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we will all die soon

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Chicken Little once ran around saying 'the sky is falling'

Men who laughed at Columbus told him the world was flat.

And now this.

"says Dr. Van der Meer, leader of a team of Amsterdam-based space scientists[/quote}

Did they come to this conclusion after an all night rave, or while haveing the munchies at KFC?

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. . . I don't remember anyone ever considering the Weekly World News at the forefront of informed factual reporting . . . The thing that scares me, and I hope I'm not alone, is how 'official' that story looks . . Yeah, its under the rumors section, but that fact isn't advertised . . . Now, if we take the average schmuck human being at the controls of their computer, the potential for shit like this to get out of hand becomes scary . . . ESPECIALLY when you have an organization like Yahoo seeminly signing off on it . . .

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^^It's not dying for say, but actually getting stronger and more

powerful...Consider it to be the juicehead of the galaxy...It keeps

stockin up on droids and getting bigger and bigger, and then one

day boom, heart attack...

"The Dutch scientists calculate that if temperatures keep climbing at the current rate the Sun will be unable to sustain itself."

I hope it's bullshit, but if it's not I am having more unprotected

sex then a Korean hooker...

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Weekly World News?


These are the National Inquirer clones that's overfed on Christian apocalypse theories. Every week these morons introduce another way the world's going to end in five weeks on my local supermarket magazine shelf.

According to these losers, the world should've been annihilated by a giant asteroid piloted by Jesus and the abominable Snowman back in 1984.

Stupid worthless shit.

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there's a ball of fire 1,200 miles in diameter heading straight for the earth. and we have no idea how to stop it! ...that's the problem.

how much time before the collision?

if its speed remains constant... in an hour and 57 minutes.

i'll call you back in two hours.

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