DJ’s that really think they matter or make a difference. the deception of this thread dude’s is that there are no more all night drug seens where the whole room is trippin and in turn thinks that the DJ is a God get over it and stop sucking cock or please just come out of the closet already………my 2 cents dudes :vomit2:

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